Age of Elves

Chapter 063

063 dogfight

“The people over there, Orange Hua Forest, a large number of evil organizations have appeared, and Orange Hua Forest is temporarily blocked.” Just walked over, several policemen looked at Mo Feng and said.

Mo Feng scratched his head, nodded at the policeman opposite, turned to leave, found a secret place, changed the costume of Team Rocket, his eyes flashed, and looked at the opposite side in the grass.

“This police force is not enough to block the entire Orange Forest, let alone send people in to search.” The corners of Mo Feng’s mouth rose, and he chose a place without police and rushed to the Orange Forest, and just after entering, he heard an explosion from a distance, and the confrontation of the tricks seemed to be very fierce.

Mo Feng scratched his head, it stands to reason that the actions of the rocket team will not make such a big fuss, after all, it is a secret organization, according to the consistent actions of the rocket team, the police will be evacuated immediately.

“Am I playing now, or…” Mo Feng Tuo thought for a while: “Forget it, there is a captain, and a Junsha can’t handle it, but there is a bad premonition.” Thinking in his heart, he secretly walked towards the battlefield over there, and looked at those on the other side, a rare big melee, but the guy named Kakun was following a young man to fight over there, Mo Feng looked at the young man’s dress, and shook his head helplessly.

The bad premonition came true, the alliance’s first-class search officer, equivalent to a Heavenly King level trainer, is simply poisonous, isn’t it just a capture activity, and so many Heavenly King level guys actually appeared in the early stage to fight.

The battle on this side could not tell the winner or the loser for a while, Mo Feng took a deep breath, sorted out the clothes on his body, took out two baby balls and threw them, and the wonderful frog flower and the beautiful flower appeared on the field at the same time: “Beautiful flower, wonderful frog flower uses hypnotic powder!” ”

Mo Feng gave the order, and the two Pokémon immediately released hypnotic powder in the direction pointed by Mo Feng, and the person who was fighting on the opposite side was fighting with the opponent, and did not notice this side at all, and the hypnotic powder floated over.

“What is it!” A policeman made a puzzled cry, and suddenly closed his eyes and fell to the ground, such a scene, repeated, but for a moment, one by one, the members of the rocket team and the policemen fell into a deep sleep in the blue powder.

“Damn, who’s putting sleep powder.” A thought popped up in Jun Sha’s mind and instantly fell to the ground.

“Well done, wonderful frog flower, beautiful flower.” Mo Feng took out one by one the Baby Balls and released the other Pokémon.

“What man!” Kakun and the search officer, who were fighting in another place, commanded the Pokémon to blow away the hypnotic powder floating over, and looked into the forest, and suddenly this situation appeared, whether it was friend or foe, so that they were very concerned, after all, now out of a close situation, if you are injured and are treated as a fisherman, it will be a big loss, so both stopped fighting and looked in the direction of the forest.

Mo Feng shook his head, although the hypnotic powder has attack power, the auxiliary effect is obvious: “Tyrannosaurus, water cannon, beautiful flower, ultimate suck, Pikachu, 100,000 volts, lizard king, ultimate suck, large-mouthed bat, air blade, magic frog flower, parasitic seed!” Mo Feng issued an order to several Pokémon in front of him, and one by one the Pokémon sent out attacks towards the search officer on the opposite side.

“Abominable! Bosco Dora, use the destruction death light! Giant swamp monster, turbid current. The search officer over there let out a muffled snort, not knowing the strength of the enemy, let the two Pokémon attack, shouting towards Bosco Dora and the giant swamp monster on the side, Bosco Dora let out a roar, and a beam of light quickly swept along with the turbid stream of the giant swamp monster, easily scattering the attack sent by Mo Feng’s Pokémon.

“Hahaha! It doesn’t look like an enemy, forked bats, using air slashes, iron-armored tyrannosaurs, sharp stone attacks…” Kakun let out a laugh and gave orders to several Pokémon to start attacking.

The corner of Mo Feng’s mouth twitched and scattered, and after his own Pokémon’s attack, he also rushed towards the original destruction death light on this side, with the turbid water column of dirt, quickly took back the Pokémon and fled towards the back.

Attracted by Mo Feng’s attack, he didn’t pay attention for a while, and was caught in a wave by Kakun’s Pokémon, originally evenly matched, missing the strength of two Pokémon, and was in the downwind in an instant, and several Pokémon were injured.

“Sure enough, there is too much difference in the level of the Heavenly King Trainer, and even with the bonus of the king-level skill, there is no way to make up the level gap.” Mo Feng frowned in the back, but the round of attack just now was enough, took out the tree fruit and gnawed it, and the trainer outside reduced the damage by 99%, plus the combat attribute had been opened, although Mo Feng received the aftermath damage of the attack, he did not receive too much damage, and recovered after eating a tree fruit.

“Abominable, Nian Li earth puppet, use teleportation!” The search officer on the opposite side shouted, and a white light emitted from the Nian Li earth puppet next to it, and one by one the policemen and Jun Sha disappeared with the search officer.

“Run for this guy, the Pokémon of the superpower system are really troublesome! Come out. Kakun said, looking into the forest on the side.

Mo Feng walked out slowly: “Captain Kakun.” ”

“You did a good job, this battle merit, I wrote it down for you, Hu Di! Use mental strength, take those Pokémon back, get the rookies to the helicopter, and let’s go. Kakun nodded towards Mo Feng and gave an order to Hudi on the side, Hudi’s soup spoon flew up, and one by one the baby balls fluttered up to put back the sleeping Pokémon around, and the baby balls flew back to the belts of the members of the rocket team, and the members of the rocket team emitted blue light and were sent to the seats of the plane one by one.

“Let’s go, the containment task over here is complete.” Kakun looked at Mo Feng and said, took back the Pokémon, jumped on the plane, Mo Feng nodded, and jumped up, as soon as the gate closed, the plane took off and rushed into the sky.

In the middle of the plane, Mo Feng looked at Kakun sitting in front of him: “Captain, this operation is not as simple as capturing Pokémon.” ”

“Hehe, of course, you are very smart, but your current authority and strength are not enough, or don’t know too much, it is not good for you.” Kakun looked at Mo Feng with a sneer, Mo Feng nodded and lowered the hat on his head.

“Captain Kakun! Found that there are coalition helicopters, approaching, what to do? The captain’s voice came over the radio. _

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