"Twenty-five billion, who is this girl!"

In an instant, the entire auction venue also burst into a burst of discussion.

At this time, Akashi's face was already extremely ugly, and likewise, [-] billion had exceeded the limit of the Chi family's tolerance.

213. The rudiment of power, Ye Hong's hesitation

"Zhi Mu, Akashi is looking at you across from you!"

Shangguan Wan'er pursed her lips and smiled softly, and said to Xia Zhimu, I have to say that Xia Zhimu's opening was a little bit more lethal to Akashi.

"[-] billion, my God! The Xia family bid [-] billion, is there any... higher?"

Shen Jiayi pretended to be excited and shouted, and at the same time, her beautiful eyes looked at Xia Zhimu on the third floor.

When they heard that the Xia family made a bid, everyone was relieved.

And Akashi sat on the chair, brows furrowed, he fell into deep thought, he has no money to increase the price, the family can't raise more spare money for a while.

At this time, the woman behind Akashi also persuaded: "Uncle, forget it, it seems that the Xia family came prepared this time."

After hearing the woman's words, Akashi gritted his teeth and gave up.

Shen Jiayi counted to the third time, and no one in the audience was raising the price. In the end, the Xia Family Chamber of Commerce bought Zhang Feng's dream demon for [-] billion.

"Zhang Feng, you have made a lot of money this time."

After photographing the dream demon, Xia Zhimu also smiled and said to Zhang Feng.

"Don't worry, this dream demon is very strong, and you won't lose any money."

Zhang Feng replied.

This auction ended successfully in this way, and Zhang Feng also possessed assets as high as 53 billion Huaxia coins all at once.

Because Xia Zhimu had photographed the dream demon, she also wanted to send it back to the general meeting as soon as possible, and she also left after saying hello to Zhang Feng.

When they parted, she also said that she would meet again at the Huaxia Conference.

And Zhang Feng also left the auction door after taking Shangguan Wan'er and the auction branch director Xia Cheng a courtesy.

Xia Cheng wants to send Zhang Feng away. After all, with such a terrifying turnover, he has achieved several years of performance. It is estimated that he will have a chance to be promoted at the family meeting at the end of this year, and it is all thanks to Zhang Feng. .

Zhang Feng also refused directly, and he still has some things to deal with.

Just after the auction, Zhang Feng and Shangguan Wan'er encountered the Chi family and their group who were arguing with the Yun family.

Zhang Feng listened roughly, it seemed that the young head of the Yun family was mocking Akashi for finally returning empty-handed. Obviously, Yun Yifeng, who had been calculated by Akashi before, still had some fire in his heart.

It just so happened that Akashi was in a bad mood when he hadn't photographed the Dream Demon, and Yun Yifeng's ridicule also directly ignited him, and the two almost started their hands before the door of the auction house.

"Look, Zhang Feng, they bit up. This is a family member."

Shangguan Wan'er said mockingly.

Zhang Feng also smiled and didn't speak, obviously Shangzhong was still very disgusted by... these families.

Shangguan Wan'er obviously didn't want to look any further, and took a taxi with Zhang Feng.

In the car, Zhang Feng also said that after the Xia family has counted the money, let Shangguan Wan'er keep it for safekeeping, and by the way, the purchase of the island will also be put on the agenda.

Shangguan Wan'er also nodded, she understood Zhang Feng's mood to establish the organization as soon as possible.

And the establishment of the organization is of great benefit to her, not only does she and her mother no longer have to hide from Shangguan's house, but she may even have the opportunity to avenge her father.

She was also very concerned about this matter! After sending Shangguan Wan'er to the hotel, Zhang Feng also returned to her home.

In the same way, when they returned home, their parents also questioned Zhang Feng for a while. After all, this auction of the Xia family was live broadcast, and his parents also witnessed everything on TV.

When he saw that his son's two elves were sold for [-] billion, Zhang Tian almost jumped up with excitement. He knew that his son was very promising, but his family suddenly became a billionaire family, which made him a little hard to accept.

And her mother, Shen Yue, was also very happy, thinking that she had abandoned her family to be with Zhang Tian, ​​she originally wanted to live a normal life, but she didn't want Zhang Feng to be so ambitious.

Not only did the neighbors flatter her every day, but not long ago, her sister, who had not been in contact with her for more than ten years, also called her to say hello.

Of course Shen Yue knew that all this was because she gave birth to an excellent son.

After dealing with his parents, Zhang Feng also returned to his bedroom. At the same time, he also called Xiao Chi, Li Ruo, Heechul and Ye Hong, telling them that the organization would be officially established soon and asked them to prepare.

Xiao Chi, who got the news in Wudou City, was obviously very excited. He loves fighting, and the organization was also established to deal with the Rockets and other forces. He has never been soft on the evil organization.

He also said that as long as Zhang Feng made a phone call, he could be there at any time.

Not to mention Li Ruo, after Bishas died, the shackles placed on her disappeared, and she also had a different feeling for Zhang Feng who saved her.

When the organization was established, it was when Li Ruo resigned from her position in the Elf Association.

Ye Hong was also a little surprised when he received Zhang Feng's call. He didn't expect Zhang Feng's progress to be so fast, but he said that he would go home first to get the consent of his parents.

He is different from Xiao Chi and Li Ruo, he doesn't have a deep relationship with Zhang Feng, and because Ye Hong is very old, he also needs to think about his future.

Originally, with his strength, after he settled down, it was not a big problem to apply to become a gym trainer in his hometown. He earned a lot of money every month, and he was very stable and close to his parents.

There is absolutely no need for him to join Zhang Feng's organization to take risks. After all, the danger of the organization that wants to fight against the Rockets is obvious, so he still needs to think about it for a while.

Zhang Feng also understands it very well. After all, against an evil organization like Team Rocket, not only may he be in danger, but even his family may be implicated. It is understandable that Ye Hong has to think about it for a while.

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