Of course, when they scolded the Shangguan family, they also flattered Zhang Feng.

[Having Latias, and the son of God of Darkrai, Zhang Feng.

] [The strongest elf trainer of the younger generation will definitely surpass the existence of Yulongdu in the future.

][The first mistake of the Tianwang Potential List, the Elf Association underestimated Zhang Feng's potential.

] For a time, various posts discussing Zhang Feng's strength title are also emerging one after another.

The Elf Forum is the largest information exchange platform in China. It is no exaggeration to say that basically all trainers in China will register an account on the Elf Forum.

Therefore, basically all the trainers were paying attention to this incident, including the details of Chang Ling and Shangguanxiong, which were completely exposed to the public.

And soon, some media who attended the banquet also began to break the news.

"Shangguan's family forced Zhang Feng's mother-in-law to marry, and Shangguan Wan'er asked Zhang Feng to rescue her mother, so Zhang Feng became enmity with the Shangguan family."

As soon as the news came out, Zhang Feng became the perfect male god in the eyes of the majority of female trainers. After all, the story of standing up to fight against a terrifying family for the sake of the woman he loves is really moving.

And more male trainers are all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred. Compared with Zhang Feng, they seem to have lived for so long in vain, and the elves around Zhang Feng are all rare, handsome, and powerful, even the legendary There are more than one elf.

Likewise, Zhang Feng's anger at Shangguanxiong became a hot topic of discussion.

Many civilian trainers have long complained deeply about... these... family trainers who are arrogant and arrogant outside, and even snatch the elf that others like Exhale happily.

205. Back to Hanlin, the abnormality of the parents

Similarly, many fans of Zhang Feng immediately sorted out all the competition videos that Zhang Feng participated in, listed his elf one by one, and put them on the elf forum for everyone to discuss their combat power.

Undoubtedly, the ones who have the highest voice in the debate are... Darkrai, Latias, and Zhang Feng's initial partner Kuailong.

Although they had very few battles between Darkrai and Latias, and even Darkrai's appearance was due to this battle with the Shangguan family, but after all, it is a mythical beast, and its popularity is naturally the highest.

And Kuailong was mentioned because of its consistent strong performance and Zhang Feng's identity as an initial elf.

In contrast, female trainers discussed more about Chirullian, Latias, and fairies. After all, girls still like cute little fairies.

In any case, Zhang Feng's current popularity is no less than that of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Sky Blue Hotel, in a room on the second floor.

Zhang Feng and his party who escaped from Shangguan's house were impressively inside.

"Zhang Feng, this time the matter has come to an end, I will go back to the association with Ke Na first."

"Pay attention to the revenge of the Shangguan family, the old man Shangguanxiong is a master who will pay back!"

After Li Ruo glanced at Shangguan Wan'er and her daughter, she looked at Zhang Feng and said.

"Zhang Feng, prepare well for this China Conference at home. I believe that with your strength, you will definitely have a place in this conference."

"With your current popularity, I believe that the Shangguan family should not dare to continue to blatantly attack you."

Kona also spoke in a gentle tone.

Zhang Feng also nodded at the two of them, and sent them away together with Shangguan Wan'er.

When they returned to the room, Shangguan Wan'er's mother, Shangguan Yunfei, was sitting on the sofa, looking at Zhang Feng and Shangguan Wan'er with a smile on her face.

Zhang Feng suddenly realized that there seemed to be some things that had not been made clear.

"By the way, Auntie, I'm actually just a good friend of Shangguan Wan'er, and I'm here to help him this time."

After sitting on the sofa, Zhang Feng also explained his relationship with Shangguan Wan'er in a warm tone to Shangguan Yunfei.

Shangguan Wan'er, who was sitting next to her, looked at the meeting that was clarifying the relationship between the two with her mother, and there was a hint of loss in her beautiful eyes.

In fact, when she was in Shangguan's house, when everyone said that Zhang Feng was her fiancé, she was very excited, but unfortunately it was all fake.

"I see. It's a blessing for Wan'er to have your friend."

Shangguan Yunfei nodded and said with a chuckle.

After speaking, Shangguan Yunfei looked at Zhang Feng like this, quite like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law.

Shangguan Yunfei could feel that she was really interested in Zhang Feng, and she also liked Zhang Feng very much.

Just like this, you look at me, I look at you, and the atmosphere in the room became awkward for a while.

"Uh, that..., Wan'er, why don't you move to Hanlin City with your aunt during this time?"

Zhang Feng also spoke up, Tianlan City was indeed not suitable for Shangguan Wan'er and her daughter to continue to stay.

"Okay, I know."

Shangguan Wan'er also spoke softly.

"That..., regarding the organization, I will also hold an auction at the Xia Family Auction House after returning to Hanlin City. After the funds are in place, I hope you can help me choose an island as the base of the organization."

Zhang Feng also spoke directly in front of the mother and daughter, after all, they are not outsiders.

Zhang Feng wanted to hand over the purchase of the island to Shangguan Wan'er.

"Okay, okay, I'll check it out."

Shangguan Wan'er also nodded slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

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