
Forest Island.

The forest at night is quiet and strange, and between the shadows of the trees, there seems to be a figure flashing.

It's just that the speed is extremely fast, and suddenly it has disappeared in place.

At this moment, the figure stopped, like water moonlight shining through the mottled leaves, illuminating the gap between the two trees.

It was a boy in black.

He stopped in front of a huge building wrapped in night.

The young man's eyebrows were handsome, his expression was resolute, and his star-like eyes stared sharply at the building in front of him.

He raised his wrist and looked, "It's time."

As soon as the words fell, I saw a voice coming out in front of me: "Patrol well, Lin Shao has recently tightened his guard, all tightened his skin, do you understand?"


"Got it, Captain!"

More than a dozen people roared and agreed, their faces solemn, and the elves such as Katy dogs and drill-horned rhinoceros around them also rose in momentum.

Where the eyes are wandering, even a gopher can't escape.

Four squads with elves take turns patrolling in a rectangular phalanx.

Coupled with the projection of the laser on the roof, no one can hide.

But they couldn't have imagined it.

Under such a tight defense, a person quietly hid in the night, silently watching all this.



There was a sound of footsteps stepping on the leaves.

Li Yu hid behind a big tree, hiding himself perfectly, and even his breathing could not be heard as much as possible.

Finally, the moonlight illuminated a young man.

He was wearing a white coat, his eyebrows were fierce, and the words Lin Fan were pinned to his waist.

Li Yu's eyes lit up.

He found a way to infiltrate the Lin family's experimental base.

At this moment, Lin Fan glanced at the opposite side with anger, and a trace of doubt crossed his eyes.

"Strange, how do you feel like you're being spied on?"

Lin Fan muttered in his mouth.

Brow furrowed.

But I didn't think much about it.

The experimental area where Lin Zhidao is located is the most closely managed experimental base, and it is also the base camp of the Lin family, and the defense equipment has been activated to the highest authority.

Lin Fan was very relieved about the security here.

So, he quickly rubbed his eyebrows and continued to walk towards the experimental base in front of him, with various thoughts spinning in his head.


With a pain in the back of his head, Lin Fan fell, and before he fell unconscious, he only faintly saw a black figure, and he didn't even have time to call for help.

Li Yu changed into Lin Fan's white coat and took out an electric chip from his pocket.

Then, when the two teams handed over, they quickly walked out and inserted the electric chip into the gate.


The gate opened, Li Yu entered smoothly, and walked towards the elevator with a clear goal.

Li Yu was very unscrupulous, so no one noticed him, and the researchers were busy with their work.

Enter the elevator and press the minus three floor.

Almost the moment I stepped out of the elevator, an electronic sound suddenly sounded in my mind.

【Drip! 【

Check-in location: Forest Island underground three-story experimental base! 】 】

【Drip, Samsung location check-in successful! 】 】

【Congratulations to the host for getting the reward - Tokiwa's power! 】 】

【Tokiwa power: With the special ability blessed by Tokiwa Forest, the elves have a natural closeness to it, and can communicate with it to restore injuries and mental states! 【

Designated check-in is completed and a random draw is won! 】

Ecstasy flashed in Li Yu's eyes.

As a big fan of Pokémon in his previous life, he has been envious of Tokiwa's power for a long time.

He remembered that if he used Tokiwa's power to the extreme, he could even increase the power of the elves!

At this moment, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Finally completed the designated check-in.

It has been a month since Li Yu came to Aqua Blue Star, which is a world where elves descend into reality.

One hundred and fifty years ago, the elves strayed into the present world.

A secret barrier was formed on the blue star, which changed the world pattern since then.

The appearance of elves replaced most professions and tools, changing the social order of mankind at that time.

The trainer was born.

Powerful trainers can influence a city, a province, or even a country!

Master the right to speak at the pinnacle of the world.

The secret realm allows people to discover the secrets of the elves and hone the will and strength of the trainer.

And the day Li Yu came, the check-in system was triggered.

The system is divided into two types: ordinary check-in and designated check-in, and ordinary check-in is similar to check-in.

You'll be rewarded for checking in every location.

Reward stars vary.

Designated check-in is to designate a location to check in, which is a little more difficult, but the reward is generally above three stars.

It's just that the probability of triggering the specified check-in is not large, and Li Yu is still triggering the designated check-in for the first time.

Therefore, he was extremely surprised when he saw that there was actually a lottery.

He then speculated that perhaps only check-ins with more than three stars could trigger random draw rewards.

After all, in his month, ordinary place check-ins are basically one- or two-star prizes.

Until the specified Samsung check-in task was released two days ago.

He will come to Forest Island.

Lin Zhidao is an experimental area for the exclusive Magic Capital Lin family, and Li Yu came to this with a lot of effort.

This check-in location was extremely difficult, and he prepared for a full week.

Li Yu glanced at his watch, now there is still plenty of time.

"I'll also see what the Lin family has been doing recently."

Remembering the news announced by the Lin family at the Magic Capital Conference the week before, he raised his eyebrows playfully, and a curious expression appeared on his face.

Li Yu looked relaxed, ready to push open the door in front of him

with a click, and the door slowly opened!

Next second.

A sense of foreboding hit his heart, and a terrifying aura suddenly permeated the entire experimental base.

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Yu turned around and fled.

He didn't even have time to sit on the elevator, and rushed up to the first floor like lightning, brushing out the door.


A succession of explosions came from behind him, and before he had time to rejoice, he felt a hot breath rushing straight from behind!


Li Yu was directly rushed to the ground by the heat wave.

But the sense of foreboding has not only not disappeared, but has intensified.

Li Yu didn't care about the injuries on his body and quickly walked away.

He ran fast and instantly jumped out more than ten meters away.


Just ran two steps.

There was a loud bang.

Immediately afterwards, the roof of the Lin family's experimental area was completely crushed into powder by the explosion, and cracks in the walls around the building were all over the place.


, click, click - the cracks are still spreading, like spider webs crawling all over the ten-meter-high building!




Three beating drums sounded, as if coming from the bottom of people's hearts, as if they had the power to control people's hearts, shocking and inexplicable.

The patrols on the periphery were already stunned, and they didn't even have time to escape, and the closest seven or eight people had just been shocked and lost consciousness.

Only the captain reacted quickly.

I saw his pupils shrink, a flash of panic flashed in his eyes, and then he shouted hoarsely: "Retreat, leave the experimental base quickly!"

His voice woke up the few who survived.

Everyone was so frightened that they couldn't wait to grow eight legs and run for their lives.

At this time, the mutation suddenly appeared!


A big hole broke through the roof of the base building, and a humanoid elf with white and purple rose into the sky!

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