Age of Elves

Chapter 061

061 Fangyuan capture activity

Because of the hurry, Mo Feng did not waste time, during the meal time, chatted with Ash, and learned about the situation of several Pokémon in Ash, Ba Da Butter learned poison powder and mental power, but forgot about the impact, and completely became an auxiliary Ba Da butterfly, Pikachu was able to skillfully use the shadow doppelganger, Bibi Bird did not learn any tricks, and in general, the strength improved.

“Very good, then you can challenge the Nibi Dojo again tomorrow, skillfully use the Pokémon’s tricks, and remember that the use of the tricks is the key to winning.” Mo Feng looked at Xiao Zhi and waved his hand, and after speaking, he said goodbye to Xiao Zhi and several people paid for the meal, turned and left the Pokémon Center.

“Yes! I see, Mr. Wind. Xiao Zhi waved his hand in Mo Feng’s direction and said.

“It’s really a strange person, but this guy Ash has indeed become able to fight a lot, I don’t know, what is the strength of that Mr. Feng, he should be a powerful trainer.” Xiao Xia looked at Mo Feng who left and thought secretly.

After leaving the Pokémon Center, I quickly left Nibi City, ate and talked for more than an hour, and walked over, after all, you can’t run too fast at night.

It was more than nine o’clock when he came to Tokiwa City, and it was almost the same time for the gathering, Mo Feng fed the Pokémon well in the uninhabited park, calculated the time, collected the Pokémon, and turned and walked towards Team Rocket’s base.

“You are here, then start preparing for boarding, the first basement floor, departure at 10:05.” The captain of the rocket team on the opposite side looked at Mo Feng and pointed to an elevator behind him and said.

Mo Feng nodded and changed into the exclusive costume of Team Rocket, walked into the elevator, but came to the first basement floor in a moment, as the elevator opened, looking at the black helicopter in front of him, and a person wearing Team Rocket uniform, Mo Feng glanced at what seemed to be NPCs.

“It’s good that you all arrived on time, I am your leader this time, Captain Kakun of the rocket team, this operation is led by me, if there is a situation to report to me immediately, if there are people who do not obey orders, Hugh blames me for being ruthless, come now, each person has a hundred baby balls, a portable testing instrument, baby balls are full.” A middle-aged man walked down from the opposite side, holding his hands around Mo Feng and the others and said.

Pointing to a member of the rocket team behind and pushing over, there were carts with cloth bags, and one by one the members of the rocket team looked at the bags that walked over to pick up the baby ball.

“People who receive things line up next to them.” Kakun looked at the people below and said, took the baby ball, Mo Feng also followed to the side to stand, actually dispatched a captain equivalent to the strength of a heavenly king to lead the team, it seems that this activity makes the top pay attention to ah, this action is not as simple as it seems.

“Very good, now, all boarding!” Kakun watched as the last person finished receiving the baby ball, waved his hand, and a group of people ran to the plane.

The group ran to the plane and sat down, Kakun let out a shout, and the plane flew out of the open roof, turned around in the air and flew towards the Fangyuan area.

But two or three hours, arrived in the Fangyuan area, the plane stopped in the air, lowered a rope ladder, Kakun looked at the people around him and said: “Road 102, go down ten people, it’s now 1:30, before 7:30, gather in the Orange Forest.” ”

“Route 102?” Mo Feng’s eyes suddenly flashed, and the first action walked out, climbed down the rope ladder, and then one by one the members of the rocket team came down from the plane.

Mo Feng immediately looked around, followed a few members of the rocket team to look at the leaving plane, this time dispatched so many people, I don’t know what to do, but it’s none of my business, the current strength can’t manage so much, and I don’t know the secret things of those rocket teams.

“Let’s catch them separately.” Several members of the rocket team looked at each other after the plane left, discussed leaving one by one, and walked in different directions, Mo Feng walked in one direction, holding the detection instrument to watch, this can detect the whereabouts and strength of Pokémon within a certain range, is the special black technology of Team Rocket, this is more convenient than using detection skills to view the attributes of Pokémon, the small radar carried inside can also detect the surrounding Pokémon, do not have to use the naked eye to find, can be said to be a very convenient thing.

Along the way, check the Pokémon perched in the grass, as long as Mo Feng who has achieved excellent quality is all subdued and not picky, moreover, the purpose of his trip is not to pick Pokémon for Team Rocket, as long as you catch the excellent quality to get double the reward, the rare ones are too difficult to find, too lazy to find them one by one, relatively speaking, there are quite a lot of excellent qualities, basically one of the five monsters, but in half an hour, Mo Feng filled a hundred baby balls with the Fangyuan Pokémon of Road 102, coyote dogs, serpentine bears, spiny tails, Acorn and other four Pokémon.

Looking at the cloth bag full of treasure balls thrown in his backpack, the corners of Mo Feng’s mouth rose: “The mission is completed, these Pokémon are enough to advance to the captain position, and now we can get down to business.” ”

The corners of Mo Feng’s mouth rose, and he could now start going to the Fangyuan area, a very hot low-level copy, Larulas’ secret lair, this lair has a very low chance of bursting Larulas, which is lower than the chance of encountering Larulas in the field of Road 102.

Such a low chance, why is it still so hot, because in the field to capture Larulas, it is more difficult than climbing to the sky, because as soon as the Larulas in the field finds the wind and grass, it will use teleportation to escape, it is too difficult to catch, Mo Feng gave up directly, even if there is a black eye such a trick, you have to be faster than Larulas, after all, teleportation is an escape skill, the speed of use is very fast, it does not take 0.1 seconds, you can use it.

Instead of wasting time outside to find it, you may not be able to catch it, it is better to brush the inside of the copy, and Lalulas that comes out of the copy will not run to catch it 100%.

Slowly came to the location of the copy, a secret lair hidden behind the grass, Larulas, looking at the whirlpool in front of him, Mo Feng walked into the copy expressionlessly.

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