Sun Elf, the most powerful spiritual thought."

Xia Zhimu said.

At the same time, the fast dragon behind the Scorpion King was enveloped in blue light and charged directly behind the Scorpion King with air waves.

"No, fire-breathing dragon, fire-breathing."

Seeing that the Scorpion King might fall into the opponent's combined attack because of impulsiveness, Su Lin still suppressed his anger and let the fire-breathing dragon help the Scorpion King to clear the siege.

I saw that the fire-breathing dragon spit out a hot flame and took the fast dragon directly.


Zhang Feng still let the fast dragon attack with a blank face, and suffered a jet of flames in exchange for the serious injury of the Scorpion King, this deal he could accept.

I saw that the strong mental thoughts that the sun elf used with all his concentration directly caused the Scorpion King, who flashed lightning, to be fixed in the air, and the Scorpion King struggled desperately, but it was of no use.

Seeing this scene, Mo Ran's face also became ugly, he admitted that he was a little angry because the attack failed.

At the same time, Kuailong's Dragon God's dive also hit the Scorpion King who was pinned in mid-air by the Sun Spirit, and the Scorpion King fell directly on the field, causing a burst of dust.

At this time, the flames of the fire-breathing dragon also hit the fast dragon, which was still in the midst of a retreat.

"Scorpion King"

Mo Ran looked at the Scorpion King who fell to the ground with an ugly face.

Similarly, the sun elf was also panting heavily, trying to limit the level of the Scorpio King up to 16, which was also a huge drain on his spiritual power. For a time, the scene was so strange that no one continued to attack.

And this wave of wonderful battles, the collision is also the scene to watch, the audience is very excited, they have a very deep understanding of... Zhang Fengkuailong's toughness.

The Scorpio King also supported the ground with pincers and insisted on standing up.

"Fire-breathing dragon, steel wings."


Hearing Su Lin, the fire-breathing dragon roared and flapped its wings and flew again.

"Scorpio King, Scissors Cross: Fist."

Mo Ran also cooperated with Su Lin's actions at the same time.

"Fast dragon, tornado."

"Hold on, Sun Elf."

I saw that the fast dragon rolled up a strong tornado directly in front of it, and directly involved the fire-breathing tornado that attacked it.

At the same time, the sun elf propped up a green protective cover to prepare for the attack from the Scorpio king.

"Fake attack."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Mo Ran's mouth.

I saw that the Scorpio King directly canceled the scissors cross: fist in mid-air, and the giant pliers flashed white light and slammed heavily on the protective cover of the sun elf.

The green light protective cover disappeared immediately, and the next giant pincer of the Scorpion King flashed white light and hit the sun elf directly.

Seeing this scene, Xia Zhimu looked at Zhang Feng beside her helplessly. She didn't expect Mo Ran's Scorpion King to have a feint attack, and in this game, the Sun Elf was very reluctant against the Heavenly King-level Scorpion King. Several mental strong thoughts have consumed its huge physical strength.

At the same time, the body of the fire-breathing dragon that was swept away by the fast dragon's tornado also fell straight from mid-air to the ground.

"Give him the final blow! Fast Dragon, Dragon Wave."

Zhang Feng said slowly.

He also saw that Xia Zhimu's sun elf was defeated by the Scorpion King, he must seize this opportunity to deal with this fire-breathing dragon.

"Fire-breathing dragon, fly up!"

Su Lin anxiously shouted at the falling fire-breathing dragon in midair.

And the fire-breathing dragon obviously hadn't been able to react yet, and was hit by the dragon's wave again in midair, directly hitting the wall of the battle and fainted.

"Okay, we saw that the game was very fierce. The two sides fought back and forth. Mo Ran's Scorpion King broke the sun elf's defense with a feint and defeated the sun elf who had little physical strength."

"Similarly, Zhang Feng's fast dragon is as strong as ever. After the tornado, a powerful wave of dragons solved the fire-breathing dragon. Now each side has one elf left."

The broadcast sounded, and the host analyzed the situation word by word.

"Fast dragon, dragon god swoops."

Looking at the Scorpion King who was panting heavily on the ground, Zhang Feng did not intend to give it too much time to recover.

Kuailong directly swooped down to the Scorpion King again.

"Scissors Cross: Fist."

Mo Ran gritted his teeth and shouted.

At this moment in the battle, it is basically considered that the winner is about to be decided, and the physical strength of both sides has bottomed out, so they can only fight hard.

In the air, Scorpio King's Scissor Cross: Fist and Kuailong's Dragon God swooped in a head-to-head confrontation, only to see Kuailong directly smashed Scorpion King's scissors cross: The fist hit Scorpio King again.

"Fast dragon, dragon claw."

"Scorpion King, Fang of Fire."

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