Earth calendar year 15545.

Using a closed microcosm as the shell of a tachyon computer, this imaginative solution solved the biggest obstacle in the development of tachyon computers.

As the highest priority task of the Human Union Academy of Sciences, the development of the tachyon computer project is progressing very quickly - this is certainly due to the strong promotion of Lv Yongchang, the human plug-in, but it is also absolutely indispensable for the hard work of a large number of academicians working overtime.

[Fuxi], this is the name proposed by Lv Yongchang.

There is no doubt that it was adopted.

Unlike conventional computers, the manufacturing process of the [Fuxi] tachyon computer is subversive.

The entire manufacturing process is not complicated, and it is even somewhat simple.

The first step is to cut the microcosm.

The second step is to completely empty the inside of the microcosm.

The third step is to put various tachyon computer components in it.

Unlike conventional computers, the components of tachyon computers almost do not need to consider the assembly order and wiring issues.

During the production process, each component will have its own zero-point furnace and self-maintenance system.

Like galaxies in the universe, these computer components are regularly placed in a small universe with a diameter of one light year.

There is no data transmission line between components - current human civilization cannot confine tachyons in data transmission lines.

In a sense, it is like a computer with all wires and data cables removed, and then the various parts are scattered in the vast universe.

The scale of the small universe is small, but it is large enough for a computer - how can the scale of a computer be calculated in light years?

In order to prevent the displacement and collision between components due to gravity and other unexpected factors, all parts are fixed with space anchor technology.

Space anchor technology, as the name suggests, is like the anchor used on ships.

However, space anchors are used in the ocean of time and space.

From planetary fortresses to micro-probes, they can be firmly "fixed" in the universe through this technology.

The installation of parts inside the small universe did not take much time.

Even if the preparatory work such as cutting the small universe is included, the entire manufacturing process took less than a year.

The real difficulty is not in the small universe.

At the port of the microcosm and the macrocosm.

In order to realize the input and output of information, human civilization cannot build a completely closed microcosm. Once the port appears in the microcosm, the tachyon signal will be uncontrollably dissipated into the macrocosm.

In order to solve this problem, the relevant researchers of the Human Union Academy of Sciences and the Imperial Academy of Sciences have been arguing for an unknown amount of time.

Even Lv Yongchang has been troubled by this problem for an unknown amount of time.

Until the end, the Imperial Academy of Sciences pioneered the cosmic membrane shape control technology when studying the four-dimensional cavitation research data, and this problem was solved.

The cosmic membrane can be deformed.

The cosmic membrane of the four-dimensional cavitation will have irregular deformations under the influence of various factors.

This feature can be used in tachyon computers!

As long as the shape of the port is slightly changed to make it fit the signal output cable completely, the tachyon signal dissipation problem during the signal input and output process can be easily solved-of course, the signal input and output still use the previous photon signal.

The next year, the Earth calendar year 15546.

[Fuxi] Tachyon Computer was officially completed.

During this period, according to the data sent back from the split detector, several pastoral dimensional creatures have arrived near the Boötes Void.

But they did not enter the Boötes Void, nor did they even approach the edge of the Boötes Void.


The previous "glorious record" of human civilization has brought considerable deterrence to these dimensional creatures.

Lv Yongchang is also happy about this.

Every minute that the pastoral army gathers, human civilization will have more than one chance of winning!


[Earth] Command Center.

Lv Yongchang and every academician silently watched the giant structure that condensed the efforts of two eighth-level civilizations.

Observed with the naked eye, [Fuxi] is like a semi-open platform.

The platform at the bottom mainly plays the role of signal transmission and traction of the small universe.

Its real body is hidden in the small universe above the platform.

Between the two, there is a "fiber optic cable" with a diameter of one kilometer.

It is a real fiber optic cable composed of materialized light.

The optical cable flickered with a faint light, like a glowing tower of Babel, extending from the platform upwards, straight into the dim universe.

Its end seemed to be cut off in the middle, disappearing into the universe out of thin air - it passed through the port of the microcosm.

Due to the special shape of the cosmic membrane at the port, it did not have the abnormal space-time phenomenon of the conventional microcosm port.

Under the gaze of almost all researchers from the Human Union Academy of Sciences and the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Lv Yongchang issued a key order.

"Fuxi Tachyon Computer, officially started!"

As the voice fell, a large amount of light shot out from the platform below, flowing along the shining optical cable towards the microcosm above.

These photon signals will be converted into tachyon signals by special instruments inside the microcosm.

The entire microcosm is equivalent to a closed chassis!

When the tachyon signal began to diffuse in the microcosm, every component of [Fuxi] began to operate!

The zero-point furnace extracted vacuum zero-point energy to provide the necessary energy for the components.

[Fuxi self-checking...]

In the holographic projection, a line of white text lit up.

After a long wait, the text began to refresh rapidly.

[...System self-check completed, Fuxi is starting. ]

[System internal environment detection...]

[Internal environment transformation...]

For Zero, who is only half a step away from becoming a level III artificial intelligence, all this is as natural as breathing.

[Fuxi has been started and is testing computing power...]

Lv Yongchang subconsciously held his breath.

This is the most critical step and the most time-consuming step.

In the microcosm, every zero-point furnace has entered the full-power operation state.

Looking at the lines of data gradually appearing in the projection, Lv Yongchang's anxious eyes finally showed a touch of joy.

Although the test has not yet been completed, Lv Yongchang has roughly estimated the growth rate of computing power!

Huge growth!

Compared with the original four-dimensional optical computer of human civilization, the growth rate of the computing power of the tachyon computer is conservatively estimated to be more than a thousand times!

This is just a tachyon computer of one light year!

Unlike the four-dimensional optical computer, as long as the technology allows, the size of the tachyon computer can even be as large as the universe!

To ​​some extent, this will be the infinite computing power after infinite energy!

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