Ye Feng took Pikachu and traveled along the edge of the Phantom Island.

Continue to swipe Pikachu on the system screen to gain experience points:

Pikachu took a step forward...... Gain 400.0 XP!".

Pikachu took a step forward...... Gain 400.0 XP!".

Along the way, Pikachu gained another forty or fifty thousand experience points.

After a short time, Ye Feng came to the edge of a low cliff.

He looked up and saw that the cliffs were covered with grass and the sea was below.

An old fisherman is sitting on a cliff fishing.

Soon, the rod shook violently, and the old fisherman pulled the rod with excitement.

"Hell, it's the king carp again!".

Looking at the carp king jumping on the ground, the old fisherman was indignant and kicked the carp king back into the sea.


Pikachu couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Although Ye Feng also wanted to laugh, he was afraid that the old fisherman would be angry, so he couldn't help laughing.

"Young man, it's boring just to watch, let's go fishing with the old man. "

After the old fisherman saw Ye Feng, he behaved very enthusiastically and took out the two extra fishing rods and gave them to Ye Feng and Pikachu.

"Do you fish here every day?".

Ye Feng was a little curious.

Phantom Island is located in the middle of the Gecorola Islands, and there must be a reason why the old man chose to fish in this place.

"That's right!".

A trace of trance appeared on the old fisherman's old face, recalling the past:

"Thirty years ago, my father caught a blue legendary elf on this island. "

But later, the elf did not want to live on earth, and it escaped with mysterious powers. "

"My father searched for it all his life, but he never found the elf again. "

"After my father's death, I decided to follow his wishes and fish here every day, hoping to get that legendary elf back!".

Legendary Elves?

Ye Feng thought for a while, the blue legendary elf lives in the sea again.

It could be Fiona or Manafei!

If it was either of the two, the old man's efforts would probably be in vain.

This kind of phantom spirit likes to live a peaceful life without a quarrel with the world, and rarely appears in the world.

The father of the old fisherman in front of him was able to catch a phantom beast!

Ye Feng admired his luck.

"Young man, you can fish too, maybe you can catch the legendary elves. "

The old man looked at Ye Feng expectantly.

If this boy can catch that legendary elf, it will be considered that his wish has been fulfilled.

He didn't force the elf to come back to him, as long as he had the privilege of seeing it again in this life, he had no regrets.

"Okay. "

Ye Feng really wanted to try his luck, in case his character broke out, he might really catch Manafei.

After all, anything strange can happen in a dungeon.

Ye Feng and Pikachu sat down and started fishing together.

The system screen starts to flash out new information:

"Pikachu is fishing on Phantom Island...... Gain 450.0 ......" experience

"Pikachu is fishing on Phantom Island...... Gain 450.0 ......" experience

"Pikachu is fishing on Phantom Island...... Gain 450.0 ......" experience


Ye Feng felt the fishing rod in his hand tremble violently, and he quickly pulled the rod!

However, it was not the legendary elf who took the bait, but an elf as weak as the carp king, and it was strangely ugly.

[Ugly Fish].

Grade: 11

Quality: Junior 3 stars

"Haha, young man, it seems that your luck is not as good as that of the old man!".

Seeing that Ye Feng caught an ugly fish, the old man gloated.

However, in the eyes of the old man, it is bad luck, but in Ye Feng's opinion, it is already rare to be able to catch an ugly fish!

It's different from the carp king on the rotten street.

Ugly ugly fish are not so common, and the probability of catching them is also very low.

It's just that the ugly fish itself is ugly and weak, and it is useless.

Therefore, many ignorant people ignore its rarity and directly and arbitrarily classify it as waste!

Obviously, this old fisherman is very ignorant.

After the evolution of the ugly ugly fish, Menas has one of the best appearances among the water elves, and the race value is as high as 540, surpassing the three royal families!

With such a powerful elf, Ye Feng had no reason not to accept it.

"Pikachu, please. "

Pikachu heard Ye Feng's order, temporarily put down the fishing rod in his hand, and sent a faint electric shock at the ugly ugly fish.

The quality of this ugly ugly fish is good among wild elves, but compared to Pikachu, it is too weak!

Pikachu uses only a fraction of the electricity.

If you make an all-out move, this ugly clownfish should be ...... dead

"Ding-Pikachu defeats the ugly clownfish and gains 134 XP!"

This bit of experience is not enough for Pikachu to even plug between his teeth, so Ye Feng ignored this hint.

He took out the copy Poké Ball and threw it at the ugly clown, which shook a few times and then didn't move.


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