Age of Elves

Chapter 069

069 Library disaster

Mo Feng nodded to the administrator on the opposite side, walked over with the key, and walked in with the open door.

System Tip: Congratulations to the player for discovering the first quest – Library Catastrophe, which is rewarded with 30,000 XP, +100,000 cash, and +20 Reputation.

“Enter the quest, library disaster, level 40 quest, difficulty: 5 people.”

“Enter the copy.”

As the voice in his heart sounded, the task props in his hand, the key to the library disappeared, Mo Feng appeared in a library, through the moonlight falling from the glass ceiling, he could see the scenery inside, without the tidiness of the normal library, the shelves collapsed, a large pile of books were scattered on the ground, and Lada was wandering around, nibbling on books and shelves.

First used the detection skill towards a Rada who was immersed in a book.


Level: 40

Life: 18400/18400

Attack: 1800

Defense: 1720

Special Attack: 1720

Special defense: 1720

Speed: 2000

List of skills: Flashes of Lightning, Kill Incisors, Crush, Angry Incisors.

Looking at Rada’s skills, this angry front tooth is the most disgusting, biting once will reduce half of life, this fixed-effect skill, coupled with the flash of electricity and the speed that Lada originally had, is highly toxic, if it is beaten, no matter how strong the meat shield will be bitten to death, the fastest way is… Strong output, sweep directly over, do not let Rada get close.

“Let’s start fighting.” Mo Feng exhaled, took out the baby balls and threw them one after another, the tyrannosaurus, the Hakron, the beautiful flower, Larulas, the large-mouthed bat, and the big wolf dog appeared in front of Mo Feng.

“Big-mouthed bats! Use ultrasound to gather them. Mo Feng issued an order to the large-mouthed bat, the large-mouthed bat looked around, flapped its wings, rushed to the sky, sent out ultrasound, one by one Lada was attacked and was enraged, and his eyes were red and chased towards the large-mouthed bat, but the Lada who could not fly, one by one tried to jump up and attack the large-mouthed bat, but there was no way to reach the height of the large-mouthed bat, could not hit the large-mouthed bat, fell from the air and ran after the large-mouthed bat.

Mo Feng led a group of Pokémon to look at the scene, a large group of Lada rushed to chase the large-mouthed bat, the health value kept falling, wandered around, flew upside down and kept using ultrasound, and a group of Lada rushed towards Mo Feng.

“Tyrannosaurus, Hakron, use the Dragon Beautiful Flower and use the Magic Leaf!” Mo Feng looked at the same, and issued orders to several Pokémon, the tyrannosaurus, the Hakron, and the beautiful flower screamed one by one to release a special move, and the tornado swept Rada who rushed over one by one.

“Kill level 40 Lada and get 600 meridians.”

As the prompt sounded continuously, a group of Ladas were swept away by the tornado, and one by one fell to the ground as the tornado dissipated, turning into white light and disappearing.

“Rada! Rada! As the surrounding Rada let out a scream, piles of crimson eyes appeared around “Lada! Rada! As the shouts came out, one by one, Lada rushed towards Mo Feng.

“Chiru.” Chirulian ran to Mo Feng’s side, looking at the red light around him with some fear, and the Lada group running over.

Several Pokémon of the big wolf dog stared at Lada running in front of him, and Mo Feng waved at the large-mouthed bat: “Large-mouthed bats, ultrasound attacks them!” Remember to fly a little higher. ”

“Whoosh!” The large-mouthed bat rushed to the sky and sent an ultrasonic attack at the rushing Rada, while Mo Feng looked at the system’s prompts on the side, Qirulian and the Great Wolf Dog level increased to level 23, and the others did not change, and the skills were not learned.

Mo Feng looked at the Lada who ran over on the opposite side, this wave is five levels higher than the Lada level just now, called the Mad Lada, the attribute of the higher level five is much higher, more than two hundred higher.

There is no difference for himself, the attribute is not high, not to the extent of a wave of seconds, looking at the Rada who was pulled over by the large-mouthed bat with an ultrasonic attack.

“Tyrannosaurus, Hakron, Tornado, Beautiful Flower, Magic Leaf.” Mo Feng issued an order to several Pokémon, and several Pokémon attacked at the same time, sweeping all the Lada who rushed over, killing Rada one by one into white light.

“Kill level 45 mad Lada and gain 675 experience.”

As the opposite Lada disappeared, a giant shadow smashed down from the air, “Rada! With a roar, a green blood bar appeared on the head of a huge Lada, and a white light appeared behind him, rushing towards Mo Feng’s side.

“Cut! It’s really spectacular enough, the more you go to the back copy, the bigger the boss, the gigantic size, this alone can give people a sense of oppression, and the one in front of you is at least three times the size of a normal Lada. ”

“Go on, Chillulian uses mental power, large-mouthed bat, uses air blade, beautiful flower uses ultimate suction, tyrannosaurus uses water cannon, Harkdragon, uses tornado.” Mo Feng issued orders towards several Pokémon.

Chillulian heard the order, his eyes shone twice, and the opposite Lada suddenly floated up, and then the attack of several Pokémon such as the large-mouthed bat, hit the opposite Lada BOSS at the same time, and the giant Lada that looked majestic disappeared under a series of attacks.

“Defeat the crazy Lada boss of the one-star boss and gain 20,000 experience.”

“Congratulations to the player Madman, who successfully passed the library’s disaster quest for the first time, in 5 minutes and 55 seconds, special rewards: 100,000 character experience, 500,000 cash, 50 reputation, and one special item.”

“Congratulations to the player Madman, who successfully passed the library’s disaster quest for the first time, in 5 minutes and 55 seconds, special rewards: 100,000 character experience, 500,000 cash, 50 reputation, and one special item.”

“Congratulations to the player Madman, who successfully passed the library’s disaster quest for the first time, in 5 minutes and 55 seconds, special rewards: 100,000 character experience, 500,000 cash, 50 reputation, and one special item.”

Mo Feng looked at the Lada who disappeared instantly after being concentrated attacked, the king-level bonus, it was really terrifying, this Lada was similar to the big steel snake at the beginning, and there was no clear restraint relationship like the big steel snake, generally the Pokémon of what attribute did not have too much attribute restraint, under the control of Chirurian, a wave of attacks were all hit, and the damage hit was enough to kill this Rada in seconds.

Looking at the things obtained by the first kill, as well as the silver treasure chest that fell in front of him, he walked over and opened the chest. _

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