Age of Elves

Chapter 062

062 Capture Larulas

Although it is called the secret lair of Larulas, the copy monster of this copy is not Larulas, but the coyote dog and serpentine bear that seized the lair of Larulas, and any of the two monsters randomly appear as a copy monster for this copy as long as the copy is opened, as long as the copy is opened, there is a chance that Larulas will come out to repay the help to snatch back the nest and voluntarily become a Pokémon, and there is a chance that there will be a Pokémon that preemptively grabs the opposite of the replica monster, for example, the brush is a coyote dog, and there is a chance of bursting a coyote dog for you to capture.

To know that Larulas is a very popular Pokémon, Mo Feng brushed for almost ten days to brush one, which is quite good, some people can not brush out for months, you have to know that the level of this copy is only level 5, you can brush it alone, and the copy monster is not strong, how many times a day can be brushed, so this 0.1% chance is not that you can brush a thousand times can come out.

This time, there are still more than five hours to look at the time, and there will be more than an hour left to go to the Orange Hua Forest, so there are only four hours to brush the copy, Mo Feng does not know if he can brush it out, and it is also an impossible goal to walk the entire 102 road in four hours.

Looking at the coyote dogs on the opposite side, no matter that Pokémon and people can’t get experience here, Mo Feng directly sent a tyrannosaurus with group attack skills, and the direct tornado swept all the way over, and one coyote dog was killed in seconds when it touched the tornado, and the tornado swept all the way, and soon saw the coyote dog head with several coyote dog elites.

Several Pokémon saw Mo Feng rushing over, and Mo Feng did not hesitate to issue an order towards the Tyrannosaurus: “Tyrannosaurus, tornado!” ”

A tornado swept by, and several Pokémon were swept into the tornado, and one by one turned into white light and disappeared.

Looking at the few tree fruits that fell on the ground, Mo Feng shook his head helplessly, the time to pick up tree fruits was wasted, took back the tyrannosaurus, immediately left the copy, and then entered the copy again.

Four hours passed quickly, and the Pokémon who brushed the copy were replaced by several, from the Tyrannosaurus, the mini dragon, and finally to the Nine Tails, several Pokémon Mo Feng paid attention to the consumption of physical strength, and would not let the Pokémon fall into a state of fatigue, if they fell into a state of fatigue, they would pit people when they met Junsha’s policemen.

Brushed for four hours in a row, harvested two rare quality coyote dogs, 4 rare quality serpentine bears, one extremely high quality coyote dog, the harvest was not bad, the tree fruit Mo Feng all gave up, according to his own speed, about once a minute or so, brushed at least two hundred times, Lalulas’s shadow was not seen.

Mo Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, he brushed for ten days, it was already considered European, and now it is a little unrealistic to brush it out in four hours, but to this Fangyuan area, he was thrown into this novice area to capture, according to their goal, the most is to go to the Orange Forest, and the Pokémon over there are not particularly good, they all belong to the Pokémon used by newcomers in the Fangyuan area, except for the superpower system Larulas here, there is really nothing special, and his own current Pokémon are enough, and they can’t be cultivated.

Looking at the time, the jet flame of the nine tails swept over, and one by one the coyote dogs turned into white light: “It’s almost the boss, I don’t know if the boss this time can’t come out, if it doesn’t come out, I can only wait until the next time I come.” Mo Feng shook his head helplessly, watching the coyote dogs disappear, and the last bosses and elites appeared in front of him, Mo Feng glanced at the Nine Tails: “Nine Tails, solve them, spray flames!” ”

“Whoosh!” The nine tails nodded towards Mo Feng, a flame appeared in his mouth to sweep over, and he killed the coyote dogs one by one, Mo Feng watched the coyote dogs turn into white light, looked around expectantly, several tree fruits fell to the ground, Mo Feng scratched his head, and was about to leave the copy, only to see a strange white light appear in front of him, and a small figure appeared in the air.

“Thank you for helping me get back the place where I live, powerful trainer, please let me travel with you.” As the voice in his heart sounded, a figure fell.

The corner of Mo Feng’s mouth twitched, this game still takes this form, don’t look at the telepathy used by Larulas now, in fact, after you capture, the characteristics are random, and it will not necessarily be this ability, take out a baby ball to subdue Larulas, pick up the baby ball and look at the situation of Larulas.


Level: 5 (0/500)

Attribute: Ultra

Features: Telepathy

Personality: Calm (Special attack growth +10%, speed growth -10%. )

Quality: Rare (Growth value is 30, up to the Quasi-Heavenly King realm.) )

Realm: Normal (0/100, Realm bonus: None.) )

Growth: Health 60, Attack 5, Defense 3, Special Attack 11, Special Defense 3, Speed 2.7.

Life: 300/300+330

Attack: 25+50

Defense: 15+12

Special attack: 55+302.5

Special defense: 15+6

Speed: 13.5+5.4

Tricks: Mindfulness, teleportation

Mo Feng looked at Larulas, the Pokémon that appear in normal copies are at least rare, but with the rarity of Larulas, this quality does not matter, it is a big deal to feed some potential enhancement potions, he still has two bottles left, and it is actually a rare telepathic feature, this feature is very useful.

Put away the baby ball, and previously harvested a superb coyote dog, which is also a good Pokémon, and the evil Pokémon are used to fight against the Pokémon of the super system, but it is a good choice, after all, the control ability of the Pokémon of the super system is too strong.

He took out the baby ball and looked at the Nine-Tails on the side: “Fortunately, Nine-Tails, come back and rest.” ”

“Whoosh!” The Nine Tails nodded at Mo Feng, and Mo Feng, who heard the response, took out the baby ball and took the Nine Tails back, left the copy, and took the collected baby ball, the rare coyote dog and the snake bear’s baby ball were all thrown into the cloth bag to be handed in, ready to be handed in together, and the double reward was not brushed or brushed.

went out and first changed back to the trainer’s costume, then ran in the direction of the Orange Forest, ran halfway, ran to an hour, came to the front of the Orange Forest, looked at the police cars listening to one after another, Mo Feng had a black line, fortunately did not come directly to the final destination with this group of guys, I don’t know what happened to this group of guys, actually attracted so many NPC police.

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