Masami Kudo finished packing up and prepared to leave the dining area.

Li Qiankun saw that Masami Kudo was leaving, quickly sorted out his coat, fiddled with his hairstyle, and prepared to take the initiative to hook up with Masami Kudo.

He wasn’t sure if Masami Kudo had Ladias, and if not, he wasn’t too bad, after all, Masami Kudo was beautiful.

Even Tian Erniu, he couldn’t bear it, not to mention Masami Kudo, who was as beautiful as a flower and had a very good figure.

They are already people with children, and their faces are full of collagen, which is very attractive.

And he happens to be an enemy of Kudo Shinji, and it is a happy thing to hook up with Kudo Shinji’s mother.

Kudo Shinji also wants to talk to Kudo Masami, no matter how he says it’s his mother, even if he is not satisfied in his heart, he can’t give Lu Changsheng a chance.

Ladiass is his, and Masami Kudo is also a member of their Kudo family and must not be hooked up by others.

It’s just that Kudo Shinji just stood up and was about to say something, when he saw Li Qiankun walking towards Kudo Masami, Kudo Shinji was dazed.

How did he meet this guy again, he was really haunted, and now he appeared here again.

“Beauty, can you get to know me.”

Li Qiankun took the initiative to talk to Masami Kudo.

Although the two sides know each other, but so what, as long as the hoe is well wielded, there is no corner that cannot be dug down.

He decided to dig into the corners of his classmates.

Kudo Shinji opened his mouth wide.

No, Li Qiankun’s purpose was actually to seduce his mother.

Please, when a Lu Changsheng appeared, he already felt very uncomfortable, and now another person appeared.

Li Qiankun must have done it on purpose, just to target him, not that there was a fight that night.

I really don’t know what Li Qiankun thinks in his heart, he hasn’t blamed Li Qiankun for disturbing his good deeds, Li Qiankun is digging the foot of the wall here.

Isn’t it that there is a father who is a candidate for the king of heaven, and his father is also a candidate for the king of heaven.

Well, his father is just a candidate for the Heavenly King of Xiao Tian, not as good as the Heavenly King candidate of the Great Xia Kingdom, and his status is different.

But this is not the reason why Li Qiankun hooked up with his mother here.

“You want to ask me out?”

Kudo Masami’s face was full of surprise, she really didn’t expect Li Qiankun to take the initiative to talk to her.

She is indeed beautiful, but there is something wrong with taking the initiative to pick her up.

Please, you are a student, or my son’s classmate, and my boyfriend actively hooks up with the mother of a classmate.

Even if it was Lu Changsheng, she just felt handsome, just took the initiative to invite, politely, and had no other ideas.

Who would have thought that he would be hooked up by Li Qiankun.

Kudo Shinji wanted to stand up and slap Li Qiankun in the face, but restrained, he wanted to know what Kudo Masami thought.

“Classmate, I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m older than you, I’m your classmate’s mother, how can you do this.” Masami Kudo’s verbal refusal.

Refusal is rejection, but the heart is very happy.

The son’s classmates took the initiative to hook up with her, which shows that she is very attractive.

“Auntie, that kid before, don’t look handsome, but it’s a silver gun candle head, and it’s not useful.” Li Qiankun began to sow discord.

Kudo Shinji nodded subconsciously.

Only in this regard, he recognized Li Qiankun, Lu Changsheng is something, why is he with Lu Changsheng.

Masami Kudo became happier in her heart.

She is still so good, one by two, they are arguing for her, which one she has to choose, it is really entangled.

Tangled for a moment, Kudo Masami reacted, she and Lu Changsheng and Li Qiankun, there is nothing to do with it, at most they just know each other.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking, I’m okay with Lu, and I won’t have anything to do with you.”

Masami Kudo politely refused, and then passed by Li Qiankun.

Li Qiankun: “…”

Was he rejected by Masami Kudo?

No, someone as good as him was actually rejected by Masami Kudo, who had a high vision.

If it wasn’t for the rare Pokémon Ladias, how could he come over and hook up with Masami Kudo, and what about Masami Kudo.

Although he looks a little more beautiful and is well maintained, he is only an aunt after all, and he is not interested in an aunt.

But he wasn’t interested, that’s his business, Kudo Masami refused, that is, Kudo Masami was wrong.

Why can Kudo Masami hook up with Lu Changsheng, but rejecting him here, it is clear that she is looking down on him.

No, he has to continue to work hard to hook up with Masami Kudo as soon as possible and seduce Masami Kudo to send Ladias.

Kudo Shinji secretly couldn’t bear it, and hooked up with his mother in front of him, which was clearly provoking him.

He couldn’t watch Li Qiankun continue, and he also wanted to know if Ladiass was still here with Masami Kudo.

“Ahem… Classmate Li, why are you here? Kudo Shinji coughed softly, pretending to have just found nothing.

If this is really pointed out, it is even more humiliating to say it, how to say that it is his own mother, hooked up by his classmates.

“It’s okay, Kudo-san, then I’ll go first.” Li Qiankun hurriedly ran away.

Although he does want to hook up with Masami Kudo, he doesn’t want to be discovered by Kudo Shinji.

If Kudo Shinji knew about it, it would be even more humiliating to say it, and he would also want face.

Kudo Shinji watched Li Qiankun leave, and set his eyes on Kudo Masami again.

“Mom, why did you invite Lu Changsheng to dinner, what is the relationship between the two of you.”

“Don’t think too much, the two of us have nothing to do with each other, purely by accident, and then just have a meal.”

Masami Kudo is really right, the two just have a meal.

But Kudo Shinji didn’t believe this at all, and even had doubts in his eyes.

Just having a meal, the two have nothing to do with each other, just look at Kudo Shinji’s eyes,.

If two people have nothing to do with each other, why would they eat together.

Masami Kudo noticed Kudo Shinji’s eyes and knew that Kudo Shinji wanted to be crooked.

“I didn’t lie to you, I just met him and said it politely, who would have thought that your classmate actually came over.”

Kudo Shinji didn’t believe it anyway, but Kudo Masami didn’t admit it, what could he do, he couldn’t go to Kudo Masami.

“So, Mom, did you get any rare Pokémon.”

“Pokémon? No. Masami Kudo shook her head.

She really didn’t get rare Pokémon, and if she really had rare Pokémon, she would naturally give it to Shinji Kudo.

Kudo Shinji was very dissatisfied in his heart, obviously there were rare Pokémon, but he didn’t give it to him.

Or it has already been given to Lu Changsheng, so now there is none.

It is clear that he is the son of Masami Kudo.

Wait, isn’t he biological, adopted.

There is really such a possibility, otherwise why didn’t Kudo Masami hurt him, and he would have to hook up with Lu Changsheng.

Even gave good things to Lu Changsheng.

That is Ladias, the rarest Pokémon in the world, only one will be found in the future, and it will become Lu Changsheng’s trump card.

Bah, not motherhood.

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