High in the sky, Latias's pair of topaz-like pupils stared at the Lizard King rushing towards it, and the pink energy in his mouth gathered again.

The next moment, under Wakana's exclamation and everyone's astonished gazes, the Lizard King was directly drowned by the clean and lustrous pink energy.


Liu Menghan stared at the air and opened her mouth.

"not yet!"

Serena's voice just fell, and I saw a green figure in the pink energy that was constantly closing the distance with Latias with a clean sheen.

In the end, in Zhang Feng's surprised eyes, the Lizard King slammed into Latias, and at the same time, the energy exploded.

Boom! Thick smoke appeared in the sky, and Latias and the Lizard King both fell to the ground.

154. The copy, the message of the master of reversal

"Lizard King!"


Zhang Feng and Ruo Cai shouted at the same time, this time the explosion directly affected the two elves.


With a low cry, Latias also reopened his eyes and floated in mid-air.

Immediately following, the Lizard King also stood up reluctantly with his hands on the ground, and it was still the one who was the most injured in the confrontation just now.

Zhang Feng carefully observed the Lizard King on the opposite side, and he could see that the Lizard King's feet were shaking slightly at this time, and it was obviously in a very bad state.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng ordered Latias directly.

"It's time to settle the game, Latias, use the Dragon Wave."

Latias let out a soft cry, the violent dragon-type energy in his mouth gathered frantically, and in the next second, the cyan energy light slammed into the Lizard King fiercely.

"Lizard King, hold on!"

Wakana's voice fell, and before Latias' Dragon Wave was about to hit the Lizard King, the Lizard King held up a blue shield to block the blow.

"Lizard King, Dragon Claw!"

Wakana knew that her Lizard King was in a bad state, and that she was more resilient than Latias, who had the body of a divine beast. Even a grass-type elf with good resilience was an unwise choice, and she had to fight quickly.

The Lizard King roared, his hands opened, the blue light turned into claws, and the next second, the Lizard King leaned forward slightly, accelerated and shot directly at Latias on the opposite side.

"Latias, don't be afraid of it, we also use dragon claws to meet the enemy head-on."

At present, his Latias occupies the absolute initiative, so there is no need to blindly avoid it.

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Latias also gave up the idea of ​​flying to high altitude to avoid, and his claws flashed blue light and also met the claws of the opposite Lizard King! Again, the head-to-head confrontation between Dragon Claw and Dragon Claw .

The two green beams stalemate in mid-air, not giving in to each other, and an invisible wind pressure spreads out.

"Is it comparable? It seems that evolution is all-encompassing to the promotion of the Lizard King."

Zhang Feng looked at the two elves in the field and Wakana frowned, because in her expectation, her Lizard King should have the upper hand. From the first time Zhang Feng fought, he chose to let his Latias Dodge the Lizard King's blade and cut her Zhang Feng, this Latias is not good at melee combat.

Moreover, her Lizard King also had special training in melee combat, she really did not expect Zhang Feng's Latias to be so strong.

"Latias, Spirit"

At this time, Zhang Feng's voice also entered the ears of Latias, who was fighting with the Lizard King.

When Latiaston's eyes flashed blue light, waves of mental power wave directly attacked the Lizard King at a very close distance.

"Oops, it's been calculated, Lizard King, use hardened plants!"

Seeing the Lizard King who was suddenly hit with a painful expression, Wakana hurriedly shouted, she really didn't expect Zhang Feng to let Latias use his superpower trick under such circumstances.

"Break it, Latias, for a final clean shine!"

Zhang Feng waved his hand heavily and shouted indifferently.

In this case, the Lizard King, who had just received Latias's mental force, had already been delayed a lot, and it would be too difficult to instantly use a hardened plant to counterattack, unless Zhang Feng asked Latias to stand. Don't move, wait for it to cast Hardening Plant, or it will be interrupted.

Wakana's face is a little ugly, but she can't do anything about it, she just blames her for forgetting another attribute of Latias, super power! Now she can only hope that the Lizard King can successfully display the hardened plant. At this distance, As long as the cast is successful, Latias cannot escape.

And as Zhang Feng expected, at the moment when the Lizard King was preparing to use the hardened plant, Latias' clean lustre had already hit the Lizard King.

This clean gloss also became the last straw that broke the camel's back. The scarred lizard king fell directly to the ground after eating this clean gloss, and at the same time evolved to release... and turned back to the ordinary lizard king. Appearing to faint.

"Ding, Latias level has risen to 1.


"The Lizard King has lost his ability to fight. The winner of this game is Zhang Feng!"

Hearing the referee's voice, Serena in the auditorium also stood up and applauded. It was indeed a wonderful gym battle. Of course, the most important thing was that Zhang Feng won the victory.

"Congratulations, Zhang Feng, I still couldn't stop you."

Wakana smiled bitterly and retracted the fainted Lizard King, and said to Zhang Feng.

"Your Lizard King is also very strong, this is a wonderful battle."

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