"Latias, we will be friends from now on."

Zhang Feng smiled and stretched out his right hand towards Latias in front of him.

Looking at Zhang Feng's outstretched right hand, Latias also reverted to a young girl's posture, with a slight smile on his face, he directly kissed Zhang Feng's face.

"Uh, this"

Zhang Feng felt a little flustered when he touched the cheek kissed by Latias.

Seeing that his sister liked Zhang Feng so much, Latios felt relieved.

After playing with the brothers and sisters for a while, Zhang Feng also took out the Poke Ball, and the moment he subdued Latias was when Zhang Feng left the dungeon.

It's a pity that the rules of the system cannot be broken, otherwise Zhang Feng will take his brother Latios away with him.


Latias reluctantly glanced at his brother in the air, turned his head and slapped his right hand on Zhang Feng's Poké Ball, the Poké Ball opened, and Latias turned into a red light and was directly absorbed into it.

The Poké Ball symbolically shakes it twice, and it's also "Den"

With a sigh of success, Zhang Feng collected the Poké Ball.


The sound of the system also sounded immediately.

"Congratulations to the host for subduing Latias, one of the strongest elves in the copy, and rewarding the host with a set of evolution stones for Latias."

"The host will exit the copy immediately."

Zhang Feng looked at Latios in front of him and shouted, "Don't worry, Latios, your sister will bloom with her brilliance in another world!"


Latios looked at Zhang Feng's disappearing figure, and responded with a soft cry.

In the hotel, Zhang Feng came back from Shuidu.

"Evolution Stone!"

Zhang Feng, who was sitting on the bed, looked at the set of evolution stones and key stones in his hand and showed a slight smile. This time the dungeon still didn't have a large experience reward, but the secret treasure was powerful enough.

Evolution can greatly enhance the power of elves, but all elves who want to super-evolve need matching stones and keystones.

In addition to... Lie Kongzai, and Lie Kongzai is also the only elf that does not need evolution stones and only needs to learn the finishing touch skills to super-evolve on its own.

Just by looking at Bangira and Heechul's giant stinger, the owner of the ancient gym, you should be able to understand the benefits of evolution.

As a mythical beast, Latias, its evolution stone is difficult to find, and now the system directly rewards him... saves him a lot of trouble.

Next, Zhang Feng looked at the data of Latias who had just been subdued.

"Latias: Dragon Superpower"

"Body type: 1.

4 "

"Talent: Secondary God"

"Grade 1.


"Characteristics: Pokémon with the floating feature will not be attacked by ground-type moves, and Pokémon with the floating feature will not trigger the effects of shattering, poisonous lozenges, and sticky nets.


"Tricks: Help, Pro-Gift, Light Wall, Mysterious Guardian, Dragon Dance, Hold, Healing Wave, Dragon's Breath, Cleansing Luster, Mind Hammer, Spiritual Power, Dragon's Wave, Dragon's Claw, Shadow Ball, Hit Grass knots."

131. Fossil cave, fossil group

"Send Celebi back to the system warehouse!"

After reading Latias' data, Zhang Feng also chose to send Celebi back to the warehouse.

Early the next morning, Zhang Feng and his two daughters went to the Fossil Cave together at the invitation of the ancient road.

On the way, Zhang Feng also asked about the hatching of Xia Zhimu's elf eggs. After all, his Laluras hatched for a while, and they all evolved into Chillian, but Xia Zhimu's elf eggs had not moved.

"There seemed to be a little movement yesterday, and I seemed to see a glimmer of light in the middle of the night."

Xia Zhimu said with a light smile, she is also looking forward to the birth of Lalu Lasi.

"Look, the front is... the fossil cave!"

The voice of Gudao sounded in the ears of the three of them, and everyone's eyes were also looking in the direction of Gudao's fingers.

Guchen City, Fossil Cave.

Fossil caves are famous far and near, because some ancient elf fossils can often be found in it, and Gudao, as the owner of Guchen Gym, also likes to dig fossils very much. His warmaul dragon is...  The skull of the cephalopod was resurrected with a fossil resurrection machine.

Currently, Gu Dao is also the person in charge of the fossil cave excavation project, which is why he can so boldly promise to give Zhang Feng a fossil elf.

At this moment, the first group of people to excavate just happened to have come out outside the fossil cave.

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