Ye Feng couldn't find any reason to shake hands.

This rich second generation already looks at himself unpleasantly.

Ye Feng is a very straight person, since he is unhappy, he will show it directly, he never plays false.

Moreover, Ye Feng had already seen from Shirley's eyes her dislike for this rich second generation.

And also...... Contempt!

Shirley looks down on people, and he Ye Feng can't afford it.

Speaking of Lin Yu, he saw that Ye Feng didn't mean to shake hands with him at all, and the false smile on his face suddenly froze.

There were many students around watching Lin Yu's jokes.

Lin Yu withdrew his hand in embarrassment, his face was gloomy, and the hatred and anger towards Ye Feng in his heart deepened a little.

"I'm sorry, I don't know that Your Excellency doesn't have the Xi of shaking hands, so you don't have to shake hands." "

Lin Yu squeezed out a reluctant smile and forcibly gave himself a round way.

Then he shifted the topic to the area where he had an advantage: "By the way, Xiaoxue, what do you think of this Pokeby, if you think the quality is not high enough, I'll buy you another high... The intermediate six-star is back?".

Lin Yugang wanted to say the word high-end, but the high-grade Pokebi was too expensive, and their family couldn't afford it, so they had to change their words.

Then, he looked at Ye Feng and said generously with a smile: "This classmate, if you also need a mid-grade elf, I can sell you one cheaply, after all, I already have a high-grade one, and I don't need so many of them." "

Show off?

Ye Feng felt that this guy was really a little boring, so he ignored it at all.

Shirley behaved the same as Ye Feng, directly ignoring him.

Lin Yu's smile froze again.

Don't bird him?

He found that Ye Feng was very indifferent from beginning to end, he didn't say a word to him, and he didn't even look at him more!

As if he were air!

With his family situation, looking at the entire Elven University, few people dared to ignore him like this.

Lin Yu's face turned blue with anger.

But in front of his own goddess, he did not dare to show it.

"The air here is bad, there's nothing else to do, I'm leaving. "

After Ye Feng finished speaking to Shirley, he left directly.

Ignore Lin Yu again!

"Well, junior, bye-bye. "

Shirley smiled brightly and watched Ye Feng leave.

Similarly, she also ignored Lin Yu.

Lin Yu was so angry that he exploded, Shirley had never smiled at him once, and had never taken the initiative to talk to him.

But today, this goddess in her mind took the initiative to say goodbye to Ye Feng.

What's even more annoying is that Ye Feng didn't respond to Shirley's goodbye, and left without looking back, Shirley didn't care about ??? at all

Lin Yu forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and asked Shirley: "What is the origin of this person?".

"Lin Yu, you'd better not beat his idea. "

After Ye Feng walked away, Shirley said coldly to Lin Yu with a serious face: "This boy is not something you can provoke, if you don't want to cause trouble to the family, the next time you meet, you'd better apologize to him." "


Apologize to him?

Lin Yu's eyes widened in astonishment, he really didn't expect Shirley to say such a thing.

He now longs for Ye Feng to die immediately.


How is that possible??

"You can disobey me and continue to offend him, and you will regret it later. "

Leaving a cold word, Shirley left.

Lin Yu watched Shirley's back leave viciously, and the anger in his heart was beyond measure.

The goddess in his mind actually warned him not to provoke Ye Feng?

Do you want to apologize to the other party?


With his family situation, the other party should kneel down and apologize to him!

"Grass !!".

Lin Yu couldn't suppress his anger anymore, and regardless of the occasion, he scolded loudly.

In his mind, Ye Feng ignored him just now, and his eyes were suddenly full of anger and murderous intent, and he wanted to kill this boy immediately.

"No matter who you are, I will definitely let your family ruin, and I will make you regret offending me!".


At this time, Ye Feng didn't know that there was already someone in the elf school who hated him to the core.

He's happily heading home now, enjoying the AFK XP on the system screen.

When you arrive at the door, the system sounds a chime:

"Ding—Congratulations to the host, Pikachu has reached full XP and raised to level 38!".

Next, you can hang up with peace of mind.

"On-hook...... Pikachu gained 246.9 ......" of experience

"On-hook...... Pikachu gained 252.3 ......" of experience

Pikachu's experience continues to grow wildly at a rate of around 250 per second.

Ye Feng no longer looked at the system screen.

Instead, she ordered a takeout and Meimei ate it.

An hour later.

"Ding-Congratulations to the host, Pikachu has comprehended it in the process of hanging up, and the quality has been improved, reaching the black iron level of one star!".


ps: It's too late today, first six more, and continue to add more tomorrow, according to the rules, just more, no less!

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