The Frozen Bird flapped its wings, and the fine snow hit Dakley immediately. Compared to the frozen light, the damage of the fine snow was still too low. I saw a sudden appearance of a color in the fine snow: the ball of light hit directly and anxiously, The Frozen Bird was covered in black light, and once again hit Darkrai's black hole, she fell to the ground and fell asleep. At this time, Darkrai's eyes flashed blue, and she started eating the dream again. This time, the Freezing Bird looked extremely painful. Two seconds later He fainted directly, even a frozen bird with extreme physical strength couldn't stand Darkrai's continuous dream-eating.

And Dream Eater restored some of Darkrai's stamina again.

Zhang Feng slowly took out the Poke Ball and retrieved the Frozen Bird. To be honest, he admitted that Darkrai was very powerful. If this was a serious trainer battle, there was no doubt that Zhang Feng had already lost. Darkrai's subjugation battle, so the damage and physical exhaustion caused to Darkrai after the Frozen Bird fight is still worth it.

Zhang Feng glanced at Zeraola next to him and said, "It's your turn to play, Zeraola."


And Zeraola patted his chest with his paws as if to express to Zhang Feng that he was fine.

With a dodge, Zeraora appeared directly in the center of the field, and at the same time, Darkrai also fell to a lower place and floated.

"Do it, Zeraora, there's a flash of lightning."

As soon as Zhang Feng finished speaking, Zeraora turned into a white streamer and rushed towards Darkrai.

I saw Darkrai immediately gathered the black holes in his hands and threw them directly at Zeraora. Zeraora seemed to have expected it to attack like this. He jumped to avoid the black hole and hit Darkrai directly. Darkrai's back with pain.

"Zeraora, good chance, close combat"

Seeing that Zeraora successfully got close, Zhang Feng shouted with joy on his face.

I saw that Zeraora once again caught up with Darkrai, who was in pain, and punched and kicked in close combat, making Darkrai very embarrassed.

Darkrai seized the gap between Zeraora's attack and directly used the hidden spirit surprise attack to turn into a shadow and escape into the ground again to open up the space with Zeraora.

"Behind, one hundred thousand unique."

Zhang Feng had already expected this blow.

Zeraora had also witnessed the battle between Darkrai and Muke Eagle before, and without any hesitation, she turned around suddenly with electric light flashing on her body, and a direct electric shock slashed past.

Darkrai looked surprised, and he narrowly avoided Zeraora's electric shock.

Darkrai once again formed a big black hole in his hand, and the overwhelming black ball of light rushed towards Zeraora and flew to avoid it.

I saw Zeraora's hands flickering with blue light to control the magnetic field and the whole body floated up, accelerating in the air to avoid the black hole attack again and again.

"Volt attack."

Watching Darkrai's black hole disappear, Zhang Feng knew that it was also a little tired, and quickly commanded the Zeraora attack in the air.

In mid-air, Zeraora was wrapped in yellow lightning and hit the floating Darkrai at high speed.

Darkrai was directly knocked out of the field and fainted. All the sights in front of Zhang Feng disappeared with Darkrai's fainting, and turned back into the room at the top of the tower.

Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief and threw a high-level ball towards Darkrai. The pokeball shot out a red light and sucked the fainted Darkrai into it. After shaking it symbolically for a few times, it was stunned.

With a bang, it was successful.

Zhang Feng picked up the Poke Ball from the ground.


The sound of the system also sounded immediately.

"Congratulations to the host for subduing the strongest dungeon Darkrai, all elves of the host have received 10 experience rewards and a pair of black glasses."

"The host will exit the copy immediately."

"what black glasses"

After hearing the system message, Zhang Feng immediately lost consciousness.

82, red lotus island, conspiracy

Hotel, in the room.


, the sound of the system sounded, and Zhang Feng was attracted by the sound before he could regain his senses.

"Warning, the host elf has reached the lineup limit, and Darkrai will be sent to the system warehouse, yes or no!"

You must know that you can only bring six Pokémon at any time in this world. Once the seventh one is captured, the Poké Ball will be automatically teleported in an emergency. If there is no teleportation point set, the Poké Ball will be sent to the one you registered as a trainer by default. Fairy Association Center.

When the family's children have a teleportation machine in the family, after setting the teleportation point, more than six elves will be teleported back to the family.


Zhang Feng said.

Fortunately, he has a system warehouse, otherwise he really doesn't know what will happen when Darkrai's Poke Ball is sent to the Poke Center in Hanlin City.

"The host elf has reached seven, please select the elf to put in the warehouse."

The sound of system mechanization sounded again.

"Muke Eagle!"

Zhang Feng thought for a while and chose to put the Muke Eagle into the system warehouse.

"Successful delivery."

After finishing everything, Zhang Feng also clicked on the system again, and clicked on the system interface belonging to Darkrai.

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