At the same time, one of the giant gold monsters that Lin Cheng had just observed seemed to be feeling something.


"What happened? The Golden Monster."

The trainer of this giant golden monster, a grey-haired old man, opened his mouth.

"Meta... Meta" the giant gold monster thought for a long time, but couldn't describe it, only that someone was investigating here just now.

The white-haired old man was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed dumbly: "Hehehe... I think it's those old ghosts again, I think you have successfully advanced to six stars.

Well, let the elves come to investigate the situation specially. "

"Hey, six-star... How could there be such a good promotion? My group of candidates for the heavenly king, this candidate has been on the list for decades, but none of them have really made the cut.

The six-star... On the contrary, the base below grows under the power. No, which of the four heavenly kings now was born among the famous masters in the capital base?

It's ironic." The white-haired old man laughed at himself

"Meta..." The giant gold monster comforted, and the two of them didn't care about what happened just now.

When Lin Cheng and the others got closer to the base of the capital, a woman who was riding a vulture and wearing a city guard appeared in the sky.


The driver of the flying mount stopped immediately, took out his documents, and handed them over to the city guards for verification.

The verification of the Beijing base is much stricter than other cities

It is not only necessary to check the origin of the driver, but also to check each passenger in detail. The process is more troublesome than traveling across the modern society.

After a delay of nearly half an hour, the female city guard was released, allowing Lin Cheng and others to pass through.

The driver explained that because the Tianwang candidate competition is about to be held, at this time, the Beijing base will be checked more strictly than usual.

Lin Cheng nodded to show his understanding.

Looking around, the parking lot of the flying ride pet, you can know how busy the capital base is now.

A lot of trainers from all over the world have gathered here

The elves around these trainers are not weak, and most of them have about five-star strength.


A sonic boomer shouted loudly

Its owner is also very proud, not too much, and after all, his own sound-popping monster is still divided into the wind, and the level has reached the quasi-five-star level.

Locally, this level can be regarded as the top level.

But in the next second, this momentum was suppressed back.


The same large two-legged Pokémon, King Nido, was very dissatisfied with the loud voice of the sonic boomer, and when he swung his body, he smashed the latter with his thick tail.

Although it didn't really hurt the Boom Monster, the latter was already wilted. In the blow just now, the Boom Monster clearly sensed that the opponent's strength was far superior to itself.

At least five-star mid-level strength

Let the sound-popping monster retreat in spite of the difficulties, King Nido's disdainful spleen swept away and thought that everyone present could fight.

But this idea didn't hold for a moment, and soon, a strong swordfish appeared beside him, teaching it to keep a low profile.

In a word, there are many strong players gathered at one "airport". If it weren't for the regulations around the "airport" that they could not duel, these gangs would not be able to duel.

The trainers, it is estimated that the fight has already started.

Now after the apocalypse, every area of ​​our country has become difficult to communicate with each other, so some people, they call it within their city base.

When the king became the hegemon, he thought that in other bases, he could still run wild, so this scene was actually normal.

Shangguan Liuyue was also very surprised. In her opinion, trainers under the age of thirty who can reach the five-star level should be very rare.

Here, but everywhere, it is really a gathering of stars.

Chapter 256 Subspecies Pokémon [fourth more]

After walking out of the airport, Lin Cheng and the two went to the hotel that they had reserved a long time ago...

Today's capital base is full of foreign trainers. If you don't reserve a room in advance, you can only sleep on the street.

The reality is indeed like this. Lin Cheng and the two have seen several trainers, who are quietly setting up tents in places such as the lakeside park.

Although Lin Cheng did not participate in the competition, it did not prevent him from observing the trainers and elves who seemed to be competing along the way while wandering around.

"Nine Stars, Circle Bear, Heracross Stinking Mud, this corner is still Alola's version"

The smelly mud is completely different from the ordinary smelly mud. The color of the body is no longer purple, but colorful. This smelly mud is not only poisonous

Not reduced, its character will be a bit more violent than before, and there is one more attribute [Evil]

No, Lin Cheng glanced at it two more times, and the stinky mud was a little dissatisfied, with a look of "what are you looking at?"

Lin Cheng chuckled, and Dan Fengyan stared back in disobedience. At first glance, he knew that he was used to being a local hegemon. People would look at you more, but wouldn't they be happy? Who is used to it?

Out of your stink?

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