The black wave in Darkrai's hand shot directly at the place where the dream demon was hiding, and the dream demon was directly blown out by the wave.

And the data of the dream demon also appeared in Zhang Feng's mind at the same time, level 1.

, purple qualification.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng also smiled indifferently. No wonder they had been trapped in an illusion for so long. It turned out that they were wild elves who had reached the level of heavenly kings, and elves with such strength were very rare in the wild.

Zhang Feng directly let Darkrai fight on his own. Although the strength of the dream demon is not bad, it is still far worse than Darkrai.

After being hit by the black hole, Darkrai also solved the dream demon directly by eating the dream twice, and Zhang Feng subdued the dream demon without any suspense.

Darkrai returned to the Poké Ball, and Zhang Feng came to the two women. At this time, the two women had calmed down and breathed evenly. Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng was relieved.

88. Red Lotus City, Haoli

After rushing through the dark forest for three consecutive days, Zhang Feng and his party finally arrived at Honglian City.

On the way, Zhang Feng also explained the dream demon to Liu Menghan and Xia Zhimu, but in the past two days, Zhang Feng found that the two girls looked at her a little strangely, especially Xia Zhimu would always show a hint of affection unconsciously.

Xia Zhimu's performance was also noticed by Liu Menghan. Before the three of them traveled together, Xia Zhimu always showed that she didn't care about anything, but now her change made Liu Menghan have a little bit of vigilance.

After most of the day, it was close to Honglian City.

"Oh, I'm starving to death, this way!"

On the outskirts of Honglian City, Liu Menghan found an open space suitable for lunch.

It was still Zhang Feng who did it, and Liu Menghan who did it. Xia Zhimu didn't bother Zhang Feng anymore since she learned the lesson from the last failure. She ran to take out the elf egg that Zhang Feng and Liu Menghan obtained in Symphony City from her backpack. , let them bask in the sun.

In about half an hour, lunch is ready.

Smelling the fragrance, Liu Menghan and Xia Zhimu were both eager to try. They had been eating instant biscuits, snacks, etc., while walking in the dark forest for the past two days. Now they finally eat serious food.

Liu Menghan and Xia Zhimu started to eat first, and halfway through their meal, there was a sudden commotion in the grass not far away, Zhang Feng just looked over, and saw a black figure rushing towards the dining table, and two rice balls on the dining table disappeared. , Zhang Feng and the three of them also clearly saw the shadow of the shadow, that is a heroic force.

Haoli grabbed the rice ball and threw it directly into his mouth, and when he saw this Haoli, Zhang Feng's hand had already touched the Pokeball at his waist.

"Fairy elf, come out!"

From the system, Zhang Feng can see that this is a purple aptitude level 1.

Zhang Feng was a little funny.

Haoli smiled contemptuously when he saw the fairy elf, and gestured towards the fairy elf with his right hand, motioning for it to let the horse come over.

Seeing this scene, Liu Menghan on the side was a little funny, this heroic force is really interesting.

"Fairy elf, moving at high speed"

The fairy elf turned into afterimages and charged directly towards Haoli. Haoli was a little dazzled, and his right hand directly used his bare hand to slash at the fairy elf who jumped towards it, but this blow directly hit the afterimage.

"Iron Tail, Fairy Elf."

Zhang Feng shouted.

I saw the fairies on the ground jumped up violently, and an iron tail slammed into the arm that Haoli used to block, and the Hao Li was drawn back again and again.

"Fairy, Wind, solve it."

Seeing Haoli retreating, Zhang Feng didn't make any ink.

When it landed, the fairy elf ribbon rolled up in waves of white whirlwinds that directly hit Haoli, who was pushed directly by the giant and hit the tree.

Zhang Feng took the opportunity and threw the Poke Ball directly. The Poke Ball bounced on Hao Li and was successfully captured without shaking it a few times.

After a small episode of Haoli, the three of them dined.

The entrance of the food: I can't say it is delicious, but it is also called delicious, and the third is to solve everything on the table.

After lunch, after tidying up, the three of them are going to continue on the road, and not far ahead, they will officially enter the Red Lotus City.

Continue on the road.

"Zhang Feng, you have already received four badges. You will definitely participate in this year's World Championship qualifying battle."

Xia Zhimu asked softly while walking.

During this period of time, she can say that she has a thorough understanding of Zhang Feng's strength. He is different from those... newcomers and trainers who just came out to travel.

"Yes, I promised someone something."

Zhang Feng blurted out, after all, he promised to participate in next year's World Championship, and he will naturally participate in this year's qualifying.

The World Championship is to select a group of the strongest players from all over the world to participate, and the qualifying competition held in China is to select the seed players of the World Championship.

The champion can also get a chance to challenge China's strongest four kings and two champions once.

The three of them also entered Honglian City while chatting. Honglian City is a relatively backward city in China. It is not as good as Hanlin City, which has a permanent forest, and there are no towering buildings that can be seen at a glance. Most of them even It's all a little retro bungalow.

"Ding Ding Ding"

Before Zhang Feng could sigh, the phone rang and he took it out to see that it was Xiao Chi who was calling.

Zhang Feng looked happy, could it be that his island was settled, thinking that Zhang Feng directly answered the phone.

Xiao Chi's voice came from the other end of the phone.

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