"Uh, what's wrong, Menghan!"

Liu Menghan's movements were so great that even Zhang Feng was awakened. Zhang Feng yawned, stood up, rubbed his eyes, and said to Liu Menghan who was beside him.

He didn't sleep very deeply yesterday, and he could vaguely feel that something was pressing him, making him sleep uncomfortable. Looking at Liu Menghan's nervous face, he seemed to realize something.

Could it be that it was Liu Menghan who pressed him last night, "I, I, I have nothing to do."

Liu Menghan seemed a little flustered, she vaguely remembered the inexplicably warm feeling in her sleep, she took the initiative to approach Zhang Feng and hug him tightly.

Hearing Liu Menghan's answer, Zhang Feng was basically completely sure.

After thinking about it, Zhang Feng also suddenly stretched out his hands to hold Liu Menghan Xuenen's right hand... and said seriously: "Menghan, since I met you at Hanlin Elf Academy, I have been deeply moved by your temperament. Attracted, and I also know the gap between our family backgrounds, for this reason I am also working hard to become a elf trainer, and also to shorten the distance between us."

The little hand was suddenly held by a man so ambiguous, and his confession was heard in his ears. Liu Menghan, who had never had such an experience, was suddenly stunned, and his mind went blank.

Allowing his hand to be held by Zhang Feng for a while before he woke up like a dream, he hurriedly pulled his hand from his palm and jumped out of bed in a panic.

"Yes, but, what about Sister Mu!"

Leaving a sentence that she didn't even know how to pop out, Liu Menghan quickly ran away.

That beautiful figure clearly carried a sense of escape.

After Liu Menghan escaped, Zhang Feng also held his chin in his hand, shook his head, smiled and said to himself, "It seems that letting Xia Zhimu travel with her was... a wrong decision."

However, this "confession"

It also made Zhang Feng confirm that it was Liu Menghan who really liked him, not just a little favor.

And in this awkward atmosphere, Zhang Feng and Liu Menghan walked together to the ring square, where the Fairy Ring Contest was held in Fangcao City.

"The elf ring contest, the elf on both sides grabs the ring hanging on the air balloon, and then puts the ring on the designated high platform to win."

Zhang Feng softly read the rules of the event, this event is the same as the game that Xiaozhi participated in in the original book, the evolutionary battle of Mu Keying.

"This is interesting! At least it's not quite a fight!"

Liu Menghan on the side also spoke up. She didn't say anything on the way just now. In order not to make the atmosphere too embarrassing, she also tried to raise some topics.

"It's not bad, at least the winner of this event can get a metal-coated treasure."

Zhang Feng spread his hands when he heard the words, anyway... This is an entertainment activity, and it is just a relaxation for the upcoming tense period.

"Hey! I read that right! Aren't you Zhang Feng, the great god? You also come to participate in this competition!"

At this moment, a slightly excited voice sounded from behind the two of them.

Zhang Feng turned his head and turned his head.... The girl with slightly curly blond hair, dark blue pupils, a round red hat, and a pink backpack on her back came into view.

"That, that..., my name is Serena, I am from Chaoya Town, and I am your fan. I like watching your gym battles very much. Can you sign me an autograph?"

While speaking, Serena took out a notebook, her face also turned red, she was a little excited to meet the idol she had always liked.

"No, no problem!"

Zhang Feng was stunned and said.

As Zhang Feng signed, he was extremely surprised. Yayi, Semei, the original plot girls also appeared in front of him one by one.

And looking at Zhang Feng who was signing for Serena, Liu Menghan showed a smile. With Zhang Feng's strength, perhaps his future fame will be even greater.

The time soon came to 1:[-] in the afternoon, and the registration was all closed so far. All the contestants came to the conference venue where the event was held, and Serena also followed Zhang Feng and his party.

"First of all, welcome everyone to come to Fangcao City to support this event, and I hope everyone can spend this day happily."

The mayor of Fangcao City stood on a high platform in the venue, holding a microphone high: The voice spread throughout the venue.

Glancing at the excited audience at the venue, the mayor continued: "That..., this conference will be held in the form of a tournament, and the team that stays to the end will win."

"Then, now the game has officially started, the Fairy Ring Fang Grass Conference, the first to play is."

"Please pay attention to the big screen!"

Under the mayor's signal, everyone raised their heads and looked at the electronic screen, and soon the corresponding photos appeared.

"Let's welcome the players from both sides of the first battle, the last ring competition champion from Fangcao City, Tie Jun, and the talented trainer from Hanlin City who has recently gained fame, Zhang Feng."

The mayor's enthusiastic voice sounded in everyone's ears, and also explained the personal information of the two players to the curious audience.

Zhang Feng was a little surprised, he didn't expect that the first person to play was... he.

"Come on! Brother Zhang Feng, you must be the strongest."

Serena's right hand clenched her fist to encourage Zhang Feng, which also showed the true nature of her fangirl.

Zhang Feng nodded and went to the place where he took the hot air balloon to prepare for the competition.

145. Naughty Latias

In this kind of competition, the trainers of both sides also have to take a hot air balloon to command the elves.

The hot air balloons on both sides lifted off at the same time, and the long voice sounded again.

"Okay, let's see, the hot air balloons of the trainers on both sides have already risen into the sky, and the first match is... a duel. Will the Iron Army, who has one championship experience, win, or will Zhang Feng, who is equally famous, win! "

His high-pitched voice ignited the audience's enthusiasm. I have to say that if he was not the mayor of Fangcao City, he would definitely be a professional commentator.

"Boy, although your strength is good, you are too naive to want to win me!"

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