Age of Elves

Chapter 095

095 Hidden Boss appears

Retracted the Pokémon out of the copy, entered the copy again, and released a few Pokémon, “Beautiful flower, you go to the area of the Thunderball Ball, Harkron you go to the field of the little magnetic monster over there, the Nine-Taileds, the large-mouthed bat, and the Tyrannosaurus go to the area of the electric shock beast.” ”

It’s good that the Nine Tails have restraining damage to the little magnetic monsters, but Harkron’s attack is enough to kill the little magnetic monsters in seconds, and this restrained damage is dispensable, let them go to the realm of the electric shock beast, and they can still kill in seconds.

“Beautiful flower, use magic leaves when there are many enemies, use ultimate suction to recover when there are few enemies, Harkdragon uses blizzard attacks throughout the process, Nine Tails continues to use jet flame, Tyrannosaurus uses water cannons, and large-mouthed bats use venom shock.” Mo Feng issued an order to a few Pokémon, and a few Pokémon nodded, and moved towards the area they were going to.

“Six points! Faster than expected. Mo Feng looked at the clearance time that appeared, and sure enough, the output improved a lot, and the fight was much faster.

After swiping 30 copies in a row, the thirtieth copy sounded with the prompt to clear the level, and suddenly there was a shrill sound in the dungeon.

“Your battle in the power plant has alarmed the Pokémon hidden in the depths of the power plant, please be careful!”

Mo Feng looked at the prompt of the system, and immediately recruited the Pokémon back, several Pokémon gathered, and a column of electric light suddenly appeared in front, piercing the building through a hole, the electric light disappeared, and a large bird covered with an energy shield appeared in the air, its eyes were red and angry chirping.

Mo Feng looked at the lightning bird on the opposite side, and gasped in the air: “Legendary Pokémon!” Even if it is weakened, it gives people a strong sense of oppression. “Mo Feng quickly took the big wolf dog back, replaced Sha Naiduo, and let this guy come out to eat experience, which is still very good.

Everything was ready, the lightning bird in front of it let out a call, and a wave of lightning rushed to the sky, and the entire sky was covered with dark clouds and flashes of electric light.

“Shanado, use spiritual strength to limit it.” Mo Feng issued an order to Sha Naiduo, a purple light appeared on Sha Naiduo’s body, the lightning bird on the opposite side was wrapped at once, and the thunder attack in the air was still brewing, because it was suddenly interrupted, and it dissipated without a trace, and the lightning bird whose physical strength reached the limit became much slower to perform skills.

“Gah!” The lightning bird let out a roar, the wings spread and the electric light flashed and shattered the shield, -284435 damage came out, the energy bar of the shield only fell a little, Mo Feng’s eyes narrowed slightly, the shield actually only dropped such a little energy, dry, this lightning bird is an adult lightning bird, want. Thinking to himself, he shouted at a few Pokémon: “Harkron uses Blizzard, Largemouth Bat uses Hypersound, and Nine Tails uses Jet Attack!” The Tyrannosaurus uses a water cannon, the beautiful flower uses Ultimate Absorb, and Shanado continues to limit it. “Send your life at a few Pokémon.

Hakron leads the attack of Pokémon. On the shield of the lightning bird, the ultrasound of the large-mouthed bat directly penetrates the shield and hits the lightning bird body inside due to its characteristics.

Attacked by a blizzard and other tricks, damage appeared one by one, and although it was protected by a shield, it was still unstable and flew back.

-685911, under the attack of the ultrasonic wave, -5443’s damage keeps coming out of the lightning bird’s head, and the blood bar on the head is constantly decreasing, -152104.-114318, -157187.

Looking at a series of attacks, this lightning shield, only dropped about a third, Mo Feng’s forehead appeared a drop of cold sweat, you must know that this shield does not enjoy the defense of Pokémon, as long as the damage is 100%, will not be cut, this is already more than 1.3 million damage, actually only a little more than a third of the energy, really troublesome, this is still weakened, only 10% of the attribute of the lightning bird ah.

The lightning bird flew upside down, and without attacking, it was caught by Shanado’s spiritual strength, and a purple energy shield was added to the lightning bird.

“Gah!” The lightning bird screamed, the electric light on its body flashed, penetrating the spiritual strength shield that limited itself in front of it, the shield exploded and blew the lightning bird back, the lightning bird shouted and rushed out of the smoke, the electric light shone, rushed in all directions, and the repeated attack was scattered in an instant, but it was hit by the attack of the snowstorm and ultrasound, and at the same time the electric light fell, smashing the surrounding big holes.

“Dodge!” Mo Feng issued an order to several Pokémon to deal with this legendary Pokémon, it may be too early.

After saying that, he immediately jumped back, and several other Pokémon also dodged, but the electric light emitted by the lightning bird was too dense, and the nine-tailed and tyrannosaurus dodged directly by the electric light, and a damage came out of the head and was electrocorred.

Mo Feng quickly took out the treasure ball and took back the two Pokémon: “Shanaiduo! Spirit-strong! Control it! Hakron, Beautiful Flower, and Largemouth Bat continue to attack, paying attention to dodging attacks. Issuing orders to a few Pokémon, Shanadot once again took control of the Lightning Bird that had just finished using his trick, and several Pokémon of Hakron continued to attack.

At the same time, he quickly released a gem starfish and the lizard king: “Gem starfish, use water cannon, lizard king use ultimate suction.” ”

Issuing an order towards the two Pokémon, the gem starfish that had just appeared paused, looked at Mo Feng, who made a sound, before attacking in the direction where the lightning bird was, and the Lizard King had already executed the attack.

As the damage came out, in the black fog, there was a birdsong, and the sky was once again cloudy.

“Hugh got his way! Shanado, control it! Mo Feng issued an order to Sha Naiduo, although the mental strength and control are very strong, even after use, it is necessary to take a while, otherwise, the unlimited use even if the lightning bird is controlled to death, but it can only be limited to one or two seconds.

Controlled by the mental strength again, the lightning bird made a chirp, the attack was forcibly interrupted again, only this thunder can not let it out, now there is no holding skill, with the strength of the legendary Pokémon released, but not like the electric shock beast only a small lightning, but a super wide range of attacks, no holding skills is almost unable to dodge the Qingren skill, fortunately, now the lightning bird is weakened, thunder needs to charge for a few seconds, otherwise it will explode at once. _

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