"It's okay, this is just a group of scumbags from that organization." Looking at the white uniforms on these Rockets personnel, Zhang Feng said with disdain.

"Zhang Feng, aren't we going to help? There are so many of them, I'm afraid that young lady can't beat her." Liu Menghan looked at the surrounded girl with a worried expression.

"No need, just wait and watch the show!" Zhang Feng shook his head, and then there was a hint of confusion in his eyes, why is she here?

With dazzling blond hair, a tall figure, and a blue dress, if Zhang Feng saw it right, it was Xia Zhimu who was looking for him to trade evolution stones in Vibrant Forest.

Zhang Feng was a little puzzled as to why she appeared in the Campanulaceae Forest, but there was no doubt that this was a rogue from Team Rocket who would definitely not be the opponent of Xia Zhimu's monarch snake.

"Who is she? You seem to know her very well." Liu Menghan glanced at Xia Zhimu and asked suspiciously.

Undoubtedly, Liu Menghan could see that Xia Zhimu was a beautiful woman, and she might even be better than herself in terms of temperament. He was very curious about how someone like Zhang Feng who was "not good at expressing" knew this level of beauty.

"Have you forgotten? When we were camping, wasn't she the girl with the monarch snake in the square?" Zhang Feng said with a light smile.

Although Zhang Feng didn't use the system to see the level of Xia Zhimu's monarch snake, but the level of the monarch snake that can evolve will not be lower than lv.36.

Moreover, Xia Zhimu's daring to roam in the depths of the Changpan Forest naturally proved her strength.

"Little girl, you are unlucky when you meet our Rockets. Honestly hand over all the elves in your hands, and you are screaming big brother, maybe I will let you go as soon as I am happy." The leading Rockets players saw Xia Zhimu said maliciously with her bumpy figure.

They used to be low-level trainers before they joined the Rockets and couldn't even afford to raise a catty dog, but now they can not only raise a powerful elf, but also tease such a beautiful beauty, and they are very proud of it.

They have done this kind of robbery many times, and every time they succeeded because of the number of people, this one is a beautiful woman, and they are even more unscrupulous.

"You bosses don't dare to treat me like this, since we meet, let's solve it together!"

Seeing the lewd look in the leader's eyes, Xia Zhimu was also angry. As the daughter of the Xia family, she was always a guest of the major forces wherever she went. Even if the evil organization treated her Xia family, they used the way to win over her. He was so angry that he threw the elf out without saying a word.

"Monarch Snake, Sun Coral, teach them a lesson." Xia Zhimu said coldly.

"Huh! Monarch snake? It's a bit of a story, but it's useless. Before, our four brothers also solved a trainer with a water arrow turtle."

The Rockets said in a gloomy tone.

In fact, in their hearts, they are very resistant to encountering such a trainer who can evolve the Yu Sanjia into its final form. Not to mention that this kind of elves is inherently powerful in combat. Even if they have beaten them, the elves they grabbed will not be used by them. .

Immediately, the four Rockets players also threw their Poké Balls one after another, a burst of white light flickered, and various Pokémon appeared.

Big-mouthed bats, double-bombing gas, Abo monsters, rumbling stones, Zhang Feng sighed a little when he looked at these bells and whistles. Sure enough, these little elfs were better than most of the students' elves when they graduated from school. Little, it is no wonder that some people will take the risk to join the evil organization.

As for the origin of these elves, it is worth scrutinizing.

51. Join the team, Xia Zhimu (for flowers)

Campanulaceae forest.

"Monarch Snake, Leaf Storm, Sun Coral, Mental Distraction."

Xia Zhimu wasn't surprised at all about the Rockets who came under siege. After all, they didn't know what the face was.

"Don't you really need to go up and help her?" Liu Menghan frowned as she looked at Xia Zhimu who was under siege.

"Don't worry, she can solve it." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

Sure enough, the four elves that Team Rocket rushed up were all controlled by the mental interference of Sun Coral, and Ye Baofeng of Monarch Snake directly hit the controlled elves, and Xia Zhimu was able to command the two elves to deal with Team Rocket with ease. players.

"How could it be?" Seeing that Xia Zhimu's combat effectiveness was so strong, the Rockets' rogues headed for retreat.

In the blink of an eye, Abo and Big Mouth Bat had been knocked unconscious, and only the slightly higher-level rumbling stones and double-bomb gas were still holding on.

Xia Zhimu didn't seem to have any intention of holding back when dealing with the evil organization. Under the onslaught of the thorny cannon of the sun coral and the hardened plant of the monarch snake, the remaining two also lost their ability to fight.

Seeing that Xia Zhimu easily dealt with the members of the Rockets, Zhang Feng smiled and said, "Nuo, look, deal with it!"

Liu Menghan looked surprised.

"Come on, boss, this chick is a little difficult to mess with." A small rogue behind the headed robber whispered to him.

"Little girl, you are considered good today, I'll wait and see next time." The Rockets scoundrel known as the boss said sternly, then turned around and prepared to run.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Xia Zhimu's mouth rose slightly, revealing a hint of sarcasm: "Did you let you run away? Sun coral, mental interference. Monarch snake, vine whip to catch them."

I saw Sun Coral's eyes flashing red light, and the four Rocket Team members were directly fixed by their superpowers, unable to move, and then Monarch Snake stretched out two vine whips to tie the four together.

Looking at the four Rockets who were tied together, Xia Zhimu took out her mobile phone and called the Elf Association, asking them to come over and arrest them.

At this time, Zhang Feng and Liu Menghan also walked over.

Seeing Zhang Feng approaching, the coldness on Xia Zhimu's face instantly disappeared without a trace.

"Yo, isn't this the younger brother in the Viridian Forest? I haven't seen you for a while, but you've recently become famous!" Xia Zhimu looked at Liu Menghan and said jokingly.

"Hello, my name is Liu Menghan, Zhang Feng's friend." Liu Menghan heard the ridicule in Xia Zhimu's words and said hello first.

"Why are you here!" Zhang Feng asked indifferently.

"I came here to catch a powerful electric elf, but unfortunately I met this group of people, which ruined my good mood." Xia Zhimu said with a smile.

Zhang Feng glanced at the four people who were tied to the ground, smiled and said, "Can I borrow something from you?"

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Xia Zhimu said with a little doubt, "Lend something from me? What do you want?"

"I need one of the clothes on these four people." Zhang Feng pointed to the Rockets and said.

"Oh? Can you tell me what's the use?" Xia Zhimu asked slightly playfully.

Although she didn't know what Zhang Feng's intention was, she came to the Campanulaceae Forest to find Zhang Feng. She was surrounded by this group of gangsters just now, and Zhang Feng was actually watching the play, which made her a little angry, a so-called gentleman. There is no grace, and now she will naturally not agree to Zhang Feng so easily.

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