"Latias, the wave of the dragon."

Zhang Feng still shouted calmly, one steel wing was not enough to seriously injure Latias.

Latias endured the pain as the cyan dragon energy gathered in her mouth, and she was a little angry.

"Not good, Fierce Eagle, move away now."

Seeing that he reacted so quickly and started to accumulate energy, Latias frowned.

I have to say that the little girl's fighting instinct is still very good at controlling... the situation. Although it is not as good as the little Chi he met, it is already very rare as a girl.

The next second, in Serena's surprised eyes, the wave of the dragon slammed into the Fierce Arrow Eagle, and the explosion produced, and in the thick smoke, the Fierce Arrow Eagle's body fell as straight as a crashed plane. ground.

"Dangerous, Falcon."

Seeing the Fierce Arrow Eagle, which had fainted but was still falling at an extreme speed, Serena's expression suddenly changed.

At this moment, Zhang Feng's voice rang in Serena's ear.

"Mind power, Latias."

I saw the super power fluctuations around the Fierce Arrow Eagle, and at the same time, the falling speed also began to slow down, until it finally slowly fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Serena also wiped the sweat on her forehead and breathed a sigh of relief, it was just too thrilling.

Serena, who had reacted, also immediately thanked Zhang Feng. If it wasn't for his quick response, Fierce Arrow Eagle would have been seriously injured.

"This, this elf battle is too exciting, then let's congratulate Zhang Feng for winning the championship of our elf ring competition."

No wait: Zhang Feng's Latias put the ring into the finish line, and the host mayor also spoke first. After all, Serena's elf was incapacitated, and the mayor also called the game a pure battle of spirits.

The championship was decided, and the audience in the auditorium also cheered. The fierce air battle between Fierce Eagle and Latias made them even more addicted. Zhang Feng and Serena joined forces to let them experience a different ring. contest.

In the end, the champion award ceremony was held, and the mayor personally delivered the champion trophy, champion reward, and the metal coating of the secret treasure to Zhang Feng.

Serena was also very happy to look at Zhang Feng on the podium. She was very satisfied to have a hearty elf battle with her idol. As for the championship... to her, it was not that important.

149. Fangcao Taoist Hall, Fang Tooth Land Shark vs Tutai Turtle

When Serena, who had succeeded in chasing stars, learned that Zhang Feng was going to challenge Fangcao Gym, she wanted to watch the battle, so she naturally joined Zhang Feng and his party temporarily.

Grass Hotel, due to the end of the Elf Ring Contest, many trainers from neighboring cities have returned to their own cities, so the hotel also has a lot of vacant rooms, even if they have one more Serena, it doesn't matter, just open it directly. Three rooms.

I don't know if it was an illusion. After the room was opened, Zhang Feng saw that Liu Menghan was relieved and shook his head with a look of loss in his eyes. He didn't think about it anymore... The distance between him and Liu Menghan was because of His confession seemed closer, but it seemed more distant.

When he came to the room, Zhang Feng called Xiao Chi.

"Hey Zhang Feng, what's the matter?"

After a beep, Xiao Chi's voice also came from the phone.

Zhang Feng also chatted with Xiao Chi first, and then talked about killing Bishas. Although the Rockets cadres like to act alone, Zhang Feng decided to find a helper just in case.

Since he decided to attack Bishas, ​​he must be fully prepared. He didn't want to be missed by others if he didn't kill him.

Hearing Zhang Feng's plan, Xiao Chi thought about it for three seconds and then agreed. He is currently back to practice in Red Lotus City for Little Flame Bird, and he can find Zhang Feng at any time.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Feng also pinched his chin and thought. In his opinion, if he, Li Ruo, Xiao Chi, and the three of them shot together, it would be very difficult for Bishas to escape.

At this time, there was a knock on the door! "The door is unlocked, please come in!"

Zhang Feng said directly, and at the same time, he was still thinking about his plan in his heart.

"Zhang Feng, it's time to eat, the downstairs hall has been reserved, Serena is waiting for us below."

The door was opened, and what appeared was Liu Menghan who was about to ask Zhang Feng to go down to eat.

"Okay, let's go!"

Zhang Feng stood up and left the room with Liu Menghan.

In the hall, Serena had already ordered a table of good dishes and was waiting there. After seeing Zhang Feng coming over, they greeted each other and started eating.

In the middle, Serena also asked Zhang Feng a lot of questions about the elf battle. This little girl seemed to be very interested in the elf battle.

After eating, the three of them also went back to their rooms to rest, and the next morning, the three of them also met in Zhang Feng's room.

"Brother Zhang Feng, it's time to challenge Fangcao!"

Serena's voice was eager to try. Before, she watched Zhang Feng challenge the master of the gym on the live broadcast platform, but today I finally saw it.

"haha, yes."

It's a little funny to see Serena's look of anticipation.

The three of them left the hotel, took a taxi and headed directly to the location of Fangcao Gym.

As soon as they entered the Fangcao Gym, the three of them were attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of them. Flowers and plants could be seen everywhere in the Gym, stinky flowers, vine monsters, and other elves could be seen everywhere.

"You should be Zhang Feng, I heard about you from Gu Dao, and he seems to be very optimistic about you, so now our battle can start!"

A green short-haired beauty appeared in front of Zhang Feng. She seemed to know that Zhang Feng was coming and had already waited here in advance.

"Hello, Fangcao restaurant owner, Miss Wakana!"

Zhang Feng smiled and nodded gently.

The grass field is used as the battlefield of Fangcao Gym, even if the ground is covered with greenery, and the same four unmanned shooting machines are lifted into the air, and the referee is also in place.

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