Boom! All the energy exploded on Groudon, and Groudon also swayed and fell heavily to the ground, causing bursts of smoke.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, in the smoke, Groudon's roar came out, and a burst of golden energy shot straight out, hitting the unsuspecting fossilized pterosaur in mid-air that was in a state of rigidity after using the destruction light.

In an instant, the energy overflowed, and not far away, Zhang Feng covered his eyes with one hand, his eyes staring at the battlefield, the strong air waves blew almost his entire body to fly out.

The explosion occurred, and in the battlefield, the fossilized pterosaur fell directly to the ground, and its body was heavily scarred.

Zhang Feng gritted his teeth and took back the fossilized pterosaur that was incapacitated to fight. At the same time, the fast dragon, Latias and Groudon fought together. The two elves carefully avoided Groudon's attack while trying to escape from Groudon's attack. Groudon left many scars on his body, and for a time, the two elves cooperated closely.

Chirulian was called back to him by Zhang Feng. With its strength, it did not play a big role in this battle. As a first-level god, Groudon's strength was extremely terrifying, even with the energy overflowing from the battle. Volatility is also difficult for ordinary people to bear.

At this time, Chirulian created a wall of energy around Zhang Feng to reduce the impact of the air waves on Zhang Feng, allowing him to command the battle normally.

"Quick Dragon, use the Frozen Fist!"

"Latias, cover the fast dragon, and use mental strength!"

As the number of elves to be commanded decreases, Zhang Feng is also easier to concentrate, and at the same time, he has a more detailed control over the battle situation.

I saw that Kuailong flapped his wings and rushed towards Groudon with a cold light. Zhang Feng looked a little dignified. When he got close to Groudon, Kuailong would also take great risks. At this time, Zhang Feng was also concerned about... Watana has a little understanding of the strength of the ace Dragon, who can only fight Groudon alone.

Groudon seemed to feel the disgusting breath from the fast dragon's fist, the right paw was covered with blue light, and the dragon's claw was about to shoot the fast dragon that approached it.

The fast dragon was still moving forward. Seeing that Groudon's dragon claw was about to hit the fast dragon, Latias' eyes in mid-air flickered with blue light, and waves of strange superpower fluctuations appeared, and Groudon's right claw was directly pierced. It was fixed in mid-air and couldn't be photographed.

Kuailong couldn't let go of such a good opportunity. He saw Kuailong's Frozen Fist slammed into Groudon's abdomen, and instantly Groudon's body turned into an ice sculpture, and the Frozen Fist was successfully frozen. Groudon.

Seeing this, Kuailong and Latias also returned to Zhang Feng's side and stared at the huge ice sculpture that was about four in height.

In the next second, Groudon's golden pupils in the ice sculpture flashed with light, and the black texture on Groudon's body also flashed with golden light, and the white spikes on both sides of his face also turned black. The figure has become larger: at the same time, the ice sculpture is also directly exploded.

Just like that, a new Groudon with a taller, crimson body and dazzling golden texture all over appeared in front of Zhang Feng! "Is this, is this a return to the original?"

Zhang Feng was a little surprised when he saw Groudon who had recovered from the frozen state in front of him. After the original return, Groudon's aura became even more breathtaking.

For a moment, it seemed that the fire element energy of the entire cave was also concentrated on Groudon.


Groudo roared, the energy in his mouth gathered, and in the next second, a golden energy ray swept directly to the fast dragon, it was very angry at the fast dragon that had just frozen it.

Kuailong flapped his wings and accelerated to avoid the blasting rays of destruction. Seeing that he was about to be overtaken by the rays of destruction, Zhang Feng also shouted without hesitation, "Latias, hurry up and use the shadow ball!"

Latias on the side saved a black energy ball and shot it directly at Groudon's mouth, directly interrupting Groudon's destruction light and saving the fast dragon at this critical moment.

"Quick Dragon, Dragon God swoops!"

"Latias, Mind Hammer!"

The fast dragon that escaped the catastrophe flew in a circle, and the whole body was shrouded in blue energy. At the same time, Latias was also emitting a wave of thoughts. The two elves collided with Groudon at the same time, Groudon howled in pain, The golden pupils exuded a terrifying light, and the golden textures all over the body shone. The claws slammed directly to the ground, and the sword of the cliff was activated again under the ground tremors. At the same time, the coverage area is also wider, and both Fast Dragon and Latias are covered.

"Dangerous! Fast Dragon!"

Seeing this, Zhang Feng's expression also changed. Countless fiery red rock blades suddenly appeared. Kuailong was dodging a row of rock blades in mid-air, but he was still directly hit by the sword of the cliff, and his body lost his balance and fell heavily on the ground. superior.

As for Latias, the last attack that he couldn't dodge after dodging a lot of rock blades one after another also propped up the cyan protective cover and blocked it.

The power of Groudon after the original return is terrifying!

159. Mage Latias, the challenge failed

The anger of a first-level god struck, Rao is Kuailong's physical strength and can't hold it anymore. After being hit by the sword of the cliff, Kuailong also lost his fighting ability and was taken back into the Poké Ball by Zhang Feng.

Looking at Latias, the only elf left in front of him, and looking at the primitive Groudon who was only slightly damaged, Zhang Feng also helplessly rubbed his temples. For the first time, he has the strength of a first-level god. a general understanding.

"There's no way, Latias, it's the first time, but go all out! Evolution!"

Zhang Feng took out the keystone belonging to Latias from the space ring, and he gave the evolution stone to Latias long ago.

This is also the first time that Latias has evolved. As an elf brought out by Zhang Feng from the copy, Latias' intimacy from the very beginning is... full value.

In an instant, the keystone in Zhang Feng's hand also shone with colorful rays of light, echoing with Latias, who radiated colorful rays of light all over his body, and Latias, who was bathed in the light of evolution, also began to change gradually.

The next second, the evolutionary light disappeared, and the evolved Latias appeared in front of Zhang Feng. The color of Latias was much different from the ordinary Latias, turning into lavender, and On each of his arms, he grew a wing to assist in flight, and he became much more handsome.

Both Latios and Latios evolve into a lavender body, which looks the same, except that Latios' eyes are red, and Latios is pale gold.


Seemingly satisfied with his new form, Latias rose rapidly, showing off his flying skills while showing off his new form.

Zhang Feng was also a little helpless, and sure enough, Latias' playful temperament was difficult to change for a while.


But Groudon on the opposite side seemed to be a little irritable when he saw Latias flying around him, and he accumulated energy in his mouth, and a golden light slammed directly at Latias.

"Stay away, Latias!"

Zhang Feng's voice sounded.

Later, the strength of Latias, who increased his family value by 100, was also faster, and he avoided Groudon's destructive beam by turning sideways in the air.

"Using the wave of the dragon, Latias."

Hearing Zhang Feng's voice, Latias raised his head high, and the violent dragon-type energy in his mouth gathered, and in the next second, a cyan energy light slammed into Groudon.

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