"Longlongyan, be careful."

Seeing the whole process of the mutation of the fangtooth land shark, Gu Dao's brows were almost furrowed together, everything about the fangtooth land shark was beyond his comprehension.

At this time, although Fang Fang Lu Shark's eyes were still scarlet, Zhang Feng could see that there was a trace of clarity in his eyes, which instantly made Zhang Feng realize that perhaps Fang Fang Lu Shark was also struggling with the negative consciousness in his body.

"Toothed Land Shark"

As soon as Zhang Feng opened his mouth, the fangtooth land shark had turned into a blue light and shot out, leaving behind a trail of ice debris.

"Rumbling rocks, split tiles quickly."

Looking at the mighty Fang Lu Shark Ancient Road attacking Longlongyan, he hurriedly shouted.

Long Longyan's right hand flickered with white light, and at the same time, the right claws of the fangtooth land shark wrapped in ice crystals flashed green light, and the dragon's claws directly slammed into Long Longyan.

The force exploded, and Long Longyan's body was seen flying upside down like a cannonball.

"Rumble Rock!"

"The fangtooth shark!"

Gu Dao was worried about Longlongyan, and at the same time was surprised by the terrifying power of the fangtooth land shark, while Zhang Feng was shocked by the power of the fangtooth land shark after its change in form.

That time in the Red Lotus Volcano, the Fang Lu Shark was mad, but the ace of Zhang Feng, the fast dragon, was suppressed by the fast dragon as it should be, and he did not show his strength, but this time against the long long It was only then that Yan Zhangfeng discovered that the fangtooth land shark's attack power had more than doubled in this form.

The fang-toothed land shark roared with strength in its mouth, and in the next second, a mouthful of red dragon's breath slammed into the rumbling rock that fell to the ground.

Under such a terrifying attack, Long Longyan directly lost his ability to fight, and just when Zhang Feng was nervous and ready to take the Fang Lu Shark back to the Poké Ball at any time, the Fang Lu Shark's entire body of ice crystals disappeared, and he suddenly fell to the ground. Passed out.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng's friends in the audience all looked at each other in dismay. The Fang Lu Shark, who was so powerful just now, actually fainted, and they were puzzled.

"Long, rumbling rock and fangtooth land shark are incapacitated at the same time."

The referee also made a verdict after a few seconds of stunned.

The Fang Lu Shark fell, Zhang Feng was relieved, and took the Fang Lu Shark back to the Poké Ball.

It seems that this state is not a small burden on the body of the fangtooth land shark.

125. Fast Dragon vs Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus

"Zhang Feng, your sharp-toothed land shark is..."

Looking at the fangtooth land shark that was taken back from the pokeball, Gu Dao hesitated. After all, with the peculiar abilities displayed by Zhang Feng's fangtooth land shark, Gu Dao was not good to ask questions directly.

"This is a special ability of the fangtooth land shark. It will enter this state after the accumulation of damage. At present, I can't fully control it."

Zhang Feng glanced at the curious Gu Dao and said lightly, this is also a rough inference he made based on the performance of the Fang Lu Shark.

"It seems that my rumbling rock has become your experiment, your wrong command is also to stimulate the state of the fangtooth land shark"

During the previous battle, Gu Dao didn't have time to think about it, but when he turned his head and thought about it, it was true that Zhang Feng had made quite a few mistakes in his command.

"I didn't expect Zhang Feng to have such a perverted fangtooth land shark."

Heechul was amazed at... Zhang Feng's Fang Fang Lu shark's performance just now.

"But why do I feel that after the Fang Lu Shark enters that... strange state, Zhang Feng can't command it at all!"

During the battle, Xia Zhimu paid more attention to Zhang Feng. After the Fang Lu Shark entered that special state of being surrounded by ice crystals, Zhang Feng's face was full of solemnity, and for... Zhang Feng's shout, sharp Tooth shark did not respond at all.

"Wait until Zhang Feng's battle is over and ask him."

Heechul glanced at Zhang Feng in the field and said easily, after all, Zhang Feng did not suffer in the first game.

Center of the venue.

"Let me see the true strength of the first person on the Tianwang Potential List!"

After speaking, Gu Dao threw the Poké Ball directly, a white light flashed, covered in gray, and a tall iron-armored tyrannosaurus appeared in the center of the field.

This iron armored tyrannosaurus is a purple talent, a king-level elf, and a standard ground and rock type.

"Come on, my partner, Kuailong."

Throwing the Poke Ball high, with a majestic dragon roar, Kuailong landed in front of Zhang Feng.

"Did Zhang Feng directly take out his trump card?"

Because of his friendship with Zhang Feng, Heechul naturally watched a lot of Zhang Feng's gym battle videos on the Internet, and this was the first time Heechul had seen Zhang Feng's ace, the fast dragon.

Seeing the excitement on Heechul's face, Liu Menghan also smiled slightly. She recalled that the first time she saw Zhang Feng take out Kuailong, she was also shocked! And the sense of oppression that Kuailong gave Gu Dao when he appeared on the stage was similar to that of Gudao. It's totally different when it comes out.

The last pine that was originally on Gu Dao's face also disappeared, replaced by absolute concentration, and the slightest coldness, he is not willing to lose to the juniors in the frontal battle.

"The Ironclad Tyrannosaurus will start now."

"Iron armored tyrannosaurus, use rock blasting."

As the referee's voice fell, Gu Dao also directly chose to attack. After all, Zhang Feng, the fast dragon, put a lot of pressure on him, and he also needed [-]% concentration to deal with it.

"Fly to the sky, fast dragon."

The fast dragon flapped its wings, and with a violent acceleration, it flew to the high altitude in an instant while avoiding the rock blast of the iron armored tyrannosaurus.

"Fast Dragon, Dragon's Wave."

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