Age of Elves

Chapter 078

078 Hidden Lab

After making a decision, while just gaining experience, 1500 mobs, 45000000 experience plus boss experience, exactly 5 million experience.

Tyrannosaurus and Shanado rise to level 43, Characters and Beautiful Flower, Hakron, Bigmouth Bat, Pikachu all rise to 44.

He opened the skill upgrade book gift box, raised the King of Powers to level 15, and the Lord of Strength to level 5, and consumed these ten skill upgrade books.

“According to the content of the task, that guy should also be in the copy, I don’t know if it’s right to guess, how big this sewer copy is, it’s really sad.” Mo Feng walked with a portable lamp, but for a moment, as he walked, he found a suspicious passage on the wall next to him.

“This was originally the place of the wall, and there was a passage, this is it.” Mo Feng walked in expressionlessly, and not long after, an iron door appeared in front of him.

“Hey… This treasure chest is full of props for hidden missions. Mo Feng looked at the key chain on the opposite side, took out the key of the prop, and successfully opened the iron door.

In the laboratory full of various bottles, an old man in it did not care at all about Mo Feng coming in.

“Almost successful, almost successful, super potion that can make Pokémon stronger, then I will definitely be more famous than those guys!” I only heard the old man on the other side say this to himself, and quickly concocted a strange potion.

Mo Feng looked at the guy on the other side, and it was really the boss: “Excuse me!” Dr. Eins. ”

“Huh? You know me? The old man on the opposite side looked at Mo Feng and turned his head and asked.

“The results of your experiment have affected the safety of the residents of this city, please stop the experiment.” Mo Feng looked at Eins on the opposite side and said

“The results of the experiment? Oh! You see, my experimental results? No, the strengthening potion of this experiment has not yet succeeded, how the hell did you break into here, young man. On the opposite side, Eines poured the potion into a distillation flask on the other side, and the potion in the bottle on the fire flashed and turned into a strange red potion: “Oh! Finally successful, I won’t let you block my experiments, just let you see the power of my potions.” ”

“Shanado, strong spirit, get me that potion.” The corner of Mo Feng’s mouth twitched, this guy was really chattering, watching the opposite face of Eins pick up the potion, directly let Shanaido activate the skill, control Eins, and the bottle of potion was controlled and flew in front of Mo Feng.

“Abominable boy! You actually robbed me of my research results, unforgivable! Eines on the opposite side suddenly roared.

Mo Feng directly ignored the angry Ince on the other side, and with the power of the human who did not open the combat attribute, he could not break free from the control of the spiritual strong thought.

“Enhancement Elixir: Can forcibly increase the Pokémon level to 80., and the Pokémon used will become gigantic and more fierce at the same time”

“This thing… The effect is good, but the side effects are too obvious. Mo Feng took the potion he was holding and threw it directly to the side wall and shattered it.

“Abominable! The old man’s experiment, let go of the old man! You nasty brat. The opposite Eins looked at Mo Feng and shouted, and the mental strength exploded, and a spiritual impact made the opposite Eins roll his eyes and fall into a coma.

Mo Feng looked at Eins on the opposite side and scratched his head: “What to do about this, this broken task.” Walking over, he found that the opposite Eins slowly turned into white light and disappeared.

“Kill Dr. Madness-Eins.”

“Hint: Since you killed Dr. Madness, Dr. Madness’s hatred for you will always remain at the highest!”

“Congratulations to the player for completing the mission: Dr. Madness, stopping Dr. Madness’s experiment, mission evaluation: perfect, get reward: 10 magic candies.”

“I wipe! Beat to death. “Mo Feng looked at the corner of the opposite mouth, there is a mistake, here this guy hangs, is there still a copy in the back, no, that hatred will always remain the highest… Is it, I wipe the poison ah, will not in the future I will brush the copy, directly hit people, do not hit Pokémon, for ten magical candies, this hatred is widened.

“Shanai.” Sha Naiduo looked at Mo Feng who was dumbfounded in front of him, and cried out suspiciously, Mo Feng looked at Sha Naiduo and smiled: “Fortunately, come back and rest.” “Take out the baby ball and put Shanaido back.

The hidden task of the pit man, however, ten magical candies, is not a loss, the first hatred is the first hatred, even if he wants to brush the level 100 copy for a long time.

Choosing to leave the copy, the scenery in front of me changed and appeared next to the sewer manhole cover of the library, looking at the manhole cover in front of me “Bah! This hidden mission, bad review! “Turned around and walked back and found the librarian.

“I’ve cleaned up all the Lada inside, Mr. Administrator, your library should not be affected in the future.” Mo Feng looked at the administrator in front of him and said.

“Oh, it’s so well done, I do feel that hateful aura disappear, this is a reward for you, my treasured books.” The administrator looked at Mo Feng and said, “Just take it as a reward for you to lift our library problems.” ”

After speaking, he took out a gift box and handed it to Mo Feng, the treasured books? Mo Feng took the gift box suspiciously and nodded to the administrator in front: “There is no problem here, I will leave first.” ”

Turning around and about to leave, Mo Feng had just taken a few steps when he suddenly heard the system’s prompt.

System Notification: Due to the player’s completion of special missions, the disaster in the quest library has been canceled, and a level 40 quest: sewer creature has been added, and the Kanto Library will open in seven days, and you can improve your skills and experience by reading books in the library.

System Notification: Due to the player’s completion of special missions, the disaster in the quest library has been canceled, and a level 40 quest: sewer creature has been added, and the Kanto Library will open in seven days, and you can improve your skills and experience by reading books in the library.

System Notification: Due to the player’s completion of special missions, the disaster in the quest library has been canceled, and a level 40 quest: sewer creature has been added, and the Kanto Library will open in seven days, and you can improve your skills and experience by reading books in the library.

Does this library still have this effect? Mo Feng scratched his head, listening to the repeated system announcement, in the previous life, the library copies in each region were brushed with skill books, and I didn’t see any library open, I didn’t expect that this thing could also improve skills.

Moreover, a new copy was opened, can it be said … The corner of Mo Feng’s mouth twitched, and he walked to the sewer manhole cover next to the library, which was already occupied by a whirlpool, and sure enough, this side became a copy.

Walked to the whirlpool, did not find a hint of a copy, shook his head, do you want to continue to brush the copy here, but think about the fact that you have just been in it for so long, turned and walked out of the library. _

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