Age of Elves

Chapter 081

081 leveling is in progress

“It’s worthy of being a great god…” the other players sighed one by one as they watched the sudden announcement.

Of course, these Mo Feng did not know, looking at the silver treasure chest that fell on the beach on the opposite side.

“It’s so dangerous, I almost killed a Pokémon by it, nasty crab.” Mo Feng thought in his heart, took the Pokémon back first, walked over and opened the treasure chest, and grabbed two things from the treasure chest with white light.

“Proof of Kings: Carry and attack, when dealing damage, there is a chance to make opponents cringe and allow certain Pokémon to evolve.”

In addition to this evolution item, there are also two gold bars… Two gold bars, the corner of Mo Feng’s mouth twitched, threw the gold bar into the backpack, looking at this king certificate, this special evolution prop is very valuable.

Like the certificate of the king, this is 5 million cash, the dragon scale is slightly more expensive, 10 million cash a bar, are priced according to the degree of rarity, like the dragon scale, in addition to the Pokémon drop of the dragon attribute, only the treasure chest has a chance to come out and some task rewards are rewarded, the certificate of the king, that you have to brush the monster with the suffix of the king to have a chance to fall,

The price in the later period is almost like this, the market price of NPCs, is twice the one, or limited, often out of stock, according to the idea of businessmen, the more you sell, the better, but also to people can afford the price, now, the dragon scales can be sold for about 15 million cash, the king’s certificate can be sold for 8-9 million, of course, someone can afford the price, can’t afford to sell it.

In the later stage, if there is a shortage of goods, there is an urgent shortage can be sold a lot, with the current situation, no one can pay so much money to buy, the guild will not be so extravagant, if you want to sell, it is also two months later, after the cash exchange opened, people become rich, in order to sell.

Of course, it is not ready to sell, the Pokémon evolved with these props are good, and they may be used later, and the effect of carrying them is also good.

I put it away first and took a look at the learning machine given by the first pass.

“Blizzard Learning Machine: Allows some Pokémon to quickly learn Blizzard skills.”

Very good, you can learn for Hakron, directly to Hakron to use, originally planned to forget the dragon’s tail, did not expect to learn directly successfully.

It is worthy of being a flash Pokémon, the Pokémon, left the copy, looked at the sky, the experience of a single copy is too little, some miss the various daily activities of the previous life, and S (world boss)… and other things, after all, now simply brush the copy, is too uncomfortable, too boring, but some things to have at least 10 level 50 players will open, before as a professional play, Mo Feng or continue to be patient into the copy, previous games like single brush, after all, single brush means that you can enjoy things exclusively, make money faster, only when you can’t beat, will be with other professional players or group wild.

“Brushing copies is king, if you can brush the wild map BOSS is better, when it first appears, no player can fight, the lowest level of the wild map BOSS also has to enter at level 50, ten people at the beginning, not necessarily in the same area, at most 2-3 people to fight the boss, basically send to death, after all, the lowest quality of the wild map BOSS is the king level, and the lowest level of attributes is the two-star world BOSS, which is 10 times the basic growth bonus, plus the additional growth bonus of the level * star.

To put it bluntly, the high attribute is amazing, not a few people of the same level can fight, unless the configuration is very high, otherwise it is level suppression and restraint countermeasures.

So the most important thing now is to brush the copy, brush the level, first use the six Pokémon of Hakron, Tyrannosaurus, Beautiful Flower, Pikachu, Bigmouth Bat, and Shanaido to brush 20 times, several Pokémon fell into a state of fatigue, Mo Feng went out to rest for a while, sat outside and watched the changes of the Pokémon, while watching the remaining Pokémon began to think about how to configure.

Bigmouth Bat, Hakron, Beautiful Flower, Pikachu rose to level 45, Pikachu comprehended high-speed movement and forgot feints, Tyrannosaurus and Shanaido rose to 44, and in general, it’s hard to make a big change now.

After watching the changes of the Pokémon, Mo Feng looked at the remaining Pokémon and made a combination.

Nine Tails, Big Needle Bee, Magic Frog Flower, Lizard King, Kabi Beast, Coyote Dog, and these six can be regarded as combat power can be used, the big rock snake is not strong, can not be immune to the skill of killing a blow, plus the low level is useless, the small duck-billed dragon is the same situation, the level is low, but also restrained, basically useless.

After thinking about the configuration of the Pokémon, or use a large needle bee that can fly, use a flying needle to bombard the ground first, attract the group of giant pincer crabs out, pull it to a safe distance outside, and then release the other Pokémon, after all, this group of guys hides very well, this safe area is just where the trainer comes in and stays, the released Pokémon will only appear on the beach, I don’t know the specific location of the hide, Mo Feng does not dare to release the Pokémon on land casually, after all, dead, no doctor resurrected, The treatment has to run to Hualan City, another two hours, and the treatment also takes two hours.

Although there is a detector, but this detector is only the general position of reality, will not accurately judge the location of the giant pincer crabs, go in and take it out, the command sees that the dense red dots on the screen are useless.

“Okay, so be it, but the insect wings of the large needle bee are much weaker than the bird wings, I don’t know how high they can fly, let’s try it first.” Mo Feng looked at the sky, which was still lit, and turned around and walked into the whirlpool.

First throw the baby ball of the large needle bee into the air, and the large needle bee appears in the air.

“Big needle bee, fly high.” The big needle bee nodded towards Mo Feng, and quickly flew towards the sky.

“Good, good, this height is enough, okay, the big needle bee can use the projectile needle attack on the beach.” Mo Feng issued an order to the big needle bee, the big needle bee held the double needle high, and the energy bombs in the form of each double needle bombed the beach intensively, and the beach was blown out of potholes, although only 25% of the damage, the damage was very low, but it still succeeded in attracting the giant pincer crabs out of the beach one by one and attacking the big needle bees in the sky. _

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