On the same day, Li Qiankun and Kudo Shinji were arrested and sent to the police station.

But all this has nothing to do with Lu Changsheng, and Lu Changsheng doesn’t know about it, so he packed his luggage and prepared to go back for dinner.

Originally wanted to play handheld game consoles at school and brush the level, but grandparents called, and he had to go back.

By the way, give the resources he got to his grandfather, so that his grandfather can break through to the championship level as soon as possible, he can’t wait.

Get the championship early, have a champion grandpa early, next time write an essay, the topic is all thought out, my champion grandpa.

It’s a pity that there is no essay competition in this world, if there is an essay competition, you will definitely be able to get the first place in the district.

Sleep with whoever you want.

After leaving school, Lu Changsheng took the No. 45 bus and set out on his way home.

A middle-aged man entered the bus with Lu Changsheng and sat not far from Lu Changsheng, his eyes observing Lu Changsheng from time to time.

Lu Changsheng just saw the middle-aged man through the car mirror, and his heart rippled.

From time to time, he was observing him, still wearing a hat and mask, wrapped tightly, and did not look like a good person.

Although he knew that he was being targeted, Lu Changsheng pretended that nothing had happened on the surface, continued to rest, and began to think in his heart.

What exactly is the reason for targeting him.

Enemies, he didn’t, either his grandfather or his father’s enemies, but he shouldn’t.

If you want revenge, you can take revenge a long time ago, it is impossible to drag it out until now.

Then it is very likely that he has what this man wants.

The flashing red tyrannosaurus, Ladias, are all rare Pokémon that are priceless.

Once discovered by the Hunter Organization, the Hunter Organization will definitely find a way to loot rare Pokémon.

I just didn’t expect to do it in the city.

If it weren’t for the champion desert dragonfly, Lu Changsheng would have panicked a long time ago, after all, he was just a rookie trainer.

Fortunately, he has a desert dragonfly, no matter who this person is, dare to make a move on him, then hold the determination to die.

Lu Changsheng quickly got out of the car and walked towards the place where there was a sparse flow of people.

He didn’t panic at all, and he had texted his grandfather before he got out of the car.

At the moment his grandfather was on his way to come on horseback, bah, it should be on the way to come by car.

It should be this middle-aged man who wants to panic.

The champion trainer, the king trainer, definitely can’t look at his Pokémon, at least he won’t take the initiative to fight.

Hands on robbery in the capital, who will be so stupid.

The middle-aged man also followed Lu Changsheng.

After walking for a while, I finally came to the residential area, surrounded by courtyards and large bungalows, so there was little traffic.

Lu Changsheng suddenly stopped, took out the Desert Dragonfly’s Pokéball from his pocket.

No matter who this garbage is, if he dares to do something to him, he is looking for death, and he will never let this person go.

“Time to come out.”

The middle-aged man stopped, his face was stunned, he didn’t expect Lu Changsheng to actually find him, obviously he hid so well.

That is, Lu Changsheng did not know what he thought, otherwise he would definitely complain.

After getting into the car, two eyes stared at him, and he was kind enough to say that he was well hidden.

“Stop talking nonsense, I’ll beat you today, Charizard.” The middle-aged man hurriedly released Charizard.

He didn’t want to know why he was discovered, the most important thing now was to defeat Lu Changsheng.

You can’t waste your time, lest you run into someone who gets in the way and disturb him.

“Charizard, give it to me.” The middle-aged man waved his right hand excitedly.

The red tyrannosaurus, Ladias, who had never seen before, arrived immediately, he saw Lu Changsheng’s Pokémon, he had an idea in his heart, and then began to track Lu Changsheng.

Originally, I didn’t plan to start in such a hurry, but since it was discovered, I took it first.

“Desert dragonfly, it’s over to you.”

Lu Changsheng released the desert dragonfly and took out the Pokémon Pokédex by the way.

Elves: Charizard

Characteristics: Fierce fire

Strength: LV57

A good fire-breathing dragon has reached the quasi-heavenly king level, and it is far from the heavenly king level.

It is estimated that because the difference is too far, there is no chance to hit the heavenly king level in this life, so I want to grab the Pokémon.

It’s a pity that if you find the wrong opponent, and you still want to make a hand on Lu Chang, that is wishful thinking.


The desert dragonfly makes its initial appearance, emitting a loud dragon groan.

The vast dragon power was released, and although there were few people around, there were many elves.

The elves all felt the coercion of the champion, the angry dragon groan, and trembled with fear.

Charizard was the first to bear the brunt, originally still imposing, directly frightened and paralyzed, lying on the ground unable to move.

Even if it is a dragon, but in the face of the gap in rank, Charizard has no power to resist at all.

“Champion level.” The middle-aged man almost bit his tongue.

He didn’t expect Lu Changsheng to casually take out a champion-level Pokémon.

It shows that Lu Changsheng at least has a champion grandfather, if there is no champion grandfather, how can he have the ability to take out a champion-level desert dragonfly.

“It seems that I don’t need my grandfather to come to defeat you.” The corners of Lu Changsheng’s mouth rose.

And at this moment, grandpa is still on his way.

“Charizard, run.”

The middle-aged man knew that he was invincible, and did not dare to confront Lu Changsheng, took back the fire-breathing dragon, turned around and ran.

The champion desert dragonfly is definitely not something he can deal with.

“Desert dragonfly, take it.”

The desert dragonfly snorted, leaving only a green light, and rushed to the side of the middle-aged man.

Then the tail swayed lightly, swept on the middle-aged man’s face, and then pumped the middle-aged man out.

If it weren’t for the mercy of his subordinates, champion-level Pokémon would be able to pump people to death.

Although in the elven world, the laws of the world protect humans and reduce most of the damage, the stronger the Pokémon, the higher the damage.

“Desert dragonfly, come back.”

Lu Changsheng took back the desert dragonfly, far away from the middle-aged man, and would not approach stupidly.

In case the middle-aged man hasn’t fainted and sneaks up with Pokémon, he really can’t carry it.

Now you only need to wait for Lu Baodao to arrive, and the next thing will be left to Lu Baodao.

After waiting for another moment, Lu Domineering finally arrived.

“Grandson, are you okay.”

Lu Domineering ran quickly, walking like a fly.

After receiving Lu Changsheng’s text message, he set off as soon as possible, for fear that Lu Changsheng would be injured.

“I’m fine, this person’s strength is not strong, that is, the quasi-heavenly king level.” Lu Changsheng still had a smile on his face.

It came too slowly, but thankfully he was fine.

Lu Domineering ran to Lu Changsheng’s side, carefully observed, and made sure that Lu Changsheng was okay, and he was relieved in his heart.

Fortunately, Lu Changsheng was fine, otherwise he wouldn’t know how to face Yang Lihua.

(Continue to kneel for flower support, plus more for every 2,000 flowers.) )

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