Shiba shook his head, and heard from Duo that Du really didn't have time to fight him, and this time he should have no chance.

Hearing Xiba's words, everyone's eyes focused on Du again. To be honest, the last time they held a meeting together was when they were besieging the Rockets. If it wasn't a big deal, Damalanqi would not have called them all back. , after all, they all have their own jurisdictions.

"I don't know, the president didn't say it."

Du looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice.

They have been waiting in the conference room for almost an hour, and it is expected that President Damalanqi should arrive.

"For me, the president is nothing more than... Worrying about next year's World Elf Championship. After all, other countries have not been very peaceful in recent years. They can say that they have been coveting the position of the Elf Association for a long time."

Shiba said with a slightly serious look.

In the World Elf Championship, even these people will participate, and one of the strongest trainers will be selected from all the contestants. The name of the association.

In these years, almost everyone in other countries has been studying the elf lineup and characteristics of Du, preparing to overthrow in this battle. Moreover, in the past two years, no one knows how many... opponents have grown. ...

Become the strongest trainer in the world, just like their group of people is the king of China.

As long as a trainer can successfully defeat one of them, that... a trainer can take their place, become the new Four Heavenly Kings of China, and gain the supreme power of the association.

And if you defeat Du, you will have the opportunity to win the title of the strongest trainer in the world. It is conceivable how many people will be crazy about it.

"I don't know what interesting trainers will come out from other countries this time, I hope some powerful ones will come."

Shiba raised his eyebrows, his expression became excited again, and when he thought of the battle, his blood boiled involuntarily.

He had participated in the previous Pokémon Championship, and had encountered many tough opponents in it, so he was naturally looking forward to it.

"It should be as you wish. It is said that trainers in other countries have obtained the follow of a first-level god."

The ghost girl Juzi on the side finally spoke up.

"Hey, I've heard about this too, but the version I listened to was a second-level god, but the gap between a first-level god and a second-level god is a big exaggeration!"

Kona said mildly, after all, they are trainers from other countries, so it is normal for them to not get accurate information.

"That... Zhang Feng, known as the second-generation Dragon Envoy, I've seen his game video, a very talented trainer, and this World Championship will indeed be exciting."

Du ignored the topic of the first-level gods mentioned by mother-in-law Juzi, and instead brought up a trainer that he particularly admired. In his opinion, the first-level gods were all powerful and unruly, and the trainers were basically impossible to subdue. their.

"That child is indeed very strong. Recently I heard that he has a legendary elf Latias!"

Kona's voice also sounded at the right time. She has always been very optimistic about Zhang Feng, and she had just met Zhang Feng some time ago.

At this time, the door of the conference room was also opened, and a short but imposing white-haired old man walked in.

Seeing this old man, everyone present also nodded slightly towards him, he was the president of the Chinese Elf Association, Dama Lanqi.

161. Decision of the Association

"Everyone, it's been a long wait, I just encountered an emergency to deal with."

Damalanqi closed the door of the conference room and greeted everyone with a smile. Although he is the president of the China Elf Association, his character has always been... approachable and easy to get along with.

Moreover, as the president of the Elf Association, he loves elves, and hopes to watch the younger generation of the trainers of the association thrive.

"Old man, it's too slow, this time is enough for me and Du to play an exhibition match."

Sheba is also straight-minded, and simply complains. Of course, it does not include the intricate relationship between other high-level leaders in the association. Although they are all subordinates to Damalanqi, their relationship is also like a good friend.

"Haha, I just had a meeting with that group of... old guys, you may be busy next time."

Dama Lanqi said with a smile, and at the same time he was already sitting in the main seat of the conference room.

Hearing Damalanqi's words, everyone was slightly taken aback, and then their expressions became serious.

Du also put down the book in his hand and listened carefully to Damalanqi's narration.

Although this world is the most powerful in China, has the strongest group of trainers, and has the most treasures, secret realms, and vast land and resources, this has also attracted the covetousness of other countries.

While the Elf Association has to deal with the underground evil organizations in the country, it also needs to pay attention to some ambitious leaders in other countries.

"In the latest situation, other countries will also send seed players to compete with our Chinese trainers in this year's China Championship qualifying competition."

Damalanqi said solemnly, in recent years, not only the country, the United States, and the Fire Nation are also just around the corner. They are slightly dissatisfied with... Huaxia's status in the world, this time they sent their own country's players to participate in Huaxia's qualifying matches. It was clear to everyone present what the idea was.

"It seems that they want to slap us in the face by winning the championship at our conference, but we have a lot of talented trainers this year, and the president doesn't need to care too much about this alone!"

Liu Bo said with a slight ease, he also saw the growth of the younger generation of Huaxia, and even the talents of several of them were very outstanding even in his opinion.

"That's right, Zhang Feng, Yayi, and Chihong are all extremely talented talents. Their futures are limitless. Perhaps this tournament championship will be a civil war!"

Kona's voice also sounded, and among the people present, she was the one who had the most contact with this group of young people.

"It doesn't seem to be that simple. According to reports, there is a talented trainer in the United States from the temple family. It is said that he overturned all the gym owners in the United States with a Yan Emperor."

Speaking of this, Damalanqi's expression also became serious.

After a pause, Damaranch continued.

"There is a younger trainer in this country who has defeated the trainer with the title of the Four Heavenly Kings in this country."

After speaking, Damalanqi also nodded, to be honest, before he got this news, he was also very confident in the younger generation of his country.

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