"Hey, what's wrong with Zhang Feng? Xiao Chi's voice is more happy.

"Xiao Chi, there is something I want to ask your help."

Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, let's talk!"

Xiao Chi spoke without hesitation, after all, he is now a member of Zhang Feng's organization.

"I want you to help me see if there are any better uninhabited islands around Hanlin City, and if there are any, help me keep an eye on the price."

Zhang Feng continued.

Larger families in this world will have their own clan land, that is... an island purchased from the Elf Association to raise elves. Since Zhang Feng wanted to set up an organization, he naturally came up with the idea of ​​an island.

"Have you thought about it? The price of a smaller island is also around 20 billion Chinese coins:."

Hearing Zhang Feng's words, Xiao Chi said in surprise.

He originally thought that his organization should be in the form of various overseas travels, but he did not expect it to be so formal.

Hearing Xiaochi's words, Zhang Feng, who was already mentally prepared, was also a little surprised. After a pause, Zhang Feng continued: "No problem, help me to see it, choose an island with a good environment and more elves. ."

Zhang Feng, who hung up the phone, patted his head a little helplessly, but he felt that his Flying Mantis was sold for a sky-high price of 50, and it was not worth mentioning when he used it.

"Sure enough, I still need to get more good things to sell."

Zhang Feng complained.

79. Ghost Tower, Candlelight Spirit

Hanging up the phone, Zhang Feng just waited for Xiao Chi's news with peace of mind, and he was responsible for the money issue.

Next, Zhang Feng devoted his attention to the cursed ghost tower that was opened after successfully challenging the Symphony Gym.

From the name of the dungeon alone, it seems that the inhabitants of the dungeon should be ghost-type elves.

Opened the system interface and glanced at the already dim Twin Island dungeons and Fenglaicheng. Zhang Feng sighed a little. The rewards given to him every time the system dungeons are very generous. He is satisfied just by meeting the divine beasts. In China, these divine beasts are rebellious, and the environment they live in is also very mysterious, and few people can find their traces.

And after he was successfully subdued from the system, he would often be directly recognized by the divine beast, and his intimacy was extremely high.

Moreover, the copy of Fenglai City even rewarded him with a bracelet, thinking of Zhang Feng who clicked in with anticipation.

"The cursed ghost tower copy is activated, the host gets one entry, and the host can only capture one elf from the copy and embody it."

"The teleportation will start after a countdown of 10 seconds!"

As usual, Zhang Feng lost consciousness after a while of dizziness.

In front of Zhang Feng, who appeared again, stood a dilapidated and strange classical tower.

"Not to mention, this tower really feels a little spooky,"

Zhang Feng looked up at this strange tower.

For... the ghost-type elf in the tower, he can say that he is very much looking forward to it.

Zhang Feng walked into the tower and pushed open the dilapidated iron gate. Zhang Feng, who was choked with dust, felt a little uncomfortable.

"Damn, how many years has no one come in?"

After complaining a few words, Zhang Feng entered the room and glanced at the dilapidated tables and chairs on the first floor, as well as some strange inscriptions.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng threw out the elf ball belonging to Zeraora directly. Ghost-type elf has a strange character, and many of them take the initiative to attack or tease humans. Let Zeraola follow him to prevent accidents.

The first floor looked like nothing, and Zhang Feng followed Zeraora to the second floor.

On the second floor, at first glance, Zhang Feng saw a white candle bubbling: a blue fire was standing on the table.

"It's Candlelight, this guy is here too."

Zhang Feng recognized at a glance that the candles on the table on the second floor were not candles, but a ghost-type elf that haunted the Yixiu area in the anime. It can be said that the combat power is very strong in the ghost system.

Zhang Feng opened the system interface and took a look, 1.

, Qualification orange, he is used to... the qualifications of the elf in the system copy, as always exaggerated.

If it was in the real world, Zhang Feng would definitely capture it directly, but he didn't want to waste it when there was only one chance.

Zhang Feng and Zeraora lightly tried to walk past Zhu Guangling, but Zhu Guangling didn't seem to be ready to put Zhang Feng on the third floor.


Zhu Guangling let out a soft cry, and the flames spewed out towards the two of Zhang Feng.

"Hey, Zeraora a hundred thousand volts."

Zhang Feng looked helplessly at Zhu Lingguang who attacked him.

To be honest, he didn't want to disturb it at first.

I saw Zeraora's forehead and palms: blue light, an extremely powerful electric shock scattered the sparks of Zhu Lingguang and hit Zhu Lingguang directly.


Zhu Lingguang screamed twice and passed out.

"No way, sorry."

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