Age of Elves

Chapter 052

052 Flaming Relics

First took the big rock snake to brush the big needle bee’s nest, the powerful output of the large-mouth bat, easily solved the battle, did not last long to fight, the large-mouthed bat did not consume much physical strength to end the battle, harvested two gold beads, returned to Nibi City with the upgraded big rock snake, sold the gold bars and gold beads to harvest 3,420,000 cash, watched the corners of the mouth rise up to seven million in cash, and walked to the rock cave on the other side of Mt. Tsukimi.

Use the Magic Frog Flower, Stinky Flower, Forest Lizard, with Kabi Beast, Big Rock Serpent, Six Tails to upgrade, Kabi Beast and Big Rock Snake are meat shields, and the fire ignition attribute of Six Tails can invalidate the fire attack and deal with the fire Pokémon’s weapon.

“Magic Frog Flower, which uses parasitic seeds to attack one target, and Forest Lizard and Stinky Flower use Ultimate Absorb to attack one target each. Do you understand? Got it, let’s get started. Mo Feng looked at a few Pokémon and asked, Miao Frog Flower responded with a roar, taking the lead in attacking, the forest lizard and the stinky flower also used an attack to respond to Mo Feng, proving that he understood, one attack took away a small fist stone, suppressing the attack was too strong, although there was no overall attack, the speed of clearing monsters was not slow, there was no need for small fist stones to gather, one attack took one, all the way to a rapid advance, eleven minutes to brush a wave of copies, harvest a rare equipment.

Black cotton bracer (rare)

Equipment requirement level: 35, trainer

Strength +25, agility +25.

After reading the attributes, Mo Feng immediately equipped and looked at the attributes of the big rock snake.

Great Rock Snake

Rating: 21 (28400/30000)

Attributes: rock, ground

Features: Hard head

Personality: Laid back (Defense growth +10%, Speed growth -10%. )

Quality: Excellent (Growth value is 50, up to the realm of the king.) )

Realm: Elite (10/100, Realm bonus: +20% of all attributes.) )

Growth: Life 130, Attack 5, Defense 11, Special Attack 5, Special Defense 12, Speed 4.5.

Life: 2730/2730+3549

Attack: 105+105

Defense: 231+231

Special attack: 105+598.5

Special defense: 252+100.8

Speed: 94.5+37.8

Tricks: hardening, falling rocks, rock gyro balls, invisible rocks.

After changing the skill, it became like this, which is not bad, in the brush once, you can barely use it, after all, receiving a fire attack only receives 4 points.

The level of the six tails has been raised to level 27, the Kabi beast has been upgraded to level 30, and the harvest of one piece of equipment is okay, it is okay to look at the time, and it takes half an hour to brush again, quickly put away the Pokémon and go out, in a wave of brushing, harvest two gold bars.

As I walked towards Nibi City, I checked the system prompts.

“The level of the six tails has been increased to level 28, and the comprehension flame sputter.”

“The Great Rock Snake level has been increased to 24.”

“Forest Lizard level increased to level 35.”

“Stinky flower level increased to level 35.”

Let the six tails replace the ghost fire with the flame sputter, successfully comprehend the flame sputter, Mo Feng’s mouth raised, these six tails learned a powerful skill, very good, came to the café in Nibi City, followed the rose and several people converged.

“Mr. Madman, are you ready?” Rose looked at Mo Feng who walked in and asked, Mo Feng nodded: “The recovery is almost done, and I can continue to fight for a while.” ”

“Then, let’s go.” Rose nodded and invited Mo Feng in, Mo Feng saw that there were actually ten more people in this team, and sure enough, they were all full of people, and they were all members of their guild.

Mo Feng nodded and followed a group of people to the Tsukimi Mountain.

“Master brother, can I take a look at your Pokémon?” A girl named Qinglian came over and looked at Mo Feng and asked, Mo Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head: “Sorry, I can’t show you this.” ”

“It’s a shame.” Qinglian shook her head and walked back, “It’s already here, get ready to enter the battle.” Rose walked to a place with the map, and the map in her hand disappeared, and a vortex appeared in front of her.

A person followed and walked in, and Mo Feng was the last to walk in.

System Tip: Congratulations on discovering the Intermediate Flame Relic.

Hearing the prompt of the system, Mo Feng smiled bitterly helplessly, and the worst situation appeared, “Mr. Madman, it’s a medium-level ruin, can it be fought?” ”

“The boss can’t be beaten, but you can search for what good things are around here.” Mo Feng smiled bitterly and pointed to a stone pillar towering in magma in front of him, and a Pokémon protected by a fiery red light mask on top.

“That’s the boss, what is that Pokémon?” Rose paused, and followed the people around him and took out the Pokémon Pokédex at the same time.

“Flame Bird, the legendary Pokémon. Everything is unknown. ”

With the sound of the Pokémon Guide, a drop of cold sweat appeared on the foreheads of a group of women, Mo Feng shook his head helplessly, reaching the intermediate level of the ruins, there is a chance of encountering this, injured legendary Pokémon and exhausted legendary Pokémon, although the attributes are only 30-50% of the attributes of normal legendary Pokémon, and the flame birds in this relic belong to adult flame birds, that is, monsters above level 300, even if they are weak, equivalent to attributes of about level 90-150, It’s not at all something that players can play at this stage.

The heyday state is much stronger than the copy brushed before the previous life, the flame bird in the juvenile state, that copy is still a team copy of 20 people, here are ten people, ten novices, the flame bird in the injured state, the probability of using hot air is very high, one hot air is enough to sweep all the people here.

“So, if we’re looking for something around, won’t it wake up?” Rose lost her detection skill and looked at Mo Feng and asked.

“It won’t wake up, that shield is the legendary Pokémon’s energy shield, with a shield with the same amount of health as it, with the function of isolating all interference, that is, the sound insulation function, as long as it does not attack the shield, it will not disturb it, but at the same time you can’t get that.” Mo Feng pointed to the treasure chest shining brightly next to the flame bird, the diamond treasure chest, which was a rare high-level treasure chest.

“Treasure chests and small lives, or small lives matter, let’s go, it’s quite big here, let’s look for them separately, and contact the communicator if there is a situation.” Rose looked at several people and finished speaking, and one person ran around separately to look for something. _

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