Age of Elves

Chapter 098

098 comes with NPCs

“Shanai!” Sha Naiduo looked at Mo Feng and asked suspiciously.

“Just rest here, Shanado.” Mo Feng looked at Sha Naiduo and said, Sha Naiduo nodded, sat down next to Mo Feng, and looked at the Pokémon fighting in several directions.

After swiping the copy thirty times in a row, it took two and a half hours, and with a few Pokémon out of the copy, Mo Feng entered the space tent to rest.

“Large-billed bat, tyrannosaurus, hakron, beautiful flower upgraded to level 53, and the level of Nine Tails and Shanadot has been raised to level 52.”

“It’s a lot faster to brush.” Mo Feng looked around, bought a lot of Pokémon food, there is no need to go back to replenish it for the time being, now do cooking to crush some Pokémon food and add it to it, creating a better effect, it doesn’t matter if there are fewer tree fruits.

I swiped copies here for two days in a row, until the next day, when the thing was almost built, and I used the permissions of the Legion to teleport back to the Legion base, looking at the building on the opposite side that showed the time.

Sitting on the side to rest, these two days this group of people are quite crazy ah, are already 47, Mo Feng glanced at the guys on the leaderboard, this group of guys will not let the people in the guild with upgrades, the corners of Mo Feng’s mouth raised, or have found a copy of the giant pincer crab, but these are none of their own business, this group of people quickly reached 50, which is a lot of benefits to themselves, after all, there are many activities that give experience, and wild map bosses.

Mo Feng began to liquidate the harvest, in the past two days, in addition to eating and drinking, constantly brushing copies, he has not liquidated this group of things.

The two teams each brushed 180 times, after changing the configuration of the team, the time of both teams was compressed to about five minutes, brushing up quite quickly, coupled with their own dishes to speed up the recovery, generally resting for more than two hours to almost recover, a team brushes 90 copies a day, although it is less than the number of brushes a day on the giant pincer crab side, but the number of monsters here is three times that of that side at a time, which is not at all comparable to that side.

There are 6 energy crystals, three electric shock beasts, and the other three are one naughty egg explosion and two are three-in-one magnetic monsters.

Looking at the changes in the past two days, the character level has been increased to 58, the level of the large-mouthed bat, Pikachu, the nine-tailed, the tyrannosaurus, the Hakron, the Shanado, the level of the beautiful flower has been increased to level 55, and the level of the Kabi Beast, the Great Needle Bee, the Magic Frog Flower, the Lizard King, and the Great Wolf Dog level has been raised to level 54.

The Tyrannosaurus learned to destroy the Death Light, the Harkron learned to guard mysteriously, forgot the Flowing Tail, Shanaidor learned to eat dreams and forget to meditate, and the Magic Frog learned the Sunshine Flame and forgot the Seeds of Trouble.

Looking at the changes in Pokémon, it’s not bad, the level suppression on the top of the leaderboard has not changed much, before that you can reach level 60, you can play a wild map boss according to this attribute, and the low-level world boss attribute is still within the range that can be tolerated.

Watch the time on the opposite side go to zero and disappear, leaving only a tall building.

“What kind of recruitment office is that?” Mo Feng walked in step by step.

“Boss, I’m your exclusive secretary-, and I’ve sent the information of the person who applied for the job to the boss’s office.” As soon as he walked in, a woman came over and looked at Mo Feng and said.

“Secretary? I see, where? Mo Feng looked at the NPC in front of him, and did not expect that there was an NPC attached here.

“Boss, please come with me.” The white bird on the opposite side walked towards another entrance after Mo Feng finished speaking, Mo Feng scratched his head a little helplessly, it was really not used to it, followed the white bird to the top floor, there is only one room in this place, walking in almost the entire floor is an office, Mo Feng shook his head, followed in, looked around, this arrangement is quite luxurious.

Walked to the desk inside and sat down, looking at the stack of paper in front of him, Mo Feng picked it up and looked at it, and did not pick up a sheet that showed an NPC information on it.

Looking at the information of these people one by one, there are breeders, trainers, researchers, and doctors, but how to see that this group of people are miscellaneous fish characters, what kind of talent recruitment office is this.

Novice trainer, Pokémon are even weaker can, green caterpillars, Bobo … After reading thirty of them were all trainees’ application forms, browsing them one by one, the remaining five were two for cultivators, two for researchers, and one for doctors.

Looking at the information of this group of people, he threw it on the desk and rubbed his head, this is talent … It’s just to save yourself from kidnapping those salted fish NPCs outside.

“Is the boss not very happy with these people.” The white bird on the opposite side looked at Mo Feng’s appearance and asked.

“What do you suggest?” Mo Feng looked at the white bird and asked, and the white bird pushed his glasses: “Boss, according to the power and fame of our organization and funds, it is not good talents, it is recommended that the boss recruit them all first, use them for publicity, and when the power and reputation of our organization are improved, and there are enough funds, then there will be good talents coming.” ”

Mo Feng nodded, it was really to the point, although the legion was established, in the end it was only himself, and now there are only two people plus this white bird.

Opened the white bird and looked at the information:

Character name: Shiratori

Level: 100

Occupation: secretary

Loyalty: 100 (Forever Allegiance. )

Salary: 20,000 corps funds / day

Skills: management proficiency, eloquence proficiency, business talent…

Mo Feng looked at a series of ten strange skills, buying goods to reduce prices, managing various important tasks, and doing business… This NPC is a talent, although they are all non-combat, this skill has not been seen, but I don’t know how powerful ah, let her go to the alliance’s store to buy things can reduce the price by 10%, this is a very practical skill, and the skill of selling things to add money.

“The question of funding.” Mo Feng nodded and donated 10 million cash to the legion, “I have already put some funds in, you can recruit them all.” ”

“Of course there is no problem, the boss will leave this to me to deal with.” Shiratori pushed his glasses and said.

“Wait.” Mo Feng took out a bunch of treasure balls and put them on the table, and put a few captured high-grade gem starfish and stinger jellyfish on the table: “Take a few to defend yourself.” ”

“Yes… Boss. After Shiratori took a jewel starfish’s treasure ball and put it away, he nodded towards Mo Feng, and then left with these materials.

Mo Feng put the remaining unused Pokémon in the Pokémon warehouse, turned around and walked outside, it was unexpected to actually send an NPC, but there is a daily almighty NPC, saving a lot of things, and the practice plan will not be delayed at all. _

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