Age of Elves

Chapter 083

083 All incubation

Release a big wolf dog to deal with the wild Pokémon that attacked over, while walking, watching the changes in Pokémon and themselves, character level 47, large-mouthed bat, hack dragon, beautiful flower level 46, tyrannosaurus, Shanaido level 45, Nine Tails level 43.

More than four hours to upgrade to a level, the pit man’s brush level trip, looking at the information, walking almost took the big wolf dog back, all the way to clear the monster is still good, earned 5,000 experience.

Came to the front of Hualan City, took the big wolf dog back, ran to the Pokémon Center and put the big-mouthed bat’s baby ball on the counter.

Mo Feng was about to go to drink a cup of tea to rest for a while, when he suddenly heard the prompt sound of the system: “Your Pokémon are about to hatch, please take the Pokémon eggs out of the backpack as soon as possible.” ”

Mo Feng listened to the sudden sound, got up and walked outside, but in a moment he walked to a beach outside Hualan City, took out Pokémon eggs, and placed them on the uninhabited beach.

One by one, the Pokémon eggs then emitted light, and each egg hatched, and Mo Feng took out the baby ball to subdue it, but in a moment, 20 horned goldfish, 3 starfish, 10 onyx jellyfish, and 3 ink seahorses will all be subdued.

“Sure enough, it’s a miscellaneous fish, and the 20 horned goldfish are actually of excellent quality.” Mo Feng had seen the attributes of a horned goldfish and almost lost the baby ball: “This kind of mass-produced is not a good product, it is worthy of being an ornamental Pokémon with a production second only to King Carp.” ”

“Forget it, the base is too far away, first throw it in the backpack first, look at the starfish, one excellent quality, two rare quality, ten onyx jellyfish, nine excellent quality, one rare, ink seahorse three rare quality.” Looking at the information of these Pokémon, the potential of the Mo Seahorse is still a little higher, and the other two starfish and an onyx jellyfish can also be considered, but Mo Feng is a little too lazy to run back to level up.

Some miss the space house and the organization’s breeding house, but the house building order and the legion building order are very difficult things to come by.

Put it away first, turn around and walk towards Hualan City, now Hualan City is still very deserted, no players have run to this side, walked back to the Pokémon Center, waited for a while, went to a Pokémon restaurant to feed the Pokémon, also ate a meal, rarely fed all the gods, and fed those wild Pokémon that were taken in the deep sea ruins, and ate 1 million cash in a big meal.

Then went to the store to dispose of gold bars and pearls, earned 17 gold, bought a high-end space tent by the way, and then bought some fast ramen, some Pokémon food, spent 11 million cash, of which the luxurious space tent cost 10 million cash, the size of the equivalent of 50 square meters of cottage, the kind of furniture, than buying the same size cottage in Hualan City is about five times more expensive, if in a large city such as Jinhuang City, the price of the house is higher.

These houses are ordinary houses that have no space house that has the ability to use architectural drawings to build buildings, and the breeding house has been built, and the breeder must also make special Pokémon food for the Pokémon inside to eat, and the architectural drawings make a certain experience for the Pokémon placed inside every day according to the level, and you don’t need a breeder to give Pokémon experience.

Space tent can only provide ordinary living effect, in addition to the space is more than a thousand times more expensive than ordinary tents, that is, the space inside the tent is large, the mobile house, not as safe as the space mansion, originally planned to buy an ordinary tent over there to fight a protracted war, when I was choosing, I didn’t expect that there was actually a high-grade space tent for sale here, I couldn’t help but buy it, this thing is rare, when I saw the high-level space tent in the underground exchange of the rocket team only ten square meters of space, The price is also about one million to two million cheap, depending on the supplies inside.

Go to the Pokémon Center, collect the treated large-mouthed bat, leave Hualan City, run towards the replica area over there, and an hour later, come to the replica area.

“Phew!” Exhaled a breath and looked at the teleportation vortex in front of him: “The king-level skill is a full level, and there is no need for skill training recently, wait for the accumulation of skill upgrade books later, and use skill upgrade books to directly upgrade the number.” ”

Walked into the copy expressionlessly, took out the treasure ball and threw it out, released the Harkron, Tyrannosaurus, Bigmouth Bat, Nine Tails, Beautiful Flower, Shanado, several Pokémon continued to brush, rested for more than three hours, and recovered a lot of physical strength, quickly brushed thirty copies, the physical strength of several Pokémon was almost consumed, and after falling into a state of fatigue, these Pokémon were replaced with Pikachu, Kabi Beast, Great Wolf Dog, Big Needle Bee, Magic Frog Flower, Lizard King A few began to brush the copy.

“The two teams replace the brush, this time consumption, almost, maybe I should catch some ghostly Pokémon that don’t like to sleep at night or catch some Pokémon with sleepless characteristics, and do a night brush copy, so that in theory, as long as there is no mistake, you can keep brushing the copy 24 hours a day.” Mo Feng looked at the Pokémon attacking on the opposite side, and his eyes became sharp, but after thinking about it, only the two Pokémon here in Kanto have sleepless attributes, the hypnotic tapir and the dream tapir.

Evolutionary type and initial type, super power Pokémon control ability is great, but these two Pokémon need a relatively high level to learn effective output skills, moreover, it is a land type, does not use mental strength to control itself, there is no way to float, there is no use here, and there is no effective large-scale output skills, leveling is also a waste of time, not much use, pure waste of time.

To catch these ghost Pokémon, there is still a long way to go, temporarily do not go, there are no Pokémon that can fly for a long time, tyrannosaurus, hack dragon They do not have that kind of physical strength and speed, if they run over, it will take more than ten days, riding a bicycle may not be faster than running by themselves, after all, there are combat attributes, the bonus of speed is not faster than a bicycle, motor vehicles, motorcycles can only drive in the specified lane, sports cars are sorry can not afford to buy, airplanes and the like can not afford to buy. _

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