Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 967 The Sixth Supreme Conference of Neutralists

The Tenth Empire Fleet.

The Emperor of the Empire looked at the translated tachyon information with a solemn expression.

Unlike the other high-level officials of the Neutral Faction, at this moment, he already had the answer in his mind.

The Pastoral Faction really didn't talk nonsense this time.

The possibility that human civilization has level II or level III artificial intelligence is indeed very high!

Let alone the miraculous speed of civilization development, the terrifying industrial manufacturing capabilities demonstrated by human civilization some time ago alone are not something that a normal level eight civilization can do!

At the same time, this can also explain why human civilization, as a carbon-based civilization, can pass the first generation test of the Silicon-based Alliance!

"Your Majesty, what should we do?"

Electromagnetic waves echoed inside the Empire's flagship.

Every high-level official of the Empire cast his eyes on the Emperor.

"Human civilization..."

Countless thoughts flowed in the core of the Emperor's mind.

He hesitated for a long time, and slowly said in a firm tone:

"It is an ally of the Empire."

"This point will never waver!"

"Pass my order!"

"In the name of the Tenth Empire, apply to open the sixth Supreme Conference of the Neutral Faction!"


The sixth Supreme Conference of the Neutral Faction

[Tenth Empire, this is the third time your civilization has taken the initiative to open the Supreme Conference. ]

Looking at the images and texts slowly emerging in the mist in front of him, the emperor of the empire was silent for a moment.

As one of the neutral council civilizations, the Tenth Empire has the power to take the initiative to open the Supreme Conference three times in total.

Needless to say, after losing the power to take the initiative to open the Supreme Conference, the status of the Tenth Empire in the council civilization will also decline.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, no council civilization will use this power at will - this can be seen from the number of times the neutral Supreme Conference is held.

He swung the tentacles under him, allowing himself to float in the thick mist, and then responded calmly: [I know, but I have to do this. ]

After a short wait, a line of text appeared in the mist again: [This meeting is still for human civilization? ]

[Human civilization is a member of the Silicon Alliance. This matter... you really should express your attitude. ]

[Has the empire contacted human civilization? We believe that, if necessary, it is best to let human civilization come forward to prove its innocence, only in this way...]

The Emperor of the Empire directly interrupted the message sent by the neutral faction: [Is this important?]

The communication channel of the Supreme Conference fell into silence.

As the Emperor of the Empire said, it doesn't matter what human civilization says.

There is no doubt that the Pastoral Faction is determined to wipe out human civilization.

As for the Sweepers... they will never mind taking this opportunity to eliminate a potential enemy, let alone uprooting the neutral faction!

The Emperor of the Empire said again: [What's more, my purpose this time is not to refute human civilization.]

[Even in my opinion, the Pastoral Faction did not lie, and the possibility that human civilization has level II or level III artificial intelligence technology is indeed very high!]

A stone stirs up a thousand waves!

The message sent by the Tenth Empire immediately caused chaos in the Supreme Conference of the Neutral Faction!

[What...what? !]

[Damn it! Tenth Empire, you should know the dangers of advanced artificial intelligence! The Silicon Alliance made such a mistake and should pay the price for it! ]

[Draw a line! Draw a line with human civilization immediately! ]

[No, in the face of the war, the neutral faction must not do such a self-destructive behavior! ]

[Human civilization still has a dimensional reduction technology in its hands. Now it turns against us... What should we do with those technologies involving two-dimensional and one-dimensional? We don't have the ability to capture low-dimensional creatures for research! ]


Lines of information from other neutral faction director civilizations continuously emerged in the mist.

Obviously, the news of the Tenth Empire has brought them a great shock.

The emperor of the empire waited silently.

He continued to send messages until the frequency of the text in the mist projection began to decrease.

[Everyone, calm down. ]

[If we draw a line with human civilization now, perhaps the Sweepers and the Pastoral Faction will let the neutral faction go. ]

[But what next? ]

[I don't think the Sweepers or the Pastoral Faction are so kind. ]

[In terms of civilization strength and civilization potential, there is no doubt that the current human civilization is enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Sweepers. ]

[Therefore, my proposal is very simple. 】

【Preserve human civilization, even if it will lead to attacks from the Sweepers and the Pastoral Faction! 】

【Everyone present should know how terrifying the war potential of Level II or Level III artificial intelligence is. 】

【If human civilization really has this technology...】

【This may be the only hope for the neutral faction. 】

Boots Hollow.

Human fleet, flagship [Earth].

In the command center, blood-red warning messages of abnormal space-time fluctuations flashed.

Tachyon information from the Sweeper civilization and the Pastoral Faction civilization quietly appeared in front of everyone.

【Human civilization! 】

【We suspect that you have violated the artificial intelligence agreement of this universe. Please open the civilization central computer information port immediately! 】


【According to the agreement, we have the right to implement all necessary offensive measures against human civilization! 】

Lv Yongchang sighed softly and waved his hand to close the message.

Sure enough, humans can't always be lucky.

In the star map, the joint fleet composed of dimensional creatures and sweeper warships has arrived at the edge of the neutral faction's war zone.

For this provocative behavior, the neutral faction behind him did not respond.

It seems that they acquiesced to the behavior of the pastoral faction and the sweepers.

In this regard, Lu Yongchang was not very disappointed, and even felt a little relieved.

At least the neutral faction did not participate in the encirclement and suppression of human civilization.

This is enough.

"Fuck the sweepers and pastoral faction!"

Fang Xu's curse came from the side: "What is this? Open the civilization central computer port? It's amazing that they can say it!"

"Fight! Fight if you want to!" Academician Yevgeny, whose hair and beard were all white, flushed and punched the console in front of him, "Is human civilization scared?!"

"Professor..." Zhao Zijie's face was full of anger, and he cast an inquiring look at Lu Yongchang.

"Professor! Human civilization must not agree to such a request!"


In the command center, everyone turned their eyes to Lv Yongchang, who was still sitting in his seat and remained silent.

Under everyone's gaze, he stood up from his seat with a normal look and said in a calm tone: "Zero, turn on the ship-wide broadcast."

"I have something to say."

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