The body color is sky blue, white from the chin to the middle of the abdomen, and blue-gray on the lower part of the abdomen.It has two projections on its head, each with a blue-grey stripe.It has four ice fins on its body, one on each forearm, one on its back, and one on its tail.There are ice-pick-shaped bone spurs on the thigh.

Zhang Feng finally saw the true face of the fangtooth land shark.


The fangtooth land shark held his head and howled in pain.

Zhang Feng also noticed the abnormality of the fangtooth land shark, and immediately saw that a circular device was installed on the fangtooth land shark's tail, and the red signal light was still flashing on it.

"Beast, it seems to be disobedient again?"

Seeing this scene, Dr. Darkmoon muttered to himself, took out a remote control from his arms and pressed it.

On the other side, Fang Fang Lu Sha suddenly stopped holding his head and mourning, his eyes flashed red, and he looked at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng immediately realized the situation and threw the Poke Ball directly.

"Zeraora, prepare to fight!"


Zeraora shouted and put on a fighting stance in front of the fangtooth land shark. The elf in front of Zeraora didn't seem to have the strength to threaten it, but the aura was a bit weird.

"What kind of elf is this? Have you seen it?" Seeing Zhang Feng summon an elf he had never seen before, Dark Moon asked Xingyue with a puzzled face.

"No, I've never seen it before." Xingyue looked at Zeraora on the big screen with a puzzled face.

"Interesting, let's see how effective this elf is in combat, it's time to do it, Fang Tooth Land Shark." Dark Moon looked excited and pressed the remote again.

At this time, the red light in Fang Lu Shark's eyes was even more intense, and Fang Lu Shark's body was slightly bent down, and the ice needles attacked Zhang Feng directly.

"What?" Zhang Feng's face was a little ugly, but he actually attacked others directly.

Zhang Feng could guess that the fangtooth land shark at this moment was absolutely controlled by the Rockets with technology.

At this time, Zeraora directly turned into a yellow lightning bolt and appeared in front of Zhang Feng, and the green protective cover took shape to block all the ice needles.

"Zeraora, plasma lightning punch, try to aim at the device of the fangtooth land shark's tail."

Zhang Feng shouted calmly.

There is no need for him to go shopping with the fangtooth land shark, as long as he destroys the device that controls the fangtooth land shark, it will be done.

Zeraora suddenly appeared in front of Fang Fang Lu Shark with two fists of lightning flashing, and Fang Fang Lu Shark took a few steps back.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng in the secret room and Dr. Dark Moon in the research room were surprised at the same time.

Dr. Darkmoon was amazed at the strength of Zeraora summoned by Zhang Feng. This little elf he had never seen before actually punched his research results so far.

Zhang Feng was surprised by the strength of this fangtooth land shark. You must know that his Zeraora level is as high as lv.59, and he used a plasma thunderbolt punch against the fangtooth land shark with only two stages of evolution, but he didn't hit it. gosh.

The fangtooth land shark didn't seem to know that the Pain Dragon Claw rushed towards Zeraora again.

The dragon's claws hit Zeraora, and Zeraora in front of the fangtooth land shark instantly turned into a white light and disappeared. The real Zeraola's right hand flashed with lightning, and the thunderbolt punched directly on the fangtooth land shark's tail. on the device.

The device was instantly turned into pieces by the giant force, and the action of the fangtooth land shark stopped immediately.

In the research room, the remote control in Dr. Darkmoon's hand flashed an arc of electricity.

"Damn, Xingyue, go in and get rid of that guy." Dr. Dark Moon threw the remote control to the ground and shouted angrily.

At this moment, the red light in the eyes of the Fang Lu shark in the secret room disappeared, replaced by a look of doubt.

54. Conquer, fangtooth shark (seeking flowers)

"The fangtooth land shark, it's alright, you should be fine now!"

Zhang Feng said slowly to the Fang Lu Shark who was in a fighting posture with an alert face.

The fangtooth land shark, who had just recovered his senses, seemed very uneasy.


Fang Fang Lu shark still looked at Zhang Feng vigilantly. Although it lost its mind when it was controlled by the device, it still remembered what it had done and the pain that humans had brought to it.

Zhang Feng still wanted to say something to help Fang Lu Shark put down his vigilance. At this moment, the door of the secret room suddenly opened, and Zhang Feng and Fang Lu Sha looked at the door at the same time.

I saw Xingyue walked into the secret room with a bronze bell.

"Yes, yes, boy, your elf is very strong, are you a member of the association?"

Xingyue asked Zeraora who was beside Zhang Feng with a puzzled look while applauding.

"No comment." Having just seen Team Rocket's cruelty, Zhang Feng was completely angry when he saw the poor elves in the lab.


The moment Fang Fang Lu shark saw Xingyue, his eyes were filled with anger. It clearly remembered that he was the one who grabbed him in the first place.

The fangtooth land shark's two claws were wrapped in green light, and the dragon's claws rushed directly to Xingyue without any explanation.

"Small thing, it seems that the suffering is not enough, bronze bell, iron wall."

Xingyue said lightly as she looked at the fang-toothed land shark rushing towards her.

I saw that the bronze bell instantly blocked in front of Xingyue and used an iron wall. The dragon claws of the fangtooth land shark hit the bronze bell and did not cause much damage to it. Of course, the first is the level of Xingyue's bronze bell. It is too much higher than the fangtooth land shark, and the second is that the fangtooth land shark ate a plasma lightning punch from Zeraora before, which consumed a lot of physical strength.

"Bronze bell, shadow ball." Xingyue ordered the fangtooth land shark who was close at hand.

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