Behind Zhang Feng, Liu Menghan looked at the city in front of him with a curious expression! In this world, because of the independent development of each city, different cities and towns have different styles. It is a more classical city.

This ancient city is a city with relatively developed technology but also many ancient ruins.

To be honest, compared with Hanlin City, where Zhang Feng is located, and Symphony City, which is the most economically developed in China, there is still a long way to go. Hanlin City is backed by the rich Vibrant Forest, and Symphony City is the economic center of China. , But the characteristic of Guchen City is that...their progress in...fossil research is ahead of other cities in China.

This city has the only three fossil resurrection machines in China, and it is the city with the most super ancient elves.

Zhang Feng has lived in this world for [-] years, of course not in vain, and has a detailed understanding of every city in China.

"Well, let's go, it's getting late, first find a place to live, then, let's go to see the Guchen Gym and the super ancient elves!"

Zhang Feng's purpose is also very clear, he is only interested in powerful super ancient elves and gym battles.


"Then do it first!"

The two women also understood that whenever Zhang Feng went to a city, the first person to look for must be the gym owner, and they responded directly in two days.

In fact, Zhang Feng may not be suitable as a travel partner. Fortunately, Xia Zhimu and Liu Menghan are not very interested in fighting, so Zhang Feng's elf has grown rapidly along the way. Nothing has changed. For example, Liu Menghan's original Bobo is now Bibi: a bird.

Guchen Hotel, the most famous hotel in Guchen City, three people directly booked three rooms, one for each person, and there was no accident.

Zhang Feng looked at the backs of the two women in the room and shook his head, thinking whether he should send one away first, it was a bit difficult for him to do something with the three of them.

Zhang Feng is a person who can enjoy it, and he will never treat himself badly if the conditions allow him. Although he still has billions to come, he does not panic.

They ordered a table of good dishes in the hall, and the three of them had a great meal. After all, they only had a good meal at Cersei on the way to Guchen City.

The three people who were full said hello to each other and rested. The next day, the three of them gathered in Zhang Feng's room! "Zhang Feng, are we going to the fossil museum in Guchen City today?"

Liu Menghan's tone was somewhat eager to try, seeing more elves, especially those... He was also looking forward to the extinct super ancient elves.

"Don't worry, I still have something to do."

Zhang Feng shook his head, took out his backpack from the table, opened it, and took out the elf egg placed in the glass cover, which was the reward he and Xia Zhimu had previously won the Siruf Company Doubles Championship.

"Ah this is"

Looking at the elf egg that flashed with white light from time to time, Liu Menghan pointed at the essence and said.

"Maybe it's about to be born, but mine is... what's the reaction."

Xia Zhimu also leaned in to look at the elf egg in the container in Zhang Feng's hand that glowed from time to time.

"I also discovered its abnormality yesterday."

Zhang Feng said that he only discovered the abnormality of the elf egg after having dinner with the two girls yesterday, and Zhang Feng was still looking forward to... this elf egg.

His system couldn't accurately identify the type of elf in the egg, but it was able to detect an orange-born elf.

The elf with orange talent starts from at least 15 billion in the auction house, which means that the Siruf Company does not know the exact qualifications of this elf.

"Hey, the flash is getting more and more frequent, is it going to be born?"

Xia Zhimu pointed at the elf egg in front of her and said in surprise.

She was also looking forward to it, because at that time, the Siruf Company claimed that the two elves were probably of the same species, and when Zhang Feng's elf egg hatched, she could naturally know what kind of elf was in her elf egg.

Seeing that the white light became more and more intense, Zhang Feng also quickly took off the glass cover.

The next second, the dazzling white light directly stabbed the three of them, unable to open their eyes. Zhang Feng also covered his eyes with his hands, looking forward to the birth of the elves.


When the three people reacted, a crisp and smart voice sounded.

"Lalu Lassi!"

"so cute!"

"this color"

Whole body blue, petite and lovely Lalu Lasi acted coquettishly at Zhang Feng, who was born at the first sight.

The three of them also had different reactions. First of all, Xia Zhimu was surprised when she learned that the hatched elf was Lalu Lassi. This kind of elf is very likable.

Liu Menghan thought that Lalu Lassi was very cute, and Zhang Feng was full of ecstasy, because this was a blue Lalu Lassi, a shining elf.

And in the next second, Laluras' data also appeared in Zhang Feng's eyes.

"Lalu Lassi: Super-Power Fairy, Line"

"Body type: 0.



"Talent: Orange Crown Level"

"Grade 1.


"Characteristics: When a Pokémon with the copying ability is copied, the characteristics will randomly change to the same as a Pokemon on the opponent's field, and the characteristics will be restored when it ends.


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