Sakura didn’t say anything more, and sent out the elf: “Come on, little sea lion!”.

Ye Feng looked at the little sea lion, and the data of the little sea lion appeared on the system screen.

【Little Sea Lion】

Grade: 16

Quality: Intermediate sporadic

“The owner of the Gym in the F-class world, is there only this level…”

Ye Feng had to admit that this cherry blossom was very vegetable.

If you want to be the owner of the hall in the real world, you need to reach the quality of the elf level 30 or above, black iron level.

The baby sea lion in front of me is far from each one.

Dealing with an opponent of this level, Ye Feng felt that he didn’t need to let Pikachu carry the electric ball, but chose to go directly.

“Little sea lion, water jetting!” Sakura quickly ordered.

The baby sea lion swept through the water and crashed into Pikachu with lightning speed.

Water jet is a water-based pre-emptive skill, and the speed of the move is very fast, and with the power bonus of the little sea lion’s original attribute, it can deal good damage.

Ye Feng saw from the system that Pikachu’s HP had decreased by about one-fifth.

“Insect carving, Pikachu, use the electric ball!”.


When Pikachu heard the command, he immediately used his tail to condense a ball of electricity and whipped it towards the baby sea lion.

Although Ye Feng and Pikachu were fighting for the first time, they seemed to have a natural tacit understanding.


The little sea lion was blasted away by the electric ball more than ten meters away, and his whole body was sparked, and he collapsed to the ground and convulsed, obviously unable to fight anymore.

“Ding-Pikachu defeats the baby sea lion and gains 1364 XP points (20 times)!”

“Ding-Due to the accompaniment of the host, Pikachu will receive additional rewards, and the quality will be improved, reaching the intermediate three-star!”

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows.

In addition to the expected amount of experience, Pikachu also has an extra one-star quality, which is a pleasant surprise.

“The little sea lion can’t fight, the challenger gets a point!”.

The calamus on the side announced loudly as the referee.

“I didn’t expect this little brother to be so strong, even the eldest sister couldn’t beat him. Peony muttered quietly.

Calamus remained silent: “Don’t worry, the eldest sister is not serious yet, the next battle is the real battle!”.

“Little brother is really strong, but next, I will use all my strength to fight against you. ”

Sakura’s face became serious.

This Pikachu’s strength is much higher than she expected.

“Come on, love fish!”.

With a flash of white light, a pink, peach-heart-shaped elf appeared.

Ye Feng looked at the information of this love fish.

【Love Fish】

Grade: 22

Quality: Intermediate 2 stars

This elf’s level is significantly higher than that of the little sea lion, and its quality is also two stars higher.

In terms of overall strength, it has even surpassed his Pikachu!

However, Ye Feng didn’t panic at all.

With the attributes dominant, he believes that Pikachu will not lose.

“Little brother, your Pikachu was hit by the water jet of the little sea lion, and he was somewhat injured, and the next battle situation is not very favorable to you. Sakura looked at Ye Feng with a smug smile.

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“If I say that my Pikachu will regenerate itself, do you believe it?” Ye Feng smiled slightly.

“It’s absolutely impossible, you’re a liar!”

Not only the cherry blossoms were unimpressed, but also the calamus and peonies shook their heads like rattles.

Will Pikachu regenerate itself?

If that’s the case, the sows will be able to climb the tree!

But Ye Feng smiled indifferently: “Pikachu, use self-regeneration.” ”

“You’re joking internationally. ”

Sakura looked up proudly, she didn’t believe that Pikachu could regenerate himself.


“Eldest sister, look…”

Hearing Peony’s reminder, Sakura casually looked at Pikachu.

At this glance, she was confused.


An unscathed Pikachu appeared on the scene, full of fighting spirit.


“It’s not scientific…”

The three sisters exclaimed in unison.

Looking at the three sisters with wide-eyed eyes, Ye Feng said that there was no word “unscientific” in his dictionary.

“Ding-Pikachu has recovered his health in the dungeon [Hualan Gym] and gained 50.0 experience points!”.

“Ding—Pikachu gains an additional 25.0 XP due to the host’s accompaniment!”

Another 75 XP in hand.

In the dungeon, you can even gain experience for healing!

However, Ye Feng knew that this kind of experience could only be gained once.

“Love fish, use the fluctuations of the water!”

Sakura quickly gave the order to attack the love fish, and she was a little anxious.

This Pikachu will regenerate itself, if you don’t solve it soon, maybe a pill!

The waves of water continued to slam into Pikachu.

Pikachu’s small face is solemn, and he dodges them one by one with agile movements.


The last wave couldn’t dodge and smashed Pikachu, knocking it back two or three meters.

Ye Feng saw that Pikachu had lost about a quarter of his health.

“Pikachu, Electroball!”.

Taking advantage of the other party’s breathing, Ye Feng chose to fight back without hesitation.

“Love fish, get out of the way!” Sakura said anxiously.

The action of the love fish is very flexible, and it burrows into the water at the moment when the electric ball is approaching, just to avoid the electric ball, obviously the usual training is in place.

“If you are attacked, just hide in the water, and I will win!”

Sakura smiled wickedly and suddenly felt that she was smart.

But she didn’t expect that this kind of cleverness would harm her, and Ye Feng was already mocking her in his heart.

The ball of electricity streaked through the air in a beautiful arc and landed in the water.


The surface of the water flashes with electric light.

Immediately afterward, the screams of the love fish rang out.


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