Time passed quickly, the next morning.

Zhang Feng got up very early and went to the forest in Red Lotus City to give his elves special training.

When Zhang Feng returned to the hotel after the special training, Xiao Chi had already arrived at the hotel where Zhang Feng reminded him to meet the two girls.

Xiao Chi, who was still wearing a red peaked cap and a red sleeveless jacket, simply found a place to eat and drink. Zhang Feng was also a little curious about the request made by the owner of the island that deserved Xiao Chi to fly all the way.

"The person who sold the island...is a Pokémon collector who likes to collect rare pokemon. His island is worth 25 billion, but he also mentioned that if you give him a king-level pokemon, the price can be reduced to 10."

Xiao Chi said vaguely while eating.

He didn't eat much all day yesterday. In order to spread the news to Zhang Feng, he could say that he basically spent the whole day on the back of the fire-breathing dragon. He even met a team of 1 The members of Team Rocket, and then all of them were captured and sent to the city's elf special investigator before moving on.

Hearing the conversation between the two, the performance of the two women was different, Liu Menghan's face was full of surprise, the figure of 25 billion was too exaggerated for her.

Xia Zhimu looked inexplicable. She knew that Zhang Feng wanted to create an organization, but she originally thought it was a small fight. After all, this so-called organization is currently full of only three people. Of course, she did not know that Xiaochi would become a future leader. The strongest person who fights, and Zhang Feng's income is the... Elite route, Ye Hong is only qualified to join.

"The collector, why didn't he let me send him a rare elf directly"

Zhang Feng said in a deep voice.

For... collectors, Zhang Feng's impression is not very good. The collectors in the anime who want to catch the three gods and use improper means are....

"Who knows, maybe he thinks that you don't have the elf he needs, and he also said that he needs a powerful elf for self-defense, preferably a ghost or superpower."

Xiao Chi looked at Zhang Feng and said.

To be honest, he doesn't really like that... Collector, keep your mouth shut, it's... elves trade.

Hearing Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Feng's expression, usually this kind of collectors rely on technology to capture rare elves, the elves they own are not too strong, the elves captured by Bi Technology are full of rebellious hearts. , and it is impossible to obey its orders.

However, this collector is also a hand, and the opening is...... a king-level elves, but also ghosts or superpowers. Most of these elves are difficult to capture.

The price he offered was not bad, but there was no market for it. After all, who would usually choose to sell a heavenly king-level elf.

Maybe this collector didn't have too much expectations when he offered Zhang Feng this condition. He knew that Zhang Feng was famous, but how could Zhang Feng, who has only traveled for less than a year, have too many heavenly kings. Level Pixie.

"Is there any....island elsewhere"

Zhang Feng asked, he was very disgusted with dealing with such people.

Xiao Chi paused and said: "Yes, there are 10 units for sale under the name of the Elf Alliance. If you are interested, you can try it. The basic price is around 32 billion:."

"[-] million"

Hearing Xiao Chi's words, Liu Menghan exclaimed first.

Zhang Feng is... indifferent, although he has never seen so much money, but in this world, with strength, it is not difficult to get money.

"Need my help? I can lend you this money..."

Looking at Zhang Feng who was silent, Xia Zhimu who was beside her said with a light smile.

Hearing Xia Zhimu's words, Xiao Chi also raised her head and looked at Xia Zhimu deeply.

"Need not."

Zhang Feng said with a smile, he did not have the habit of owed favors, and he did not want to have anything to do with the family.

"Xiao Chi, let's not talk about this, what happened when you came and delayed you for a day?"

Zhang Feng didn't intend to trade with that...collector. Although he had a Heavenly King-level dream demon in his hand, in Zhang Feng's opinion, that...collector was not qualified to command a Heavenly King-level elf.

"I met the Rockets."

Xiao Chi said with a long sigh of relief after eating the rice ball in front of him.


"It's them again"

Zhang Feng and Liu Menghan also spoke at the same time. Zhang Feng can obviously understand that the previous encirclement and suppression of the Elf Association had caused a great blow to the Rockets. Isn’t this the beginning of adding elves? Speaking of the Rockets, Xiao Chi’s expression also cooled down. : "When I met them, they were hunting wild elves with a machine that could affect the power of elves."

The three of them listened very carefully.

Xiao Chi continued: "I was passing by the fire-breathing dragon, and I just bumped into it, so I solved it by the way, and sent the Rockets to the people of the Elf Association."

After listening to Xiao Chi, Zhang Feng also nodded slightly. With Xiao Chi's strength, as long as he didn't encounter a cadre-level Rocket Team member, he could basically solve it easily.

"Still be careful. I heard from my family that the strength of the Rockets is terrifying."

Xia Zhimu said solemnly.

Xia Zhimu's knowledge of... Team Rocket is mostly based on her family, and her family also mentioned Team Rocket when she quarreled with her family yesterday.

Zhang Feng and Xiao Chi deeply agreed with Xia Zhimu's words. The Elf Association said before that Team Rocket had been eliminated, but Zhang Feng never saw any official news of Team Rocket being arrested.

Even though he was called the first person in China to make a move, Sakagi still escaped from Symphony City.

When the battle mad Xiaochi and Zhang Feng met, the elf battle was inevitable, and the result was obvious. Zhang Feng won, but Zhang Feng also found that Xiaochi's strength was stronger, especially his fire-breathing dragon. Zhang Feng was also looking forward to it. A battle with Xiaochi's evolved fire-breathing dragon.

97. Red Lotus Volcano, Flaming Bird

Red Lotus Island.

A large island in the waters south of the Huaxia region, south of Honglian City.

There is a huge volcano on the island, which is very suitable for fire elves to live in, and many rare fire treasures have been born.

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