179. Step by step, Bishas

Looking at the unconscious Gengar and the severely burned Youyun under the flames of his fire-breathing dragon, Xiao Chi's complexion changed slightly.

"This, Captain Youyun wants to leave us and run by himself."

"Damn, this mission is... let's die."

You Yun's life and death were unknown, and the members of Team Rocket at the scene were in disarray.

"Moon elf, shadow ball."

"Gengar, the wave of evil."

Shadow balls and waves of evil exploded in front of the Rockets who were trying to escape, sending up clouds of dust.

For a time, the rocket members of the scene were in chaos.

"Everyone, put away the elves and squat on the ground, otherwise I will attack mercilessly."

Li Ruo said coldly, she only has endless disgust for... Team Rocket, but she also has to keep calm, the only person she really wants to kill is Bishas from beginning to end.

Xiaochi also cooperated with Li Ruo to quickly clean up the Rockets who still chose to resist. The Firebird and the Fire-breathing Dragon were fighting almost from beginning to end. The Tyrannosaurus was sent back to the Poke Ball by Xiaochi because of the serious injury. treat.

Seeing that, the battle between Xiao Chi and Li Ruo is about to end...

"Boy, this time you are targeting me"

In the forest, Bishas endured the pain in his right arm and asked coldly.

Just when he fell, although his reaction was already fast, he grabbed the branch, but the right arm that grabbed the branch was also in tearing pain under the impact of the force.

"Well, how can I say it can only say that you have done so many bad things, and you deserve to die."

Zhang Feng pondered for a moment and said.

Although there was an accident in the middle of their plan for Bishas this time, and Li Ruo almost died, but in general, it was still proceeding normally.

"Hmph, it's up to you"

Hearing that Zhang Feng actually wanted his life, Bishas also snorted coldly, endured the severe pain, took a dark ball from his uniform with his left hand and threw it.

"Manuela, desert dragonfly, get rid of him for me."

Black light flashed, and a Manu pulled out of the desert dragonfly.

"Oh! Doubles are all right."

Seeing Bishas with a smile, he also threw a Pokeball.

Vulcan appears.

Zhang Feng still wanted to hold off Bishas as much as possible and wait for Li Ruo to solve him, after all, Li Ruo and him had a bloody feud.

Bishas distracted and glanced at the sky in the distance, and the breathless three-headed dragon looked a little ugly.

His three evil dragons have been strengthened by the dark ball and are very powerful, even in the face of divine beasts, but another disadvantage of the dark ball is that...it will make the elves lose their ability to think on their own.

So even if the battle situation was so unfavorable to him, he didn't dare to summon all his main forces to fight at the same time. The giant pincer mantis at the beginning was fine, after all, it was attacking with Team Rocket's subordinates.

But now facing an opponent of Zhang Feng's strength, he can only summon two elves at the same time. After all, his energy can only allow him to command two elves at the same time. If there are more summons, without his command, it is difficult to Win the battle with Zhang Feng's elf.

"Hehe, Bijas, you will be the first Rocket cadre I kill, Vulcan, use hot air."

Zhang Feng showed a sneer, remembering those elves in the Rocket Team's secret base...the elves that were used for in vivo experiments, Zhang Feng felt more and more damned than Shas, and it would be best to have one less wicked person like him. .

In the sky, the Vulcan worm that shone with the sun's rays fluttered its wings, and a strong hot wind mixed with the slightest flames blew towards Manula and the desert dragonfly.

Hot Air is indeed a very effective attacking skill for... Manuela.

"Manuela, push me back, Frozen Wind."

When Bijas's voice fell, the topaz on Manuela's forehead suddenly shone with light, and at the same time, a cold wind blew directly from her mouth.

The heat wave met the cold wind, and after a stalemate, the heat wave directly disintegrated the cold wind.

"Desert dragonfly, casts a destructive beam on the Vulcan."

Bishas continued to shout to the desert dragonfly, he summoned Manura to target the fast dragon, and it was normal for him to be unable to defeat the Vulcan.

The desert dragonfly began to accumulate energy in its mouth, ready to attack the Vulcan directly.

"Fast Dragon, Dragon's Wrath."

At this time, the purple dragon-type energy in the mouth of the fast dragon in the flight was instantly launched, directly hitting the desert dragonfly, and at the same time interrupting its charge.

"Old guy, have you never played doubles!"

Zhang Feng said to Bishas with a slightly mocking tone.

As soon as Zhang Feng finished speaking, Kuailong also roared.

Seeing this, Bishas frowned slightly. He knew that Zhang Feng was intending to provoke him, and he also reminded himself not to be fooled, and seeing Zhang Feng's strength, Bishas also had the idea of ​​running away. .

But he can't be entangled by Zhang Feng like this all the time. When his companions join him, it will be even harder for him to escape.

"Manuela, attack the key: attack the fast dragon."

The voice of Bishas fell, and Manula turned into a fast dragon approaching the sky at a high speed, leaping high, and her claws shone with black light towards the fast dragon.

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