The Big Needle Bee began to accelerate, but the stone blades of the Warmaul Dragon were equally fast and ruthless. After all, the Big Needle Bee couldn't dodge all of them, and was hit by some of the stone blades and exploded.

Heechul looked a bit ugly looking at the giant stinger bee that was hit by the stone blade, there was no way, fighting the big steel snake also consumed a lot of stinging bee's physical strength, and the speed of the giant stinging bee was not as fast as it was at the beginning.

123. Attribute restraint, ice type, fangtooth land shark

The large needle bee stabilized its body in the air, and looked more painful.

"Use Rockfall, Warmaul Dragon."

The Warmaul Dragon directly urged a piece of rock to smash into the giant needle wasp in mid-air. If this rock crash hit, it would basically announce the defeat of the giant needle bee.

"Large stinger, moving at high speed."

Heechul didn't panic, no matter how powerful it was, it was all in vain.

I was not surprised to see the large needle bee moving at a high speed and easily dodging the ancient road, and continued to order: "Sword Dance, War Hammer Dragon."

Following Gu Dao's order, Dao Dao sword shadows appeared around the Warmaul Dragon, and it began to use the sword dance to enhance its attack power.

"Don't give it a chance, hornet, double needle attack."

The big needle bee's double-needle white light flickered into a golden streamer and slammed into Warmaul Dragon's left arm.

"Good chance, Warmaul Dragon, Stone Blade."

The speed of the giant bee is too fast, and Gu Dao also knows that there are not many chances to directly hit the giant bee with the stone blade like before, so he can only choose to take the melee attack of the giant bee from the war hammer dragon, and the distance between the two sides is wide. The near situation is... a chance for the War Hammer Dragon to counterattack.

I saw the War Hammer Dragon endured the severe pain in his left arm, stopped his retreat, roared angrily, and surrounded his body with stone blades, he once again took the large needle bee not far away.


Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng said softly, he still wanted to marvel at the fact that the ancient war mallet dragon can withstand the blow of the big needle bee and quickly counterattack, you must know that the double needle attack with double attack power is not... Just kidding of.

And the ending was just as Zhang Feng said, one after another stone blade slammed into the giant needle bee, and the giant needle bee flew upside down and hit a rock directly.

Heechul also smiled bitterly as he looked at the giant stingray that had been de-evolved after landing, and said, "big stinger, you have done a very good job."

After he finished speaking, he took the giant stinger back into the Poké Ball.

"Young man, go on, let me see how much fighting power you have."

Gu Dao pointed at Heechul and said that he had not encountered such a strong challenger for a long time.

"Heechul's first elf forced out the two elves of the pavilion owner, and the warmaul dragon was seriously injured by the giant needle bee. The situation is very good for Heechul!"

Xia Zhimu said in a relaxed tone while looking at the War Hammer Dragon, who was panting heavily in front of Gu Dao off the field and his left arm was trembling slightly.

And Xiao Tian on the side also pinned his head.

I just laughed at Heechul's stingray, but I didn't want this stinger to be so extraordinary.

"It's probably over, the big stinger is the outsider, Heechul has no elf to compete with the war hammer dragon of the ancient gym owner."

Zhang Feng said rationally.

Through the four days of getting along with Heechul, Zhang Feng also knew that most of the elves who knew Heechul were at level 1.

Up and down, when the big needle bee falls, after all, it means that the gym battle is over.

Sure enough, Heechul directly raised his hand to signal his abstention under the surprised eyes of everyone.

The reason is naturally the same as Zhang Feng's analysis, his other elves are not on the same level as Gudao's War Hammer Dragon.

But just as Heechul was about to turn around and return to the auditorium, Gudo stopped him.

I saw Gudao directly handing the gray rock badge to Heechul. Looking at him, Heechul's commanding ability and his big stinger were already qualified to receive the gray badge. After all, the focus of gym trainers is to be excellent The same is true for the trainer of the ancient road, and if he encounters a trainer who can identify with him, he will give a badge.

Heechul smiled and accepted the badge.

"It's finally started."

Similarly, Zhang Feng in the auditorium also stood up.

After slapping the palms with Heechul, Zhang Feng also stood on the battlefield.

"Mr. Gu Dao, do you need time to restore the elf's physical strength?"

After all, Gu Dao had just had a fierce battle with Heechul, and Zhang Feng didn't like to take advantage of it.

"No, let's get started, boy!"

Gu Dao glanced at Zhang Feng with interest, and was looking forward to... this young man in front of him who was highly rated by all the pavilion owners.

After the referee announced the start, the two also threw the Pokeball at the same time.

The first elf on the ancient road was a quasi-celestial king-level Longlongyan, and Zhang Feng chose to let the Fang Fang Lu Shark play. Before the Fang Fang Lu Shark was inseparable between the enemy and the enemy on the Red Lotus Island, Zhang Feng has always been troubled. Huai, he wanted to find out why the Fang Lu Shark went mad, and Zhang Feng already had a clue, maybe it was related to the battle.

"Hey Zhang Feng, this fangtooth land shark looks so strange!"

Heechul stared at the fangtooth land shark with blue ice fins all over his body in a fighting stance, and said that Zhang Feng's fangtooth land shark was a little different from the fangtooth land shark in his impression.

Although the level of the fangtooth land shark is a lot worse than Long Longyan, its third-level god talent is enough to erase this gap.

"Funny pixie."

Gu Dao was also surprised by the appearance of the fangtooth land shark.

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