"Ray . . . Lei Gong?"

"Lei Gong, one of the three holy beasts?"

The audience looked at the mighty and domineering figure and was slightly distracted.

When did the Oriental Champion subdue the legendary Elf Lei Gong, known as the Three Holy Beasts and subordinate to the Phoenix King Guard?

My sister has heard of it~

"Damn, I said that the ace Blastoise who has always been the finale is the third one today"

"I take back what I just said, Nanshen, if you want to be the champion, you should have to wait a few more years"

"The ten-year-old fan of the Oriental Champion is uninvited!"

"Rush Duck! Dongfang Ming, you are the best!"

"Hey, hey, what if it's Lei Gong? Gera Ora is also a legendary elf, this is a battle between legendary elves, and the battle is not over yet!"

Lei Gong's appearance caused an uproar.

At least, many fans of the Oriental Champion went from being disheartened to rekindling the old fire!

Is it going to be a one-on-four again, the exciting plot of the Jedi turnaround?

"Where did Dongfang Ming, this stinky boy, subdue the legendary elf?" "Isn't there a legendary elf in the future, and there is no way to become a champion?"

Li Yan and 920 Dong Yan were silent, looking at Jieraora and Lei Gong in the battle arena, but at the same time, the idea of where to subdue a legendary elf arose.

The power of the legendary elves is really irresistible!

"Lei Gong?" Nanfeng looked at the "golden tiger" in the middle of the battlefield.

Handsome is quite handsome.

However, I prefer Emperor Yan.

Shuijun... If it weren't for the fact that it was caught with a net in the anime, this kind of black history, Nanfeng would also think it would be good. But... TMD, I don't even dare to write a novel like this!

Wait, considering that Gaioca was caught with a fishing rod and the water king was caught in the net, it doesn't seem so difficult to accept.

"Ora!" Gera Ola looked at Lei Gong, excited.

The opponent is also electric, or the legendary elf, this is simply the most suitable opponent for yourself!

"Geraola, it's time to leave" Nanfeng reminded him, he didn't want to disturb Geraola's interest, but at the beginning of the battle, he had already agreed to play with another elf.

"Ora!" said Gera Ola, reluctantly.

Nanfeng shrugged helplessly, there was no way, who let the Dongfang Min Champion finale Lei Gong, he had already known that he would leave Jiela Ola at the end.

Jielaola is actually an advantage against Lei Gong.

Gelaora's "power storage" property makes it a chance to become the daddy of the electric elves. However, Lei Gong does not have the characteristics of immunity to electric moves such as electricity storage.

Against Jieraola, Lei Gong's combat effectiveness will be weakened by at least half.

"If it loses, how about I'll send you on the field again?" comforted Southwind, using a cake that was almost impossible to eat.

But Geraora doesn't think so.

Turning around, he yelled at Lei Gong "Ola!" (Come on)", and then obediently took back the Poké Ball by Nanfeng.

This made Lei Gong confused.

What's the situation?

Let me cheer up before my opponent leaves?

Just when Lei Gong was in a trance, the south wind sent his fourth elf.


A loud roar filled the entire battlefield the moment the Poké Ball opened.

A dark curtain of water suddenly appeared in the sky above the opposite battlefield, shattering in the blink of an eye.


The sky was full of black rain, and an equally pitch-black giant beast flapped its wings and looked down at Lei Gong from the sky, and the sense of oppression was like a mountain volley.

"Lokia, this is Lokia!!! someone recognized the elf that Nanfeng had just sent out at a glance, and his voice was about to burst with excitement.

"Is this Lokia? no, how is it black...."

"MD, it's black! it's flashing again"



The audience was shocked at first, and then fell into a strange silence.

His eyes were focused on Nanfeng's body. (abff) another glitter elf, another legendary elf, another glitter legendary elf!

"Lokia, my Lokia, ahhh~~"

"Nanfeng, you really damn it!ahhhh

Many trainers who regarded Lokia as their lifelong ideal cried on the spot.

Although the surrounding audience did not cry, they understood their actions very well.

It's like the goddess you've liked for a long time, but you can only see in the video, but today she is wearing black silk in front of you, but she throws herself into the arms of others.

It's not a kind of thing.

If murder is not a crime... Not enough emmm .... If you can beat the south wind.

Then there is no doubt that the south wind has been killed and injured at least 10,000 times by now.

"And !!!" In the VIP room of the Four Heavenly Kings, the pipe in the old man Peng Dou's hand fell off without knowing it, blowing his beard and glaring, and he didn't know that he thought that his enemy was on the battlefield.

Indeed, Old Man Peng Dou also wants to kill Nanfeng now.

Dong Yan's calm face fluctuated for the first time, and it was a wry smile.

This junior brother of his own family was a Tuntun rat in his last life, right?

Lokia's ultimate move has only been taken out until now, and, judging from the battle situation, this guy is pure show-off.

I thought that he was just a grade lower than his junior brother, and when he fought with himself, he let go of the sea.

Only now did I realize that I and he were people of the world at all.

He didn't put the sea, but a sea of stars.

It's too TMD to bully people!

Rao is Dong Yan has a good temper, and now he is a little jealous and wants to smoke Nanfeng in person.

However, Nanfeng, the person concerned, didn't seem to realize everyone's murderous gaze, and only thought that everyone was envious of him.

I took out my mobile phone very nervously, slowly turned around in place, and took pictures of everyone's surprised looks.

Among them is also his opponent Dongfang.

Dongfang Ming looked at the black Lokia in astonishment.

The fire of war in my heart, the momentum of wanting to fight four and turn the Jedi around, felt like a basin of cold water was poured on my face.



I'll hit you M!

There is also a gap between the legendary elves.

If the gods are divided into levels, then Lei Gong is a third-level god, and Lokia is at least a second-level god, or even the strongest first-level god!

Each class of gods represents an absolute power gap!

Lei Gong and Lokia go head-to-head?

Just when Dongfang Ming was hesitating to admit defeat directly, he heard Nanfeng's voice come out.

"Do you want to keep fighting? If you don't fight, I'll be a champion."

Dongfang Ming's eyebrows jumped, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Fight!"

Then the audience heard the sound of support from the mountains and the tsunami. "Fuck it!".

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