Under such a violent attack, the rogue crocodile fell heavily to the ground and lost its ability to fight.

231、Dakdo's Hate

Seeing that the rogue crocodile lost his fighting ability, the blue light in Shanaido's eyes slowly disappeared, and his body also fell to the ground of the venue again.

Seeing this scene, after a brief silence, the venue also burst into enthusiastic cheers, and the audience was also very excited.

Zhang Feng's Shanai Duo easily solved the rogue crocodile whose attributes restrained it, no matter what...

Whether he floated himself or that weird magic leaf, it all showed Shanaido's terrifying control over... superpowers.

"I'm going, Shanaido is too powerful, I'm going to train one too, its super powers are so cool."

"Yeah! Although Shanaido is rare, it's not impossible to find it, and it's really impossible, even Laluras!"

"Come on! God Zhang Feng Shanai Duo is a rare shining elf. To some extent, Shanai Duo is even rarer than divine beasts!"


Hearing that the audience around him were discussing his son, Zhang Tian, ​​as a father, also held his head high and looked very proud.

American player seat! "Brother, you seem to be a little interested in this kid named Zhang Feng"

Adair looked at Dakdo who was staring at Zhang Feng and Shanaido attentively and said.

"Yeah! This Shanaido is pretty good!"

Dakdo raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

Michelle, who was sitting on the other side, saw that Dak Shengduo seemed to be a little interested in Zhang Feng, and also said with a smile: "This kid is called Zhang Feng, it is said that the initial elf is a fast dragon! In China, it is called two On behalf of the dragon envoy."

"What is his relationship with Yulongdu!"

Hearing Michelle's words, Dakdo's face instantly turned cold.

Hearing that Zhang Feng's name is the second-generation dragon envoy, and the initial elf is still a fast dragon, and Du is also called Yulongdu because of the large number of main elf dragons, Daketo instantly became uneasy.

As long as it's someone related to Du, he can't wait to defeat them one by one.

"Don't get excited, he has nothing to do with Du, but just like Du, the initial elves are fast dragons."

Michelle was also immediately.


Hearing Michelle's words, although Dakduo's expression returned to calm, his cold eyes still glanced at Zhang Feng in the field.

"Humph! The second-generation dragon envoy, if you meet me, I will make you disgraced in front of everyone, and if you want to blame it, you should not be called the second-generation dragon envoy."

While thinking about it, Daketo also turned his attention to Du who was sitting on the high platform. His obsession with Du was obviously not that deep.

In the venue, Liu Cheng also threw a Poké Ball with a dark face. The rogue crocodile was originally intended to target Zhang Feng's Shanaido, but he didn't want to lose so easily.

Liu Cheng's second elf is a bell, obviously he is going to use super power to fight against super power.

Seeing the bronze bell, Zhang Feng also took back Shanaido and replaced it with Fang Lu Shark.

Many viewers were also very disappointed to see Zhang Feng replace the fangtooth land shark, and they also wanted to see Shanaido perform more! "Humph! You don't dare to compete with my bronze bell for superpowers, right?"

When Liu Cheng saw Zhang Feng's replacement, the elf also mocked without hesitation.

"The fangtooth land shark, use the dragon's claws on the bronze bell!"

Frowning slightly, Zhang Feng also shouted directly.

Hearing Zhang Feng's order, the fang-toothed land shark's claws suddenly flashed blue light, and it leaned slightly and rushed directly to the bronze bell. The specially-trained fang-toothed land shark was surprisingly fast, and came to the bronze bell in an instant. side.

Seeing this, Liu Cheng's complexion also sank slightly. Although he hated Zhang Feng very much, he did not lose his mind. Compared with the Fang Lu Shark, his bronze bell speed was too slow.

Then he must take advantage of the bronze bell, which is his excellent defensive ability.

"Bronze bell, iron wall."

Seeing the fangtooth land shark's attack getting closer, Liu Cheng hurriedly shouted.

The bronze bell instantly cast an iron wall, and a silver metallic luster appeared on the surface of the skin, which greatly improved its defense ability.

The fangtooth land shark also accelerated to the front of the bronze bell, and slammed its claws directly on the bronze bell.

Even with the addition of the iron wall, the bronze bell's body still retreated a few meters, and the fangtooth land shark was also blasted back by the anti-shock force.

"So strong!"

Liu Cheng's pupils shrank, and his expression was very surprised. His bronze bell was originally a steel elf, and it had an iron wall bonus, but he was still repelled so far.

"Bronze Bell,!"

Although surprised, Liu Cheng immediately ordered a counterattack. After all, the sharp-toothed land shark was hit by the dragon's claws for an opportunity to counterattack.

At this distance, it is also very difficult for the fangtooth shark to avoid supernatural powers.

"Just this fangtooth shark, blizzard!"

Zhang Feng shouted without hesitation.

The fangtooth land shark leaned over instantly, and the ice fins on its back flashed blue light, while a icy cold wind blew toward the bronze bell, obscuring its sight.

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