Laniakea supercluster, central magnet.

Solar system, Mars.

At this time, Mars is no longer the barren land it once was.

Pale green and teardrop-like dots of blue are spread evenly on Mars - thanks to the transformation of the People's Federation, it is now a serious and livable planet.

The University at the Center of the Universe is also built on it.

A small shuttle ship broke through the sky from the Earth not far away, drew a beautiful arc and then rushed into the atmosphere of Mars.

"Yongchang, you are finally here."

Cao Liangcai looked at Lu Yongchang who was slowly walking out of the shuttle ship and burst into laughter: "I was making a bet with the emperor just now."

"What bet?"

While Lu Yongchang asked Cao Liangcai, he nodded to the extremely tall emperor standing next to Cao Liangcai: "I would like to express my regards to the empire on behalf of the People's Union."

"Chief Lu, on behalf of all the members of the Tenth Empire, I would like to say hello to you."

The emperor waved his tentacles and greeted Lu Yongchang.

"I bet on when you will arrive today." Cao Liangcai said cheerfully.

Lu Yongchang's mouth twitched and he rolled his eyes angrily: "So, you should lose this time, right?"

"Hahaha!" Cao Liangcai waved his hand in embarrassment, "I lose, I lose. I have never won this bet since I met you."

"Speaking of which..."

Lu Yongchang looked at Cao Liangcai thoughtfully: "Do you still owe me something?"

Cao Liangcai was silent for a while and waved to Lu Yongchang and Su Yutong without changing his expression: "Hahaha, it's a coincidence. In fact, I came here with this purpose."

"Universe Center University has just been established. I heard that the chicken drumstick rice in the Carbon Base No. 1 cafeteria is delicious."

"Let's... go take a look together?"

Looking at Cao Liangcai's somewhat stiff expression, Lu Yongchang's eyes twitched again.

If he guessed correctly, if he hadn't taken the initiative to bring it up, this old boy would definitely still want to cheat.

"Chief Lu, I won't disturb you anymore." The emperor said to Lu Yongchang in his unique voice with some hollow resonance, "The ribbon-cutting ceremony will start in a few hours. I will go to the venue to wait."

After speaking, he gently swung his tentacles and soared into the sky with the assistance of his personal anti-gravity device.

It was like gliding through his home planet.

Three hours later.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony venue of Universe Center University.

"... Next, I would like to invite the chief scientist of the People's Federation, Mr. Lu Yongchang."

The moment the voice fell, a huge shadow flashed across the bright sky.

The huge figure of the Silicon Ray flashed over the venue, causing a burst of exclamations.

Lu Yongchang looked at the various races and civilizations in the venue and straightened his expression.

"...I announce that the University at the Center of the Universe will officially open today!"

"The admission of the first batch of students will be supervised by Zero personally."

Warm cheers came from the audience.

When the cheers gradually died down, Lu Yongchang took a deep breath:


"May the glory of the People's Federation last forever!"

Year 49530 of the People's Lunar Calendar.

The People's Federation's sphere of influence continues to expand, covering hundreds of large and small cosmic bubbles.

As for Lu Yongchang...

He will not age after quantization, but for the normal development of the Academy of Sciences and the People's Federation, he has long retreated to the back line and silently guarded the development of the People's Federation.

Time is the sharpest knife.

Although the technology of the Human Alliance is enough to extend human life to tens of thousands of years or even longer, as time goes by, there are still more and more new faces in the Academy of Sciences.

The position of the chief scientist has changed one after another, and the People's Federation has successfully weathered one crisis after another.


If things remain stable for too long, there will always be some fluctuations.

The development of civilization is no exception.

"Professor Lu, the Academy of Sciences has observed that some cosmic bubbles are dying abnormally."

A young man knocked on the door and said respectfully: "We have been working hard for thousands of years and have never found any problems."


"The universe bubble is dying out faster and faster. If this continues, sooner or later it will affect the territory of the People's Federation."

"The Academy of Sciences has held a referendum on this, and I hope you..."

The door opened quietly.

Faint fluorescent green light spots gathered at the door of the room, slowly forming a figure.

"Are you the chief scientist of this generation?"

"Yes." The young man looked at the figure in front of him with an increasingly respectful expression.

Lu Yongchang's expression was a little serious: "Come in and talk to me about this matter."

at the same time.

The edge of the People's Federation territory.

A starship with the logo of the People's Federation is slowly traveling in the five-dimensional space. Its target is a medium-sized space bubble in front of it.

"A new cosmic bubble has been discovered."

"Report to the Academy of Sciences quickly, be careful not to let other explorers take the credit."

"The number of this universe...let me check. The number given to it should be EL114514."

Before the words could be finished, a violent tremor came from the hull of the ship!

"Under attack!"

"Help! Help!"

"Explorer 460IS was attacked by an unknown source!"

"Asking for support!!!"

The Explorer starship staying outside the cosmic bubble fell into the cosmic bubble during a violent turmoil.

Only the hyperspace membrane broadcast is left to be transmitted rapidly to infinity.

PS: Dear readers, the new book has been uploaded, and it is related to the old book. Those who are interested can go and have a look~

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