Zhang Feng looked relaxed, although Zhao Zihang's fire-breathing dragon has charcoal that can increase the damage of fire skills by 20%, but his fast dragon also has stronger real dragon teeth.

The fire-breathing dragon and the fast dragon flew into the air at the same time to confront each other, and the battle was about to break out.

92. Ace, Duck-billed Flame Dragon

"I've been wanting to meet your fast dragon for a long time."

Zhao Zihang stared at the fast dragon in mid-air and smiled lightly.

"Really, then I'm welcome, Kuailong, one hundred thousand volts."

"Fly up to avoid this blow, fire-breathing dragon."

Zhang Feng chose [-] volts, which had a good effect on fire-breathing dragons. He saw that the quick dragon's tentacles gathered together with lightning.

The fire-breathing dragon's response was fast enough, and its wings flew directly into the sky.

"Quick Dragon, catch up, Lightning Fist."

"Smoke screen, fire-breathing dragon."

I saw the higher flying fire-breathing dragon spewing out thick smoke, and the fast dragon whose right paw was flickering with electric light lost its vision and stopped directly in the smoke.

"One o'clock due east, Dragon's Wave."

Zhang Feng shouted without changing his face.

The little trick of smoke is not difficult for him who has the system.

"Come on, Zhang Feng's vision that can see through everything."

And hearing Zhang Feng's command, Liu Menghan also said.

"Dig a hole, fire-breathing dragon."

Zhao Zihang had already watched the video of Zhang Feng playing the water blue gym, and he knew about Zhang Feng's ability. The reason why he used the smoke screen just now was to delay the attack of the fast dragon. After all, the fast dragon did not have the same ability as Zhang Feng "perspective"


The fire-breathing dragon, which was already prepared, swooped directly from mid-air to avoid the wave of the dragon and used a burrow to escape into the ground.

Seeing a hole left on the field, Zhang Feng frowned slightly. Judging from Zhao Zihang's strain in the smoke, he could "see through"

He presumably knew the information.

"It's only the first time that Zhang Feng's ability is unexpected."

Xia Zhimu, who was watching the battle, also said softly.

"Fire-breathing dragon, counterattack, Iai Slash."

"Fast dragon, electromagnetic waves."

I saw the fire-breathing dragon breaking out of the ground behind the fast dragon and using its right claw to hit the fast dragon directly, and the fast dragon's electromagnetic wave also hit the fire-breathing dragon at zero distance without any suspense.

Looking at the fire-breathing dragon flickering with arcs on his body, Zhang Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and what he rushed at... paralyzed the fire-breathing dragon.

Zhao Zihang also seemed to have discovered Zhang Feng's intention, and he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Fire-breathing dragon, chase after victory, metal claws."

No way, the negative state of paralysis would sometimes affect the direction of a battle. The fire-breathing dragon was paralyzed, so Zhao Zihang chose to end the battle as soon as possible.

"We have never been afraid of strength, fast dragon, dragon claw."

Zhang Feng said lightly.

In the air, the dragon's claws and the metal claws straightened together, and the fire-breathing dragon was shocked by the power of the fast dragon.

"Fire-breathing dragon, throwing flames."

"Fast dragon, destroy the light."

Although the fire skills of the fire-breathing dragon under the increase of charcoal are powerful, they are not as powerful as the teeth of the real dragon. When the two elves are at a very close distance, the destruction light of the fast dragon still sprays flames and explodes closer to the fire-breathing dragon. .

Both of them were greatly affected by the explosion. The fast dragon was directly pushed out by the generated air waves and stumbled onto the field, while the fire-breathing dragon was injured and smashed directly into the field, and the ground around it was covered with water. A crack was formed. After all, the fire-breathing dragon was too close to the explosion point, and the energy was basically vented on it.

Looking at Zhao Zihang's face who was so seriously injured, he finally looked a little ugly. He didn't think it was ashamed to lose to the challenger, he just felt bad for the fire-breathing dragon's injury.

"The fire-breathing dragon loses its ability to fight, and the fast dragon wins."

After the referee finished speaking, Zhao Zihang directly took back the fire-breathing dragon, and handed the fire-breathing dragon's elf ball to his gym apprentice and asked him to send the fire-breathing dragon to the elf hospital.

"Wonderful, wonderful, God Zhang Feng's fifth gym has also been successfully conquered."

"The fire-type gym can't stop him. I look forward to Zhang Feng's next challenge to a stronger gym."

"Fire-breathing dragons can't do fast dragons after all."

The audience in Zhao Zihang's live broadcast room also discussed that Zhang Feng's three elves could still fight, and Zhao Zihang only had one left, the result was obvious.

Zhao Zihang directly sent his third elf, a duck-billed flame dragon with a purple aptitude of 16.

The moment he saw the duck-billed flame dragon, Zhang Feng took a deep look at Zhao Zihang. To be honest, Zhao Zihang has already brought out two heavenly king-level elves, which is indeed considered a very strong force among the masters of the Huaxia Taoist Hall.

"Duck-billed flame dragon, it looks like a very high level. Zhang Feng's fast dragon has just fought a battle. I don't know if Zhang Feng will change to the elves."

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