Earth calendar year 15803.

It has been 81 years since the Sweeper civilization activated the cosmic particle accelerator.


It has been 81 years since the combined fleet of humans and neutrals was attacked by [Membrane].

The sudden high-dimensional attack 81 years ago dealt a devastating blow to the combined fleet!

The size of the human fleet plummeted from one billion to one hundred million, a reduction of 90%.

Although the losses were basically conventional warships, human civilization still paid more than 3 billion human lives for this.

Compared with battleships, the lives of these 3 billion people are even more unacceptable.

As for the neutral civilization...

The high-dimensional attack 81 years ago completely defeated the neutral faction.

The total size of the neutral fleet was reduced by 95%, and countless weaker eighth-level civilizations perished in that attack.

The number of dead intelligent creatures has reached an extremely terrifying number.

Although the losses of high-level combat forces of neutral factions like the Tenth Empire were not that serious, without advanced artificial intelligence, they also lost their combat capabilities.

It is no exaggeration to say that after that high-dimensional attack, the neutral faction completely lost their qualifications to compete in the universe.

Although the senior leaders of the neutral faction were unwilling to do so, they quietly withdrew from the Shapley Super Galaxy Cluster at Lu Yongchang's suggestion and entered the Bootes void under the protection of the human fleet.

At this moment, human civilization, which has retained high-end battleships and fully automated factories to the greatest extent possible, has become the last straw that the neutrals can rely on.

The surviving neutral civilizations, under the instructions of the Supreme Council of Neutrality, are doing their best to collect resources for human civilization in the Great Bootes Nebula and the Great Shapley Nebula.

Yes, it is the Great Boötes Nebula and the Great Shapley Nebula!

It is not only the civilizations of all parties that are under attack from the five dimensions, but also a large number of stars and planets.

Under the shock wave of the five-dimensional space, countless stars turned into powder, and were dispersed throughout the interstellar space driven by energy comparable to supernova explosions.

The original Boötes void and the Shapley Supercluster also changed drastically.

The Boötes void is completely enveloped by a huge nebula.

The Shapley Supercluster has also lost 60% of its original structure. In a sense, the void area in Boötes has even expanded a lot.

The heavy losses suffered by the neutral and human combined fleets did not stop the war from spreading.

Instead, as time went on, the war began to intensify.

The flames of war continued to spread along the Great Interstellar Wall until it spread to the entire universe!

Whether it is a cosmic accelerator or a large-scale war covering the entire universe, there is no doubt that they are all real energy consumers!

The extraction of vacuum zero-point energy also reached an unprecedented scale at this moment!

Violent space-time fluctuations and explosive flames appear in the central black hole region of each galaxy, constantly turbulating this already fragile cosmic bubble.

[Earth] Command Center.

In the huge star map of the entire universe, dazzling red light shines everywhere.

"Currently, the sweepers have completely stabilized the front."

Fang Xu explained the current war situation to Lu Yongchang who had just walked out of the laboratory: "The war between the Sweepers and the Pastoralists is mainly concentrated in the Laniakea supercluster area."

"It should have something to do with the cosmic accelerator." Lu Yongchang looked at the star map of the universe in front of him and murmured thoughtfully, "Laniakea Super Galaxy Cluster..."

"I remember that the area where the Forsaken Giant Insect first discovered an abnormality in the acceleration node was over there, right?"

"Yes." Fang Xu responded concisely and clearly, "To be precise, it is the Centauri Super Galaxy Cluster."

"That makes sense."

There was a faint glint in Lu Yongchang's eyes: "If I guess correctly, that's probably the starting point and the end point of the ring-universe particle acceleration experiment."

"According to the Academy of Science's model deduction, the Sweeper's ring-cosmic particle acceleration experiment will take about 90-110 years."

"This is the 81st year."

"In other words..."

"I'm afraid the Sweepers will be able to complete this experiment soon!"

" mean, human civilization should also join the battlefield again?" Fang Xu asked hesitantly, "Help the Pastoral Faction destroy the sweeper civilization's accelerating experiment in the universe?"


Contrary to Fang Xu's expectations, Lu Yongchang rejected the proposal without hesitation: "Not only can we not destroy the Sweeper's ring-universe acceleration experiment, we will even dispatch a fleet to help the Sweeper through this period if necessary. Difficulties.”

Fang Xu looked at Lu Yongchang in front of him with horror: "Yongchang, you..."

"What?" Lu Yongchang chuckled, "Shouldn't we express our gratitude to the sweepers for their civilization?"

"Without the Sweeper civilization, we would probably have become part of the Great Boötes Nebula by now."

If the Sweeper civilization had not activated the cosmic accelerator and the [Membrane] had been forced to leave the Boötes void early, the fate of human civilization would have been similar to that of the scattered nebula material.

With the disguised help of the sweeper civilization, although human civilization has suffered heavy losses, the core strength of civilization has been properly preserved.

At the same time, the Sweepers also successfully attracted all the attention of the Pastoralists and bought precious time for human civilization.

81 years! This is a continuous explosion of troops for 81 years!

Without external interference, Zero can put all its computing power into production and manufacturing without reservation!

Today, the fleet size of human civilization even exceeds 30 billion!

Give them a few more years, and Zero can even expand the size of the human fleet to hundreds of billions!

What? There aren’t that many humans controlling battleships?

Although the neutral faction suffered heavy losses, with so many eighth-level civilizations, it is still very easy to gather thousands or trillions of intelligent creatures.

Therefore, in a sense, what Lu Yongchang said is indeed correct.

Having said that, Fang Xu's face still became weirder: "Yongchang, listen to it for yourself, is this what you said is human language?"

"..." Lu Yongchang looked at Fang Xu helplessly, "Okay, I'll confess."

"I gave [Nus] the invasion order."

"Invasion? Who is invading?" Fang Xu was confused. "Can those abandoned giant insects still do the work of invasion?"

"Of course it's the ring cosmic accelerator node that invades the Sweeper civilization."

Lu Yongchang raised the corners of his mouth slightly and turned to look at the holographic star map in front of him.

"Whether human civilization can become a level nine civilization may depend on the accelerated experiments of the sweeper civilization..."

ps: More updates! Keep asking for free gifts!

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