Age of Elves

Chapter 070

070 Special Missions

“Witness the moment of miracles!” Thinking about it, he began to grab something from the treasure chest, grabbed two gold bars, a drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, threw it into his backpack, continued to scratch in the treasure chest, and then grabbed two more things, and the treasure chest turned into white light and disappeared.

Mo Feng looked at the things in his hand, two skill upgrade books, the corners of his mouth twitched, and they were directly thrown into the backpack, which was acceptable, and it was not too dark.

Looking at the surrounding Pokémon, he took out the 100,000-volt learning machine he bought before, and forgot to learn for Harkron before, and directly studied for Harkron.

“Hakron successfully comprehended 100,000 volts using the learning machine, please choose the replacement skill.”

Mo Feng looked at the choice to replace the dragon tail, after all, the special attack lord grew up the hack dragon, physical attacks are useless, the dragon tail and the water flow tail are both skills to be replaced, but the dragon system’s tricks are more replaced first.

“Congratulations to your Harkon comprehending 100,000 volts.”

“I haven’t forgotten, but Flash Pokémon, which can learn one more skill than ordinary Pokémon, is also within the scope of explanation.” Looking at Harkron, who had finished learning the trick, he nodded and took back all the surrounding Pokémon.

Because of the lack of level, the second wave of crazy lada and bosses did not eat experience, the experience of Chirulian and the Great Wolfhound did not change, and other Pokémon did not upgrade their level because of the high demand for experience.

“These two guys should be replaced first after the first wave.” Mo Feng looked at the baby ball of Chirulian and the big wolf dog.

Put away the baby balls one by one and put them in the baby ball slot of the belt, just now the copy was awarded a special prop, I don’t know what it is, after all, the first kill of these copies in the previous life was not with him, and no one specially recorded the reward of the first kill.

Taking out the contents of the backpack, Mo Feng looked at the things he was holding in his hand suspiciously.

“Giant Incisors: Giant Rada’s Incisors, Mission Supplies.”

“And this kind of stuff? Rada’s front teeth? Mo Feng looked at the thing in his hand very speechless, this system really gave an insoluble thing, maybe it should be taken to the administrator to see.

After leaving the copy, seeing that the administrator was still at the door, he first walked over to submit the task, took the task again, and then took out the front teeth just now: “This is what I found inside, I don’t know what this is?” ”

The administrator over there took the giant front teeth held by Mo Feng with both hands, and looked at the giant front teeth in his hands with his eyes shining: “This is the front teeth that Lada dropped, generally after Lada grows to a larger size, after the front teeth are not suitable, the front teeth will fall out, grow more suitable front teeth, according to the size of the front teeth, this Lada is already huge, if you grow again… That’s a lot of trouble, you come with me.” After Mo Feng finished speaking, he turned around and walked in one direction.

Mo Feng was helpless, as if it triggered something, or followed to take a look, followed the administrator and walked over, came to a sewer manhole cover.

“Those Ladas all ran out of this sewer and I asked them to investigate, but the results of the search, there was no Lada in it at all, several times in a row, Miss Junsha, they thought I was telling a lie, maybe you can go inside and take a look.” The administrator pointed to the sewer in front of him and said through Mo Feng.

“Trigger a special mission: Rada of the Hidden Waterways.”

Mission name: Rada hidden in the sewers

Mission content: Go to the city sewers to find out the whereabouts of Rada.

Mission Rewards: ???

“Congratulations to the player for activating the Special Dungeon: Strange Sewer, Special Dungeon, Level: ??? Number of people: Only players who activate special missions can enter, this quest can only be entered once, please be careful. ”

“What kind of copy is this, I haven’t heard of this copy before.” Mo Feng looked at it suspiciously, and suddenly turned into a sewer manhole cover of a copy vortex, scratching his head suspiciously.

“By the way, according to the size of this front tooth, there may be a very large Lada inside, there is a great danger, please be prepared before entering.” The administrator looked at Mo Feng and said

Mo Feng nodded at the administrator: “Good.” “, turned to leave, thought for a while, here is not in a hurry to practice leveling first, there is no problem to brush that copy, after all, after the bonus, the Pokémon attributes and output are very high, but the Pokémon level is not high, and if you can’t eat experience, you will lose.

In my previous life, I heard of this special exclusive copy, the experience is a lot, ten times the experience outside, after all, you can only play once, the level is not enough to eat experience, moreover, the level exceeds the estimated level, brush it will be troublesome, and it seems that you can’t continue this task if you can’t get through.

Turned around and walked back to the library copy, or continue to brush the copy, the library copy can only be brushed in the evening, or brush the copy first, Mo Feng also wants to get more skill upgrade books to improve the skills well.

Enter the dungeon, release the Pokémon, here is not more spacious than the rock cave side, and there is no such long-range attack, pulling monsters is very easy, brushing monsters, brushing copies is also very fast, much faster than the rock cave brushing speed.

Large-billed bats, Tyrannosaurus, Hakron, Beautiful Flower, Chirurian, Pikachu appear.

For the time being, practice these first, Mo Feng looked at the Pokémon in front of him and waved at the large-mouthed bat: “Go, large-mouthed bat, use ultrasound, pull them over.” ”

“Whoosh!” Hearing the command, the large-mouthed bat sent out an ultrasound and wandered around the library, attracting a Rada who was only in the library.

“Big-mouthed bat, Yolada’s actions are getting smoother and smoother.” Mo Feng looked at the large-mouthed bats running over with a group of Rada, and issued an attack order towards several Pokémon such as the Tyrannosaurus: “Tyrannosaurus, Harkron, use tornadoes, beautiful flowers, use magic leaves.” ”

The attack coverage of one Pokémon is not enough, three Pokémon attack at the same time, and the coverage of a wave of attacks in an instant is enough, sweeping away all the Lada who has been beaten by the large-mouthed bat.

After cleaning up the first wave of Rada, Chillulian was no longer experienced, put Chillulian away, replaced the Nine Tails, continued to brush monsters, and soon the wave ended.

Mo Feng walked forward and picked up what Lada dropped.

“Rare Skill Book Fragments: Putting together 100 sheets can be combined into a rare skill book.”

“Skill Upgrade Book Fragments: Putting together 20 sheets can be combined into one skill upgrade book.”

6 fragments of rare skill books and 1 fragment of skill upgrade books, put away things and Pokémon and threw them into the backpack, left the quest, and went to turn in the task. _

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