Looking at this tall figure, Shangguan Wan'er seemed to see the stalwart figure of her father.

203、Go away calmly,

Apart from... the media carrying the cameras, people from other families also left one after another. Although they really wanted to watch the fun, the liveliness of the Shangguan family was not... everyone was qualified to watch.

But before they left, the only thing they were sure about was... It's very difficult for Zhang Feng and his group to leave Shangguan's house today.

"Go ahead!"

Following Shangguan Tianxing's opening, a burst of white light flickered, and dozens of elves appeared in the hall.

Basically, the Gotha duck and the water arrow turtle were the main ones, and the elf surrounded Zhang Feng and his party as soon as they appeared.

Liu Yang, who was on the side, was not idle, but he waved at the Liu family's men behind him and shouted: "You guys also do it, be careful not to hurt Shangguan Yunfei's mother and daughter, and the rest is easy."

Coupled with the little elves of the Liu family, the number of elves at the scene has also reached more than [-], but fortunately, the hall of the Shangguan family is very large, like a palace, and at this time, the people of the Shangguan family have already put Zhang Feng and his group surrounded him.

"Li Ruo, please, take Wan'er and the others away!"

Zhang Feng said in a calm tone.

"no problem!"

Li Ruo didn't say much, threw two 2 Poké Balls, white light flashed, a Gengar and a nonsense tree appeared on both sides of her.

"Miss Kona, you said that you would not interfere in the personal affairs of my Shangguan family. What do you mean by friend now?"

Shangguanxiong asked when Li Ruo wanted to leave with Shangguan Wan'er and her daughter.

At this time, Ke Na, who was still standing behind Zhang Feng, spread his hands and said helplessly, "It's none of my business, you go ask her!"

Seeing Kona's attitude that it doesn't matter to him, Shangguanxiong snorted coldly and shouted, "Don't let their mother and daughter run away."

For a time, more scoundrels from the Shangguan family surrounded them.

At this time, Shangguan Wan'er also took out the Poké Ball, while her mother, Shangguan Yunfei, was worried. The combat power of the two sides was completely disproportionate! "Go on, black hole!"

At this moment, Zhang Feng's voice also became the fuse of the battle.

I saw that under Zhang Feng's order, Darkrai gathered a huge black ball of light in his hand, and from it peeled off countless small pitch-black energy balls and shot them all around.

"Be careful!"

Seeing this scene, Shangguanxiong, who was standing beside him, also immediately opened his mouth to remind himself.

Although most of the people present were aware of Darkrai's attack, these... The black hole light balls are all directed at the trainers of the Shangguan family. Zhang Feng doesn't need to talk about the people from the Shangguan family. Follow the so-called rules of battle.

For a time, many people were directly hit by the black hole and fell to the ground and fell asleep.

"Latias, open the door for me, Dragon Wave."

Looking at Latias flying in mid-air, Zhang Feng ordered without hesitation.

His goal is... to send Shangguan Wan'er and her daughter away first, so that he doesn't have to be distracted to take care of them in the next battle.

In midair, the violent dragon-type energy in Latias' mouth began to gather, and in the next second, it was fired directly at the closed door.

Boom! With a loud bang, the cyan energy beam slammed open the door directly.

"Gengar, Shadow of the Night!"

"Nonsense tree, arm punch!"

Li Ruo's response was not slow. In the next instant, she instructed her elf to knock down the Liu family who were staring at them, and ran outside. Ke Na also left with him. Ke Na obviously wanted to Help protect the two of them.

"Swimming gas itachi, attack me and spray water."

At this moment, Shangguan Tianxing looked at the messy hall and the door that was smashed by the waves of the dragon, and was also angry.

Directly directing the swimming Qi Weasel, attacking the target and taking Zhang Feng himself! "Zhang Feng be careful!"

Shangguan Wan'er, who was leaving the hall of Shangguan's house, saw this scene and hurriedly shouted to remind her.

"Dragon's Claw, solve it!"

Zhang Feng didn't even look at the swimming ferret rushing towards him.

In mid-air, Latias's hands flashed with blue light, and he flew to the front in an instant, and the dragon's claws directly slapped on the swimming Qi Itachi, which turned into a water column, and blasted it away.

Shangguan Tianxing watched with an ugly face as his swimming Qi Itachi was blasted away, and with just one move, he could see how big the gap between the two sides was.

Seeing this, the rogues from the Liu family and the rogues from the Shangguan family also commanded their little elves to attack Zhang Feng's two elves and Zhang Feng himself at the same time.

Latias constantly dodged these in the air with his superb flying skills... Attacking, Darkrai's stature was erratic, and it was difficult to hit it with attacks. From time to time, it would throw a black hole to counterattack. Battlebooks are what Darkrai is good at.

On the contrary, Zhang Feng was a little embarrassed. After tumbling and dodging a flame, Zhang Feng only felt a sharp pain in his back. Immediately, Zhang Feng threw a Poke Ball and summoned Qilulian.

"Chirullian, keep your mind strong!"

As soon as he came out, Chirulian saw that someone was attacking Zhang Feng, and immediately.

With a bulging face and angry eyes flashing blue light, he blocked the attack directly.

Kirullian's level is 1.

Later, the strength also ushered in a skyrocket, and the spiritual power is also stronger.

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