"I am looking forward!"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Shangguan Wan'er said warmly.

"After successfully rescuing my mother, working for Zhang Feng seems to be a good choice."

Shangguan Wan'er thought so in her heart.

171. Separation, Crown City

After finishing the conversation with Zhang Feng, Shangguan Wan'er got up and left the hotel, and the tasks given to her by the Elf Association still need to be completed.

"It's hard to imagine what kind of pressure Miss Shangguan has been under all these years."

Liu Menghan gave a compliment, and then she said to Zhang Feng: "Zhang Feng, you must be very busy recently! Otherwise, I'll go home by myself first!"

"After all, you still have to deal with Miss Shangguan, and according to the situation, my presence by your side may cause you trouble."

"I heard your conversation with Miss Shangguan just now. I just hope that you must pay attention to your own safety when dealing with Shangguan's family. I will wait for you in Hanlin City."

"Uh, okay, then I'll send it to you tomorrow."

Simply, Zhang Feng also spoke up, after all, as Liu Menghan said, no matter what...

Whether it is to deal with Bishas or deal with Shangguan's family, she is not suitable to be by your side.

As a result, the two people in the hotel fell into silence again, speechless all night.

The next morning, Zhang Feng also accompanied Liu Menghan to the airport in Wudou City.

Zhang Feng and Liu Menghan are both in the waiting room.

"Zhang Feng, you must pay attention to safety, don't have an accident, I'll wait for you to come to me."

Liu Menghan's beautiful eyes showed a hint of reluctance and worry, after all, what Zhang Feng is going to do next can be said to be very dangerous.

Feeling Liu Menghan's unease, Zhang Feng raised his right hand and gently scratched Liu Menghan's nose, and said in a soft tone, "Don't worry, fool, the Rockets have been solved by me, it's just Shangguan's house, don't worry."

Feeling Zhang Feng's intimacy, a blush appeared on Liu Menghan's face.

"This is a king-level elf. When I'm not around, it can protect your safety."

Afterwards, Zhang Feng took out a Poke Ball, which he took out from the system warehouse, the previous... Heavenly King-level dream demon that made Zhang Feng and his group fall into a dream.

Although Liu Menghan was just going home this time, there was no elf with strong combat power in Liu Menghan's hands. After all, Zhang Feng was still a little worried about her safety. There was no way. So Zhang Feng had to be more careful about the people around him.

This dream demon can be said to be very strong, if it wasn't for Darkrai, Zhang Feng might even have possessed its way.

"Well, okay, I see."

After taking the Poké Ball from the Dream Demon, Liu Menghan replied that she liked the feeling of being cared by Zhang Feng very much.

"Then, then, I'm leaving!"

Looking at Zhang Feng, Liu Menghan raised his hand to bid farewell. After all, the two were only temporarily separated, so there is no need to be too sad.

"Go home and rest for a while, and say hello to my uncle and aunt by the way. I'll come back to you when I'm done."

Zhang Feng waved his hand in response, and said with a light smile at Liu Menghan.

"Well, I see."


The plane to Hanlin City set sail soon. Outside the airport, Zhang Feng watched the plane go away.

"Alas alone!"

Watching the plane disappear into the sky, Zhang Feng sighed softly, his tone was rather helpless, who made him have so many things to deal with!

After sighing for a while, Zhang Feng also dialed the phone belonging to Li Ruo, turned around and left the airport.

In Wangguan City, in a luxurious villa, Zhang Feng was eating breakfast, and the black-haired beauty sitting opposite him was Kona's friend, Tian Wang Liruo.

Zhang Feng called Li Ruo directly after leaving Wudou City Airport, and then flew to Wangguan City, Li Ruo's private villa.

As a long-established Heavenly King-level trainer, Li Ruo naturally made a lot of money, and as her hometown of Crown City, she naturally bought a luxury villa early.

She is also a very good little rich woman.

"Zhang Feng, Bishas is already in the Forest of Time not far from here, and maybe he is already planning to capture Celebi."

When mentioning Bishas, ​​Li Ruomei's eyes flashed with hatred, and she looked at Zhang Feng at the same time.

Since many years ago, Bishas killed her parents for the legendary elf Celebi but let her live, it was doomed that Liruo would live to kill Bishas in her life.

With revenge as the driving force, Li Ruo has grown from an ordinary little girl to a Heavenly King-level elf trainer. Li Ruo's hard work is evident, but she also found that the gap between her and Bishas is still large after she was promoted to the Heavenly King. amazing.

None of the Rockets' special cadres are fuel-efficient lamps, even the weakest Bishas.

Originally, Li Ruo was planning to continue dormant and go on until her strength grew to the point where she could solve Bishas without fail... but Celebi's reappearance also disrupted her plan.

If Bishas is allowed to control Celebi, his strength will inevitably skyrocket again, and even reach the level of her friend Kona, by then, it will be even more difficult for her to take revenge.

"Uh, I see, let your elf pay close attention to his movements first, my helper is also on the way."

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Feng spoke lightly. Before going to Crown City, he had already called Chihong. This is the first meeting between Li Ruo and Zhang Feng's organization! "Assistant, you mean..."

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