"Patriarch, President Xia Chengcheng of Hanlin City is in charge of this auction. What we need to strive for this time are those two Heavenly King-level elves."

A relatively young executive of the Chamber of Commerce beside Xia Muyang spoke up. With the strength of their Xia family, there are not many forces that can compete with them for these two elves. They just need to pay attention to those forces.

"Zhang Feng, I didn't expect this kid's handwriting to be so big. It is estimated that the whole of China is now disturbed by him."

Xia Muyang is also a little sighed, because of his own daughter, he also sent someone to check Zhang Feng, and he is also shocked to see Zhang Feng's rapid growth! A blue-talented Flying Mantis was auctioned off before the trip. Now, as soon as he opens his mouth, it's... Two heavenly king-level elves, Zhang Feng obviously already has the strength to talk to the big family.

After thinking for a long time, Xia Muyang also spoke up under everyone's attention.

"Zhi Mu is fully responsible for this auction, and at the same time, I have to tell her that the Xia Family's first target for this auction is that Heavenly King-level Dream Demon."

As the helm of the Xia family, Xia Muyang will always see farther than others. The response of this auction is bound to be unprecedentedly enthusiastic, and all parties are fighting for it. Pokémon can also be a little sore.

All in all, Xia Muyang set his target on the most precious elf in this auction, the Dream Demon, which is also a Heavenly King-level elf.

The reason for sending his daughter there was because of the relationship between Xia Zhimu and Zhang Feng. Xia Muyang could see Zhang Feng's potential and naturally hoped that the Chamber of Commerce would have a good relationship with Zhang Feng.

"Got it, President!"

What Xia Muyang decides, other people will naturally not say much.

A post by Zhang Feng on the Elf Forum seems to be: The entire China has dropped an infinitely powerful bomb, and for a time, the entire China's forces have become active.

Everyone is estimating that they can add an extra Heavenly King-level trainer to their family.

209. Auction, fierce competition

In a blink of an eye, the time came to the auction day. Early, Zhang Feng brought Shangguan Wan'er to the Xia Family Auction House, while Liu Menghan stayed at home. She didn't seem to want to go to the auction house.

Originally, Zhang Feng planned to bring Liu Menghan along, but she was obviously not very interested, so Zhang Feng did not force it! At 9 am, Zhang Feng and Guan Wan'er arrived on time, and the Xia Family Auction House was already at this time. It was crowded, and many media were waiting at the door.

This auction is really exciting, and there are so many big families. For... this auction, the Xia family is also broadcasting the whole process.

As today's protagonist, as soon as he arrived at the auction, he was greeted by Xia Cheng and others to the VIP room.

Looking down from the third floor, Zhang Feng could see that the entire hall on the first floor was already crowded with people, not only for the auction, but also for trainers who came to watch the excitement.

On the second floor, although there were a little less people, there were enough people, and they were basically full.

The third floor was where some top-level VIPs stayed, and Zhang Feng also carefully discovered that the Shangguan family and Liu family did not send anyone here, while the Bi family hid their identities and entered the auction house.

At this time, the person in charge of reception is still the one Zhang Feng came to the auction house last time... Etiquette Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoyu, you go down first, I will call you if something happens!"

Looking at Zhang Feng, Shangguan Wan'er said with a smile.

After confirming that Xiaoyu had left, Zhang Feng also looked at Shangguan Wan'er.

"There are quite a few families here this time, the Bi family is hiding in the dark, there are also many rich businessmen, and even the Xia family and the Elf Association have come here."

Shangguan Wan'er walked to Zhang Feng's side and said in a flat tone.

After listening to Shangguan Wan'er's words, she pondered for a moment, but Zhang Feng, who was about to speak, was interrupted by a female voice.

"Hi Zhang Feng, we meet again!"

Hearing the familiar voice coming from behind, Zhang Feng also turned his head, with blond hair, a white dress, and a delicate face, it was Xia Zhimu who had left their home not long ago.

"Zhi Mu, why are you here!"

Zhang Feng smiled at Xia Zhimu, and said in a gentle tone, obviously a little surprised that... the person sent by the Xia family to be in charge of this auction was actually Xia Zhimu.

"Zhang Feng, you don't know, my dad shut me up for a long time after I got home."

"If you hadn't made such a big noise here this time, he wouldn't have let me out."

Xia Zhimu also seemed very happy to see Zhang Feng.

Ever since her father asked her to take charge of this auction, she has been looking forward to reuniting with Zhang Feng.

Next, Zhang Feng also introduced Shangguan Wan'er to Xia Zhimu, and Xia Zhimu looked at Shangguan Wan'er with a somewhat meaningful expression.

Zhang Feng didn't care too much, because this time it was officially started.

I saw a beautiful woman in a fiery red dress appearing in everyone's sight under the lights of the auction house's high platform.

And this woman, when Zhang Feng auctioned the Flying Mantis for the first time, the chief auctioneer of this auction house, Shen Jiayi, a charming, mature and sexy woman.

I saw Shen Jiayi swept around her eyes, and a delicate voice also sounded.

"I believe that all of you have come from afar for this auction, so let's go straight to the topic, and today's auction will officially start."

"Let's get the first lot!"

Shen Jiayi clapped her hands, and the information of the first lot appeared on the electronic screen behind her.

"I'm going, this, this, is it true?"

"Is the first lot so scary?"

The moment the picture appeared, the entire auction house was in an uproar, and the voices of discussion mainly came from the trainers on the first floor of the hall.

"Purple qualification, big needle bee, starting price, 10 Chinese coins!"

Looking at the reactions around her, Shen Jiayi smiled and shouted! "I'll pay 200 million!"

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