Lin Cheng smiled lightly and introduced himself: "My name is Lin Cheng."

The Luoluo and generous woman also reported her name: Tian Yue.

"Hey, by the way, what kind of spirit did you summon last time? Can you tell senpai?"

"I'm also very interested in this." Tian Yue also showed a curious expression.

"In exchange we can tell you about our elves."

"I got the name myself, it's Paluccia."


"What does the name mean?"

While a few people were chatting.

"Cough cough..." At this moment, there was an untimely light coughing sound from the back seat.

The source of the voice unexpectedly came from Yao Mengying.

The girl herself didn't know why she wanted to stop the two of them from talking, but she felt that Lin Cheng and the two girls were chatting so happily, and she always felt uncomfortable. Aren't you minding your own business?

The sound of the previous conversation stopped abruptly.

The two senior sisters looked at Lin Cheng with a smile, and looked at Yao Mengying in the back, as if they understood something: "Aiya, it looks like Brother Lin has a guardian."

Tian Yue also lowered her voice and jokingly said: "Yes, I can't tell, Lin Xuedi is quite popular. But please rest assured, we are really just curious."

Yao Mengying only felt that her face was burning badly, but for some reason, she did not deny it.

Lin Cheng was expressionless because he didn't know what to do.

This scene fell into the eyes of the other five seniors and Zhang Mingyu, and it was not so pleasant.

How dare this low-grade bastard hook up with three of the four beauties in the car by himself?How do they get mixed up?

So someone sarcastically said to Lin Cheng: "The juniors dare to participate in this kind of exchange competition, but they have some courage. However, shouldn't the junior think that this is an outing? I have seen it before, there is a low A grade student, because he has a strange elf, is unmanned in front of the conference. As a result, after the conference started, he lost his qualification for the competition early... Even if the qualification for the single-light competition is enough, he does not know what to provoke, and waits for the staff When I found him, my whole body was drained of blood, and the elf disappeared. Junior Brother Lin Cheng, you are a newcomer, you are easy to attract attention, then you have to be careful, don't fall into such a situation. The end." It's a real thing, but when the senior said it at this time, it was inevitable that there would be a kind of sarcastic sarcasm.

"Nangong is true, Junior Brother Lin Cheng, you'd better hold the thighs of the two senior sisters beside you and let them take care of you along the way~"

"Isn't that someone who eats soft rice?"


After the five seniors sang in harmony, they were so exhilarated that they didn't say anything in that sarcastic tone.

Tan Xiaoling and Tian Yue raised their eyebrows, consciously wanting to fight against Lin Cheng, but Lin Cheng said at the moment, "The story the seniors told, I actually know the follow-up development."

Five Dragon Tutors: ? ? ?

One of them couldn't help but wonder: "You talk about it."

The corner of Lin Cheng's mouth twitched, and he secretly patted the elf bag given by Zhang Mingyu. This elf bag has a lot of built-in space, about ten cubic meters in size, enough to stuff both the ghosts and the armored rhinoceros inside.

At this moment, what Lin Cheng released was Gui Si...

Except for the bright light near the two iron fence windows, the rest of the armored vehicle was slightly dim, and the ghosts walked forward and mixed in the shadows, and no one noticed its existence.

"The newcomer whose blood was drained had resentment in his heart because of his tragic death, so he vowed to find the murderer who killed him."

"So, whenever the exchange conference starts, his resentment will be transformed into a ghost ... haunting senior students with criminal motives all night."

When it was said that something was entangled, the five senior students suddenly shivered at the same time.

One of the stronger men stood up and roared, "Boy, don't charge me with guilt. We don't know that person at all. Why did they pester us?"

Lin Cheng blinked his eyes innocently and said, "Senior, they all say they are ghosts. Do people still need reason in doing things?"

"Also, the story just now, I'm just hearsay, if you're not happy, I won't say it, I just heard that people who are entangled in resentment will feel cold for a while, I don't know if it's true..."

The burly student wanted to shout a few more words, but suddenly, his thighs shivered for a while, and then he sat down in a paralyzed state.

The same is true for several other people, who all feel powerless, a little weak and cold.

Is this story true?

Those people thought at the same time.

One of them was blue-faced, with a bit of horror on his face: "Don't tell me what you said is true, right?"

Lin Cheng pretended to be surprised: "Senior, what do you mean by that? I'm cowardly, don't scare me."

"I, we... seem to be really entangled by that resentful spirit." One of them said with shivering between his teeth.

"Hey, stop joking." Tan Xiaoling thought at first that these people wanted to play pranks again, but when he saw their expressions, he wondered again, if it was fake, these people would have played too well, right?

"We thought we were joking." One of them said with a sad face.

Hearing what the man said, Zhao Liangyu took a bold step forward and touched the senior, and he immediately took a step back in fright.

Although it wasn't cold enough, it was obviously different from a normal person's body temperature. It was like touching a dead person with no body temperature. Five people in a row looked like this.

"Then, what should I do, should I call the teacher?"

"You, you know this story, so do you know how to expel this resentful spirit?"

"We are innocent, really innocent~"

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