Xia Xuan reminded Xia Xin with a bit of disgust. At the same time, he found that Zhang Feng was really difficult to deal with, and he also had Xia Xin as a "burden" by his side.

, I didn't think before, but now I have this kind of thought when I meet Xia Xuan, a formidable opponent.

"Zhi Mu, restrain the circle bear, I'll deal with the fast dragon."

Zhang Feng shouted softly.

"no problem."

A smile appeared on Xia Zhimu's delicate face, and she enjoyed the feeling of fighting side by side with Zhang Feng on stage.

75. The Difficult Monarch Snake

"After a confrontation, we can see that under the strong attack of Zhang Feng's player Kuailong, their combination has a slight upper hand in the first confrontation."

The host wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand and explained the game passionately.

"Fast Dragon, Dragon's Wave."

"Circle the bear, destroy the light."

In the middle of the venue, the destructive light of the circle bear once again violently collided with the dragon wave of the fast dragon, causing an explosion, and the air wave pushed the elves on both sides back slightly.

"Monarch Serpent, Sunshine Flame."

The monarch snake did not need to accumulate the sun and flames because of the clear weather, and immediately blasted towards the Hippo King.

"Hold on."

Facing the fierce sunlight and flames, Xia Xuan hurriedly shouted.

I saw that a huge green light protective cover in front of the hippo king shrouded it, which directly blocked the tyrannical sunshine flame of the monarch snake.

"Fast dragon, continuous attack, dragon god swoops."

Zhang Feng obviously didn't want to give Hippo King a chance to react.

I saw that the fast dragon flew up into the sky, with blue light all over his body rushing directly towards the Hippo King whose protective cover disappeared.

"Circle bear, million ton boxing."

When Xia Xin saw that Zhang Feng and the two were besieging Xia Xuan, he was also a little anxious. When he came, because Zhou Xuan accompanied him, he could be said to be full of confidence for the elf egg, but he didn't expect everything to change now.

The Ring Bear rushed directly to the Monarch Snake on the ground.

"Monarch Serpent, Sunshine Flame."

Xia Zhimu shouted coldly.

The flames of sunlight converged on the Monarch Snake in an instant and successfully shot at the Ring Bear which was rushing towards it again. The Ring Bear was directly hit by the flames of sunlight and flew out. The Monarch Snake in clear weather was like a moving fort.

On the other side, the fast dragon's attack is about to arrive.

"King Hippo, hurry up, keep your mind strong."

Watching the dragon god swooping down and about to hit him, the hippo king pointed to the fast dragon with both hands, red light flashed in his eyes, and invisible mental fluctuations were impacting the fast dragon.

However, the fast dragon was only slightly slow, but still slammed into the hippo king fiercely.

And this scene was naturally seen by the host. As the host, he was able to control the rhythm of the scene. He could say that he was very good at it. At this time, he naturally opened his mouth.

"Wow! Zhang Feng, who is number one on the Tianwang potential list, is showing everyone his strength. His fast dragons completely overwhelmed Xia Xuan Tianwang's Hippo King. He is only 16 years old. It's terrible."

The host's remarks also led to a discussion.

"It's really strong. I really want to see when Zhang Feng will be assessed as a trainer. His strength has already reached the heavenly king level."

"Although Xia Xuan is not famous in Heavenly King, he is Heavenly King, but Zhang Feng actually suppressed him."

"You don't see that he is driving a fast dragon, and an adult is a king-level existence."

The popularity of Zhang Feng's Huaxia is obviously already small.

Back to the game.

The state of Circle Bear and Hippo King is also not good, especially the Hippo King who swooped down by the Dragon God of Kuailong, who is strong enough without losing his combat effectiveness directly.

And then Xia Zhimu also relied on the characteristics of the monarch snake to be a parasitic seed, a provocation, and a fierce toxin to assist the fast dragon in battle.

The Hippo King and the Circle Bear here are still fighting against Zhang Feng's fast dragons under various negative conditions, and soon lost their ability to fight. Sure enough, the battle must not be delayed with the grass element.

And this battle has also brought the experience of the fast dragon to a critical point, and it is not far from the upgrade.

"Miss, take care of yourself. I can't ask you to go back. The owner misses you very much. I'll go back and have a look when I have time."

Xia Xuan calmly retracted the Hippo King and said that they would lose the battle just now. It is true that Kuailong took most of the credit, but Xia Zhimu's monarch snake who was assisting Kuailong in the back also performed very well.

Xia Xin, who was beside him, clenched his fist tightly, very unwilling, he just lost a chance to obtain a purple-qualified elf cub.

Similarly, after watching this game, the pair of Tianwang trainers in the audience also frowned.

Because Zhang Feng's Kuailong was too strong on the field, and the extreme destructive power, Xia Xuan's ace elf Hippo King couldn't stop it, and they didn't have the confidence to suppress it, and they always regarded Xia Zhimu as a breakthrough. The main pet is the grass-type monarch snake, which is more difficult to deal with in doubles.

All of this has also shaken their determined champion heart a little bit.

Of course, the game will continue. As one of the favorites, the Tianwang duo naturally came to the stage and welcomed bursts of cheers from the audience.

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