Chapter 41: Rapid Improvement of Strength.

Then, under Lin Hao's gaze, those fluorescents slowly seeped into it.

A thin crack appeared on the surface of the elven egg, and then quickly spread.


The eggshell shattered, and a small figure emerged from it, looking around curiously.

Fossil pterosaurs

Level: 5

Attributes: Rock, Flying

Potential: Elite


The small fossil pterosaur stood in the palm of Lin Hao's hand, as if expressing the joy of new life, and its wings were constantly stirring, looking very cheerful.

Lin Hao smiled lightly, just watching it bounce around.

It was only after a long time that the small fossil pterosaur noticed his presence.

Because it was the first life to see after birth, the fossil pterosaur was extremely kind to Lin Hao, constantly rubbing Lin Hao's palm with its sharp beak.

Looking at it like this, it is obvious that he regards Lin Hao as his relative.

Lin Hao's heart moved, and he immediately took out a Poke Ball and tried to use it on the fossil pterosaur.

Without any resistance, the fossil pterosaur was included.

After confirming that the fossil pterosaur had completely become his own elf, Lin Hao became more and more happy in his heart and released it from the Poke Ball.

Subsequently, along with Charizard and Fanged Land Shark, the three elves were sent by him to the Tower of Phantoms to be upgraded.

Almost at the same time, a dense number of experience prompts appeared in my mind.

[Charizard hangs up and gains 40 experience points].

[Charizard hangs up and gains 40 experience points].


[Fanged Land Shark AFK gains 40 experience points].

[Fanged Land Shark AFK gains 40 experience points].


[Fossil Pterodactyl hangs up and gains 40 experience points].

[Fossil Pterodactyl hangs up and gains 40 experience points].


With each passing second, the three elves are gaining a high amount of experience.

Due to its low rank, the Fossil Pterodactyl would level up almost every few moments.

The rate of escalation has reached an alarming level.

As the level increases, the body of the fossil pterosaur is also growing, no longer as small and cute as before, but gradually revealing the momentum of the sky overlord.

In order to maintain the huge consumption of the three elves on the hang-up point, Lin Hao himself was not idle.

During these three days, he paused the challenge of the gym and entered the idle map with all his heart.

Keep looking for the elves in the map to fight, and then don't delay the experience gain of the three elves at the same time, and replenish the idle points as much as possible.

With his efforts regardless of rest, the hang-up point basically satisfied the consumption of the three elves.

Although this has taken a toll on itself, the rewards are also staggering.

During these three days, the strength of Charizard and Sharptooth Land Shark has been greatly improved.

The fossil pterosaur was much less experienced because of its lower level, so it was directly upgraded to level 30.

At noon on the third day, Lin Hao reluctantly retreated from the idle map.

The duration of the tenfold experience has ended, and the examiners of the Elven Alliance are about to arrive at the Gym, and it is time for him to prepare.

Thinking of this, Lin Hao couldn't help but glance at the current attributes of the three elves, and there was a look of satisfaction in his eyes.


Attributes: Fire, Flying

Grade: 41

Potential: Extraordinary

Trait: Fierce fire

Hidden trait: Sun Power

Skills: Catch, Scream, Smoke Screen, Dragon's Breath, Flame Fang, Split, Sunny Day, Jet Flame, Ghost Face...

Opinion: 255/255 (extremely intimate).

What to bring: Charcoal


Fanged land shark

Attributes: Dragon, ground

Level: 40

Potential: Extraordinary

Trait: Sand Hide

Hidden Feature: Rough skin

Skills: Impact, Sand Splashing, Dragon's Fury, Sandstorm, Slam, Quicksand Hell, Split, Dragon Claw, Digging Holes...

Opinion: 255/255 (extremely intimate).

What to bring: None


Fossil pterosaurs

Attributes: Rock, Flying

Level: 30

Potential: Elite

Characteristic: Feeling of oppression

Hidden trait: Tension

Skills: Wing Attack, Biting, Roaring, Ultrasound, Falling Rocks, High Speed Movement...

Opinion: 231/255 (extremely intimate).

What to bring: None

After three days of onslaught, the levels of Charizard and Fanged Land Shark have both increased to level 40 or above.

It's just that as the level increases, the experience required for each level increases geometrically, making it more and more difficult to level up!

After level 40, it is difficult to move up the next level.

Fortunately, there are ten times the experience card, otherwise, Charizard and Fanged Land Shark may not be able to gain much improvement in just three days.

Among the three elves, the biggest improvement is still the fossil pterosaur.

At this time, the fossil pterosaur had completely turned into an adult form, and its size was comparable to that of Charizard.

The overlord of the ancient sky has already shown his grandeur.

Moreover, because the first thing the fossil pterosaur saw when it was born was Lin Hao, this also caused its favorability to be quite high, and it was only three days before it approached the full value.

This made Lin Hao happy for a long time.

The elves that are hatched by themselves will be much easier to cultivate their favorability, and the tacit understanding during battle will also be accelerated.


The successful hatching of the fossil pterosaur also made Lin Hao more and more curious about the elf egg rewarded by the Youth Trainer Competition.

As early as after getting the elf egg, Lin Hao put it into the system space to incubate.

The incubation function of the system is extremely powerful, even to the point of being unbelievable.

Like an elven egg of a fossil pterosaur.

Although it has been turned into a fossil and takes twice as long to hatch as a normal elven egg, it still doesn't take long.

But the elf egg rewarded by the competition has been hatching for several days, but there is still no movement.

This situation made Lin Hao look forward to that elf egg very much.

To know.

The length of incubation time determines the ability of the elves to a certain extent.

The longer it takes to hatch, the more powerful the elves tend to become.

"Even the system takes so long to hatch, I really want to know what kind of elf is inside?".

Thinking of the information of the elf egg, Lin Hao looked forward to it more and more.


Just as he was thinking this, there was a sudden slight noise outside the gym.

"Are you coming?".

Lin Hao's heart moved.

As early as an hour ago, he received a notice from the Elven Alliance and learned the specific time of the arrival of the expedition.

Immediately, he opened the door of the gym and walked out.

At this time, there are still many challengers waiting outside.

Many of these people came from neighboring cities, and they would come here almost every day for the past three days to wait, hoping that Lin Hao would continue to accept the challenge as soon as possible.

Such perseverance really made Lin Hao speechless for a long time.

It's just that at this time, after these people saw the door open, none of them stepped forward.

In front of the gym, several black commercial vehicles were parked there.

On the body, there is the logo of the Elf Alliance.

This is a special vehicle for the Elven Alliance, and it is only used when the Elven Alliance is performing certain important tasks.

The doors open.

Under the gaze of everyone, more than a dozen men wearing Elven Alliance uniforms with solemn faces stepped out of the car, and then quickly lined up in front of the gym.


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